Internal quark-quark EM forces of particles?

In summary: The uncertainty in the theoretic prediction for the hyperfine structure in hydrogen is dominated by the (incomplete) knowledge of the charge distribution in a hadron. This charge distribution is thought to be determined by the charges of the quarks, and is not well understood. Future experiments are planned to help fill in this knowledge.
  • #1
Hi all,

So quarks are given fractional charges, which then add to the total charge of the particle they constitute. My question is if the electromagnetic forces between quarks are taken into account? I was thinking that such things might be automatically taken care of via Feynman diagrams etc, but I don't think QFT deals well with bound states...

As a side point, presumably there is then a charge distribution inside particles, depending on the charges of the quarks. Is there empirical evidence showing effects of this? I presume it does not show up in things such as the hydrogen spectrum as the electron is sufficiently far from the proton for it to be negligible...?

All thoughts appreciated.

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  • #2

I think the internal structure of hadrons is comparatively poorly understood and there are still many unanswered questions about it. Quarks interact with each other through the strong force, and this is two orders of magnitude greater than the electomagnetic force at the fermi scale, so has a much smaller role to play.

From a distance of a few fermi away a nucleus has a saxon-woods type potential, but the further you get into the core of a hadron the stranger things get. There are lots of experiments ongoing and future experiments planned to discover more about this very subject...
  • #3
ianhoolihan said:
My question is if the electromagnetic forces between quarks are taken into account?
afaik the el.-mag. forces are always neglected when calculating QCD bound states, simply the strong interactions dominate other forces

ianhoolihan said:
I was thinking that such things might be automatically taken care of via Feynman diagrams etc ...
not automatically, but if you draw and calculate *all* diagrams ...

ianhoolihan said:
... but I don't think QFT deals well with bound states...
I guess you mean *perturbative* QFT; QFTs can be defined non-perturbatively and can deal with bound states, of course; there are calculations regarding color confinement using non-perturbative, canonical quantization, and there is of course the lattice gauge quantization dealing with hadron masses, form factors and things ike that (afaik with an error less than 5%)

ianhoolihan said:
... there is then a charge distribution inside particles, depending on the charges of the quarks. Is there empirical evidence showing effects of this?
yes, but not in the ordinary position space distribution; one studies nucleon structure functions in deep inelastic electron-nucleon scattering; form factors are - roughly speaking - the Fourier transform of charge and current densities measured in elastic scattering whereas the structure functions are measured in inelastic scattering.
  • #4
Rooted said:
I think the internal structure of hadrons is comparatively poorly understood and there are still many unanswered questions about it. Quarks interact with each other through the strong force, and this is two orders of magnitude greater than the electomagnetic force at the fermi scale, so has a much smaller role to play.

Fair point.

Rooted said:
From a distance of a few fermi away a nucleus has a saxon-woods type potential, but the further you get into the core of a hadron the stranger things get. There are lots of experiments ongoing and future experiments planned to discover more about this very subject...

But the saxon-woods potential is still spherically symmetric...?

Nonetheless, I'm glad I've asked a question which doesn't have a silly answer and make me feel like a fool!

Crikey, banana cake has been in the oven way to long!
  • #5
tom.stoer said:
not automatically, but if you draw and calculate *all* diagrams ...
Yes, by "automatically" I mean "if you include enough diagrams".

tom.stoer said:
I guess you mean *perturbative* QFT; QFTs can be defined non-perturbatively and can deal with bound states, of course; there are calculations regarding color confinement using non-perturbative, canonical quantization, and there is of course the lattice gauge quantization dealing with hadron masses, form factors and things ike that (afaik with an error less than 5%)
Actually, I'm just beginning QFT, so what you've said is beyond me. However I do always hear that QFT generally works only for initial and final states that are of free particles. Clearly I have a lot to learn.

tom.stoer said:
yes, but not in the ordinary position space distribution; one studies nucleon structure functions in deep inelastic electron-nucleon scattering; form factors are - roughly speaking - the Fourier transform of charge and current densities measured in elastic scattering whereas the structure functions are measured in inelastic scattering.
Glad to know there is evidence, though again, understanding what you've said is beyond me.
  • #6
no problem; you should simply be aware of the fact that QFT in textbooks and lectures sometimes means "perturbative QFT" and that there is something beyond ...

... you may want to start here
  • #7
ianhoolihan said:
As a side point, presumably there is then a charge distribution inside particles, depending on the charges of the quarks.
The uncertainty in the theoretic prediction for the hyperfine structure in hydrogen is dominated by the (incomplete) knowledge of the charge distribution in a proton.
  • #8
mfb said:
The uncertainty in the theoretic prediction for the hyperfine structure in hydrogen is dominated by the (incomplete) knowledge of the charge distribution in a proton.
That makes sense. Thanks for pointing that out.

FAQ: Internal quark-quark EM forces of particles?

1. What are internal quark-quark EM forces of particles?

The internal quark-quark EM forces of particles refer to the electromagnetic forces that act between the quarks within a particle. Quarks are elementary particles that make up protons and neutrons, and they interact with each other through the exchange of virtual photons, which are particles of light. These forces play a crucial role in determining the structure and properties of particles.

2. How do these forces affect the behavior of particles?

The internal quark-quark EM forces are responsible for holding quarks together and determining their relative positions within a particle. They also contribute to the overall charge and magnetic properties of the particle. These forces are crucial in understanding the stability and interactions of particles in the quantum world.

3. Can these forces be observed or measured?

Since these forces act at a very small scale, they cannot be directly observed or measured. However, their effects can be observed through experiments that involve high-energy collisions, such as those conducted at particle accelerators like the Large Hadron Collider. These experiments provide evidence of the existence and behavior of quark-quark EM forces.

4. How do these forces relate to the other fundamental forces of nature?

The internal quark-quark EM forces are one of the four fundamental forces of nature, along with gravity, strong nuclear force, and weak nuclear force. These forces are responsible for all the interactions in the universe, and they are described by different mathematical models. The internal forces of quarks specifically fall under the realm of quantum electrodynamics, which studies the behavior of particles at the subatomic level.

5. Are there any practical applications of understanding these forces?

Understanding the internal quark-quark EM forces is crucial in developing our understanding of the universe and the fundamental laws that govern it. It also has practical applications in fields such as particle physics, nuclear energy, and technology. By studying these forces, scientists can gain insight into the structure and behavior of matter, leading to advancements in various areas of science and technology.
