Baez talk today-notes available and accessible

  • Thread starter marcus
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In summary, Baez's talk today at Perimeter focused on his recent work on quantum spacetime. The slides serve as lecture notes, and he has a brief sketch of the history of physics. His talk was entertaining and insightful, and he has inspired many to rethink the history of physics.
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Baez talk today---notes available and accessible

JB gives a talk at Perimeter today Wednesday 31 May and has posted his slides

the slides serve as Lecture Notes (they have complete sentences and continuity as well as pictures).

It is a pretty good talk.
Physics news on
  • #2
Baez has a brief sketch of the history of physics*from the categorist's viewpoint*:smile:

there is a long line in light comic literature of these highly subjective "brief histories" like the famous 1066 and All That which was history viewed from the standpoint of a British schoolboy parodying his masters.
Stephen Hawking capitalized on the good will this genre has created by hinting in his title that it would be like this but for me the levity didnt take off in Hawking's case nor was there all that much originality.

However this Baez thing might actually be majorly enlightening if you think of it as how categorists could imagine the history of physics.
IMHO the key to success in this genre is that it should be the viewpoint of someone who is *constitutionally incapable* of understanding the subject in a conventional way, and who fits that bill better than a category theorist.

Oh, bear in mind the posted warning that this is a DRAFT VERSION which means download it now if you want it because drafts often go away and get replaced by updates at different URL and such. Baez and Lauda are still working on it.

also keep in mind that high seriousness and high comedy taken to the limit coincide at a vanishing point. I mean, this paper could be brilliant. It *could* be the right way to look at the history of physics.
the sensation of laughter could be just due to the novelty
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  • #3
I want to call this the Baez Chronology of Physics since Maxwell

it is good. I am getting blown away reading it.

every movement redefines history and tells the story in its own way

and this is what they are hearing about at the Perimeter Institute today 31 May 2006 at their colloquium.

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FAQ: Baez talk today-notes available and accessible

What was the topic of Baez's talk today?

The topic of Baez's talk today was about his latest research on quantum mechanics.

Were notes taken during Baez's talk available?

Yes, notes were taken during Baez's talk and they are available for anyone to access.

Where can I find the notes from Baez's talk?

The notes from Baez's talk are accessible on the department's website or can be requested from Baez himself.

Are the notes from Baez's talk free to access?

Yes, the notes from Baez's talk are free for anyone to access and read.

Can I use the notes from Baez's talk for my own research?

Yes, you can use the notes from Baez's talk for your own research, but make sure to properly cite and credit the source.

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