Moment of inertia of thin rod with non-uniform mass

In summary: You could also integrate from 0 to L and use the result.I tried integrating \lambda(x)x^2 from -L to 0 and then from 0 to L using the parallel axis theorem
  • #1

Homework Statement

A thin rod is exactly 1.9 meters long. The density in this rod varies in a peculiar manner. If we call the left-hand end of the rod x=0 and the right-hand end of the rod x=L , then the linear density can be expressed in units of kilograms per meter as

You grab the RIGHT-hand end of the rod and prepares to swing the rod this end. What is the moment of inertia of the rod around this end?

The Attempt at a Solution

I tried to intergrate from -L to 0 since your changing the axis of rotation and i got 1.16 kgm^2. You integrate the linear density times x^2 dx if you revolve from the left end , the bounds would be from 0 to L (1.85 kgm^2). The right side though... it doesn't work just the same, what needs to be changed to fufill the question, change of bounds, change of the density equation?
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  • #2
shotgunshogun said:

Homework Statement

A thin rod is exactly 1.9 meters long. The density in this rod varies in a peculiar manner. If we call the left-hand end of the rod x=0 and the right-hand end of the rod x=L , then the linear density can be expressed in units of kilograms per meter as

You grab the RIGHT-hand end of the rod and prepares to swing the rod this end. What is the moment of inertia of the rod around this end?

The Attempt at a Solution

I tried to intergrate from -L to 0 since your changing the axis of rotation and i got 1.16 kgm^2. You integrate the linear density times x^2 dx if you revolve from the left end , the bounds would be from 0 to L (1.85 kgm^2). The right side though... it doesn't work just the same, what needs to be changed to fufill the question, change of bounds, change of the density equation?

What did you try to integrate? Can you show your equation?
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  • #3
I tried to integrate [tex]\lambda(x)x^2[/tex] from -L to 0
  • #4
shotgunshogun said:
I tried to integrate [tex]\lambda(x)x^2[/tex] from -L to 0

And not 0 to L ?

Edit: Oops I see they are going to hold it by the other end away from 0
  • #5
OK. You need to revise your treatment of the distance of the moment arm then don't you?

Instead of multiplying by x2 and then integrating 0 to L if you were holding it at the origin, your moment arms now are (L - x)2 aren't they?

Then you can integrate from 0 to L as before?
  • #6
i worked it out and i don't believe it works because the inertia is greater than the first situation. The value should be lower because the mass increases as it approaches 1.9. So when you rotate it from the right side, it should be a lot easier to rotate the object and thus, a lesser value moment of inertia
  • #7
Choosing to go along the negative x-axis still puts your hands on the wrong end of the bat. Besides I'm not certain that λ is valid for -x.

Consider my suggestion a little more carefully.

For any mass element along the X axis you have a mass element of λ (x) a distance of L - x away. Is that not true?
  • #8
The easy way to work this problem is to figure the MMOI with respect to the left end and then use the parallel axis theorem to move it to the right end.

FAQ: Moment of inertia of thin rod with non-uniform mass

What is the moment of inertia of a thin rod with non-uniform mass?

The moment of inertia of a thin rod with non-uniform mass is a measure of its resistance to rotational motion. It takes into account both the mass and the distribution of that mass along the length of the rod.

How is the moment of inertia of a thin rod with non-uniform mass calculated?

The moment of inertia of a thin rod with non-uniform mass can be calculated using the formula I = ∫r²dm, where r is the distance from the axis of rotation and dm is the mass at that distance. This integral can be evaluated using calculus.

What factors affect the moment of inertia of a thin rod with non-uniform mass?

The moment of inertia of a thin rod with non-uniform mass is affected by the mass distribution along the length of the rod, as well as the length and thickness of the rod. The shape and density of the rod may also play a role in the calculation.

How does the moment of inertia change if the mass distribution along the rod is not uniform?

If the mass distribution along the rod is not uniform, the moment of inertia will be different depending on the axis of rotation. This is because the distance from the axis of rotation to each small mass element will vary, and this distance is squared in the moment of inertia formula.

Can the moment of inertia of a thin rod with non-uniform mass be negative?

No, the moment of inertia cannot be negative. It is a measure of an object's resistance to rotation, and a negative value would not make physical sense. If the calculated moment of inertia is negative, it is likely due to an error in the calculation.

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