Spiral Galaxies: Axes Alignment with Cosmic Voids

In summary, the article suggests that the axes of rotation of spiral galaxies are not purely random, but are instead preferentially aligned with cosmic voids. This is likely due to the formation of angular momentum in disk galaxies, as supported by statistical analysis of galaxy redshift survey data. The formation of this angular momentum is considered to be an expected consequence, although further explanation or resources on this topic may be needed.
  • #1
jim mcnamara
Sprial galaxies -
Are the axes of rotation of the purely random?

This article:
suggests the axes are preferentially aligned with cosmic voids.


Disk galaxies' axes should be highly inclined relative to the plane boundary of the nearby large-scale structure - or cosmic void. This is an 'expected consequence' of the formation of anglular momentum of disk galaxies. They show a good statistical fit of the hypothesis against galaxy redshift survey data - 2 sets.

Does someone have either an explanation or a link to something that explains the
'expected consqeuence' part of the formation of angular mometum in a disk galaxy?
Astronomy news on Phys.org
  • #2

FAQ: Spiral Galaxies: Axes Alignment with Cosmic Voids

1. What are spiral galaxies?

Spiral galaxies are a type of galaxy characterized by a flat, rotating disk with a central bulge and spiral arms that extend from the center. They are one of the most common types of galaxies in the universe.

2. How are spiral galaxies aligned with cosmic voids?

Recent studies have shown that spiral galaxies tend to be aligned with the surrounding cosmic voids, which are large, empty regions of space that are thought to play a role in the evolution of galaxies. This alignment is thought to be influenced by the large-scale structure and gravitational forces within the universe.

3. What is the significance of this alignment?

The alignment of spiral galaxies with cosmic voids provides insight into the formation and evolution of galaxies. It suggests that the formation of spiral arms may be influenced by the surrounding environment, and that cosmic voids may play a role in shaping the structure of galaxies.

4. How is this alignment studied?

Scientists use various techniques, such as galaxy surveys and advanced computer simulations, to study the alignment of spiral galaxies with cosmic voids. These methods allow researchers to analyze the distribution and orientation of galaxies on a large scale.

5. What are the potential implications of this alignment?

The alignment of spiral galaxies with cosmic voids could have implications for our understanding of the universe and its evolution. It may also provide insights into the formation and behavior of other types of galaxies, as well as the role of cosmic voids in the overall structure of the universe.
