Number of Planets with Circular Orbits: Probability & Science

  • Thread starter Algren
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By contrast, the difference between Earth's apoapsis and periapsis is 5,000,000 km.The calculation is from the formula for an ellipse(x/a)^2 + (y/b)^2 = 1where a is the semi-major axis and b is the semi-minor axis. This follows from the fact that the distance from the center to any point on the ellipse satisfiesd = sqrt{(x/a)^2 + (y/b)^2}and the definition of eccentricity e = c/a, where c is the distance from the center to either focus. Soe = c/a = a\sqrt{1-e^2}/a = \sqrt{1-e^2}.
  • #1
There was one question i got in an interview, and I couldn't answer it at all:

"There are 1 million stars, and 10 planets orbiting each star. Consider that the planets do not disturb each other, and the planet systems, including the stars, dont disturb each other. Then, how many of these planets will have perfectly circular orbits?"

I said that its a case of coincidence, they replied:

"Scientists don't stop at coincidence, they find its probability. Please tell how we can find the answer."

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  • #2
It isn't about the answer, it's about how you go about answering it.

One question I would have is what is the tolerance for "perfectly circular". Because the orbital eccentricities will surely fall on a bell curve, so how many depends on how accurate we want.

But you don't ask the question, what you do is pick a value and state your assumption.

"OK, let's say 'perfectly circular' means an eccentricity of .01 or less, so..."

They want to hear how you use your skills to crack an egg, even if the egg is hypothetical.
  • #3
Algren said:
There was one question i got in an interview, and I couldn't answer it at all:

"There are 1 million stars, and 10 planets orbiting each star. Consider that the planets do not disturb each other, and the planet systems, including the stars, dont disturb each other. Then, how many of these planets will have perfectly circular orbits?"
That is a nonsensical and nonscientific question, which is what my first answer would have been. If pressed, I would have responded with "Let's me answer that with the answer to your next question, 'What is your greatest fault?' I have a hard time dealing with nonsense. It makes me get snippy and short. I have learned to watch for that, but it is still trying."

If pressed even further I would have answered that if the problem is looked at classically, with semi major axis and momentum drawn randomly from some distribution with a continuous CDF, the subset of orbits that are perfectly circular is a space of measure zero. Therefore, none of them. Looking at it quantum mechanically, semi-major axis and momentum are conjugate variables. There is no way to know whether an orbit is perfectly circular.
"Scientists don't stop at coincidence, they find its probability. Please tell how we can find the answer."

If pressed even further with that nonsense, I would have gone back to option #1 and said something short and snippy such as "Scientists don't ask questions such as 'What do the laws of physics say will happen when the laws of physics are violated?'"
  • #4
Algren said:
There was one question i got in an interview, and I couldn't answer it at all:

"There are 1 million stars, and 10 planets orbiting each star. Consider that the planets do not disturb each other, and the planet systems, including the stars, dont disturb each other. Then, how many of these planets will have perfectly circular orbits?"

I said that its a case of coincidence, they replied:

"Scientists don't stop at coincidence, they find its probability. Please tell how we can find the answer."


No answer of any consequence may be formulated, as the associated principles pertaining to radial gravitational fields are violated by the very nature of the question. How then, would one formulate probabilities pertaining to that which violates long observed reality? Hence, probability concerning that which is, in essence, “make believe” is an exercise in futility consequently; the question is unanswerable to any degree of accuracy or expectation.
  • #5
As others have mentioned, the answer is 0, unless you put a constraint on "perfectly circular" as Dave suggested. e=0.01 is circular enough that you couldn't visually discern that it wasn't perfectly circular. Earth's eccentricity is higher than this, yet Earth's orbit is out of round by less than 2 Earth diameters.
  • #6
tony873004 said:
Earth's eccentricity is higher than this, yet Earth's orbit is out of round by less than 2 Earth diameters.

Er, the difference between Earth's perihelion and aphelion is some 5,000,000 km or ~292 Earth diameters.
  • #7
Janus said:
Er, the difference between Earth's perihelion and aphelion is some 5,000,000 km or ~292 Earth diameters.
Perihelion and aphelion are measurements of Earth's distance to the Sun. The Sun doesn't sit at the center of the ellipse. It's on a focus. Earth's semi-major axis is about 21000 km greater than its semi-minor axis.
  • #8
tony873004 said:
Earth's semi-major axis is about 21000 km greater than its semi-minor axis.
Source please? I'd have thought Earth's semi-minor axis would be easy to look up but it turns out to be quite elusive.

This is the closest I've found:
but it does claim that the diff as ~20,000km.
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  • #9
DaveC426913 said:
Source please? I'd have thought Earth's semi-minor axis would be easy to look up but it turns out to be quite elusive.
It's easily calculable. Semi minor axis is given by [itex]b=a\sqrt{1-e^2}[/itex]. The difference between semi major and semi minor axes is thus [itex]a-b=a(1-\sqrt{1-e^2})[/itex]. For the Earth, e is 0.01671123, a is 1.00000261 AU, and thus a-b = 20,890 km.

FAQ: Number of Planets with Circular Orbits: Probability & Science

What is the definition of a circular orbit?

A circular orbit is a path in which an object moves around another object in a perfect circle, with the same distance between the two objects at all times.

How is the number of planets with circular orbits determined?

The number of planets with circular orbits can be determined through various scientific methods, such as observing the size and shape of the orbit, measuring the eccentricity of the orbit, and analyzing the gravitational pull between the planet and its host star.

Is it common for planets to have circular orbits?

While there is no definitive answer, it is believed that most planets in our solar system have circular orbits. However, as we discover more exoplanets (planets outside of our solar system), it is becoming more apparent that many have elliptical orbits rather than circular ones.

What factors affect the probability of a planet having a circular orbit?

Some factors that can affect the probability of a planet having a circular orbit include the mass and size of the planet, the distance from its host star, and the presence of other objects in the planetary system that may disrupt the orbit.

How does the number of planets with circular orbits impact our understanding of the universe?

Studying the number of planets with circular orbits can provide valuable insights into the formation and evolution of planetary systems. It can also help us understand the conditions necessary for a planet to have a stable and circular orbit, which may have implications for the potential habitability of these planets.

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