Is there an optimal way to check complicated definite integrals?

In summary, the individual is seeking a value for the integral \int^{\infty}_0 {r^{3-\epsilon} \over (r^2+N^2)^2}dr and has tried looking it up in a book by Gradshteyn and Ryzhik but found it too complicated. They are wondering if there is another way to find the value and are considering using the Wolfram online integrator or Maple and Mathematica. The individual also mentions that the solution can be found in a paper by Kraus and Griffiths and shares their own solution using the Euler Beta and Gamma functions. Another individual suggests using Mathematica and provides a solution using the Gamma function. In summary, the conversation revolves around finding
  • #1

I am looking for a value of an integral
[tex]\int^{\infty}_0 {r^{3-\epsilon} \over (r^2+N^2)^2}dr[/tex]

I have tried looking up a book by Gradshteyn and Ryzhik, however, its structure is quite complicated. Should I rewrite the integrand in some other non-obvious way to find it? Would you recommend using some other resource?

The answer is known (it involves Gamma functions), as the integral is a part of a paper about the "ABC theory" (toy QFT) by Kraus and Griffiths. However, I would like to 1) discover the optimal way to check complicated definite integrals in future and 2) check the value of this particular integral.

Thank you.
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  • #3
yyat said:
Not sure if this helps, but you can always use the Wolfram online integrator:^(3-e)%2F(x^2+%2B+a^2)^2&random=false
I have tried it, this integrator does not do the definite integration. Input of the integrand above gives some "hypergeometric" functions as an output. I still hope that something better exists, but thank you anyway.

Maple or Mathematica would be a possibility, but I usually do not have them at hand.
  • #4
I have failed to find the value in the integral tables, but I post the solution here, in case someone needs it.

\int_0^\infty {r^{3-\epsilon}dr\over \left[r^2+\Lambda^2\right]^2}
= \int_0^\infty {rdr(r^2)^{1-\epsilon /2}dr\over \left[r^2+\Lambda^2\right]^2}
= \left[ \substack{r^2+\Lambda^2=\Lambda^2 / y \\ 2rdr = -\Lambda^2 dy / y^2} \right][/tex]
[tex]= \int_1^0 \left( -{\Lambda^2dy \over 2y^2 } \right)
\left[ \Lambda^2 \left( {1-y\over y} \right) \right]^{1-\epsilon /2}
\left( y \over \Lambda^2 \right)^2
={1 \over 2\Lambda^{\epsilon}} \int_0^1 \left( {1-y \over y} \right)^{1-\epsilon /2}dy.[/tex]

Then we have to know what Euler Beta and Gamma functions are.

[tex]B(a,b)=\int_0^1t^{a-1}(1-t)^{b-1}dt={\Gamma (a)\Gamma (b)\over \Gamma (a+b)}.[/tex]

And finally

[tex]R = \dfrac{1}{2\Lambda^{\epsilon}} B({\epsilon \over 2}, 2-{\epsilon \over 2})
= {\Gamma(\epsilon /2)\Gamma(2-\epsilon /2) \over 2\Lambda^{\epsilon}\Gamma(2)}
= {\Gamma(\epsilon /2)\Gamma(2-\epsilon /2) \over 2\Lambda^{\epsilon}}.[/tex]
  • #5
wasia said:
[tex]R = {\Gamma(\epsilon /2)\Gamma(2-\epsilon /2) \over 2\Lambda^{\epsilon}}.[/tex]

Using Mathematica I get
[tex] R = \frac{\pi(2-\epsilon)}{4\Lambda^{\epsilon}\sin(\epsilon\pi/2)}[/tex]
which appears to be equivalent.
  • #6
Yes by [tex]\frac{\pi}{\sin(\pi x)}=\Gamma(x)\Gamma(1-x)[/tex] one gets that result.

FAQ: Is there an optimal way to check complicated definite integrals?

What is the definition of a definite integral?

A definite integral is a mathematical concept that represents the area under a curve between two points on a graph. It is calculated by taking the limit of a sum of infinitesimal rectangles as the width of the rectangles approaches zero.

What is the difference between a definite and indefinite integral?

A definite integral has specific limits of integration and gives a numerical value, while an indefinite integral has no limits and represents a function.

How do you evaluate a definite integral?

To evaluate a definite integral, you can use various methods such as the Riemann sum, the midpoint rule, or integration by substitution. These methods involve breaking down the integral into smaller, more manageable parts and using mathematical principles to solve them.

What is the geometric interpretation of a definite integral?

The geometric interpretation of a definite integral is the area under a curve between two points on a graph. This area represents the total accumulation of a quantity over a given interval and can be visualized as the sum of infinitesimal rectangles.

What is the practical application of definite integrals in science?

Definite integrals are used in various fields of science, such as physics, engineering, and economics, to calculate important quantities such as displacement, velocity, work, and profit. They can also be used to solve real-life problems, such as finding the volume of a three-dimensional object or the amount of medicine in a patient's bloodstream over time.
