Angular acceleration and force with constant angular velocity?

In summary, a mass of 2kg is moving at a constant speed in a circular path with a radius of 0.5m on a frictionless table, constrained by a string with a tension of 5N. The tangential speed is calculated to be √1.25 m/s and the angular velocity is 0.5√1.25 m/s counterclockwise from the positive x-axis. The angular acceleration is zero due to the constant speed, but there is a linear acceleration in the form of centripetal acceleration. The rotation rate remains constant, but the direction of the velocity vector changes.
  • #1

Homework Statement

A mass M=2kg moves at a constant speed constrained by a string to move in a circle with radius .5m on a frictionless table. The tension in the string is 5N.

What is the tangential speed?
What is the angular velocity?
What is the angular acceleration?
How much work has the rope done when the mass has gone through angle [itex]\pi[/itex]?

Homework Equations

a_c = v^2/r

The Attempt at a Solution

I calculated that the tangential speed is equal to sqrt(1.25)m/s.
I also calculated that the angular velocity is (.5)(sqrt(1.25) m/s counterclockwise from the positive x-axis.

But how do I do the angular acceleration?

Is the force equal to zero, because the force is to the center and the direction is tangential?
Physics news on
  • #2
cloudboy said:
But how do I do the angular acceleration?

Is the force equal to zero, because the force is to the center and the direction is tangential?

Is the mass speeding up or slowing down, or does it have a constant speed?
  • #3
Constant speed
  • #4
cloudboy said:
Constant speed

So if the speed is constant, what does that say about the angular acceleration? Is the rotation rate changing?
  • #5
ω is constant, but it is uniformly changing direction. So there has to be an angular acceleration.

edit --

but since angular acceleration = tangential accel. / r -- would angular acceleration = 0?
  • #6
cloudboy said:
ω is constant, but it is uniformly changing direction. So there has to be an angular acceleration.

ω is not changing direction. It's a vector that's perpendicular to the plane of motion, i.e., it lies along the rotational axis. Angular acceleration, [itex]\alpha[/itex] is the rate of change of ω, and if ω is constant, [itex]\alpha[/itex] is zero.

On the other hand, since the linear velocity vector is changing with time, there IS linear acceleration. This acceleration is in fact the centripetal acceleration (always pointing towards the center of motion).
  • #7
Ok thanks a lot! I really appreciate the help. I just didn't have a firm grasp on the concept.

FAQ: Angular acceleration and force with constant angular velocity?

What is angular acceleration?

Angular acceleration is the rate at which an object's angular velocity changes over time. It is measured in radians per second squared (rad/s^2).

What is constant angular velocity?

Constant angular velocity is when an object's angular velocity remains the same over time. This means that the object is moving at a constant speed in a circular path.

How do angular acceleration and force relate?

Angular acceleration and force are related through Newton's Second Law, which states that the net force on an object is equal to its mass multiplied by its acceleration. In terms of angular motion, this translates to the torque (force that causes rotation) being equal to the moment of inertia (resistance to rotation) multiplied by the angular acceleration.

What is the equation for calculating angular acceleration?

The equation for calculating angular acceleration is α = Δω/Δt, where α is the angular acceleration, Δω is the change in angular velocity, and Δt is the change in time.

Can angular acceleration and force be negative?

Yes, angular acceleration and force can be negative. A negative value indicates that the object is decelerating or experiencing a force in the opposite direction of its motion. This can happen in situations where the object is slowing down or changing direction.
