University Standards: What to Expect at University?

  • Thread starter Dooga Blackrazor
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In summary, university professors are aware of the diverse backgrounds of students and introductory classes are designed to bring everyone to the same level. Students with strong high school courses may find the classes boring, while those without may excel. It is important for students to take responsibility for their learning and seek help if they feel unprepared for college.
  • #1
Dooga Blackrazor
I'm sure it depends on the University but I'm wondering what goes on in University with the fact everyone is coming from different schools. I'm interested in Computer's and the Computer courses at my school are a joke and I live in a small town so I can self-help by internet and books I guess.

Basically from those people who go to Universities. Do they expect you to know basic things when you get there or do they treat you like you know nothign and go over the basics while you sit there and yawn for the first few days?

I'm asking basically because I'm worried I might get to University and find out I should have known 50 hard to learn things by then.
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  • #2
Dooga, university professors know the students all come from very diverse backgrounds. Introductory classes are intended to get everyone onto the same starting level. That means that those who had a lot of strong classes in high school may find themselves a bit bored, and those who didn't will have to work extra hard to keep up. My experience has been that those who have never had high school courses related to a subject seem to do better in those classes, partly because they aren't coming in with the misinformation their high school teachers taught them and partly because they know from the start they need to keep up with their studying and homework and have less of a tendency to put it off until it's too late to learn it all. And if you find you were woefully unprepared for college in your high school classes, then you need to take the responsibility of finding a tutor.
  • #3

The expectations at university will vary depending on the specific university and program you are enrolled in. However, there are some general expectations that most universities have for their students.

Firstly, it is important to note that university is a higher level of education compared to high school or other previous schooling. This means that the courses and materials will likely be more challenging and require a deeper understanding of the subject matter.

In terms of computer courses specifically, universities typically expect students to have a basic understanding of computer skills and software before beginning their courses. This may include knowledge of common programs like Microsoft Office, as well as basic computer skills such as typing and navigating the internet.

However, universities also understand that students come from different backgrounds and may not have had the same opportunities or access to resources. Therefore, they often provide introductory courses or tutorials to help students catch up and fill in any knowledge gaps.

It is also important to note that university is a place of learning and growth, so it is not expected that students know everything before they arrive. Professors and instructors are there to guide and support students, and they will not expect you to know everything right away.

My advice would be to take advantage of any resources or support offered by the university, such as orientation programs or tutoring services. And if you do feel overwhelmed or behind, don't be afraid to reach out for help from your professors or classmates.

Overall, while there may be some expectations of basic knowledge, universities are also understanding and accommodating of individual backgrounds and experiences. So don't worry too much and focus on your enthusiasm and willingness to learn and grow in your chosen field.

FAQ: University Standards: What to Expect at University?

1. What are some common academic standards at university?

Some common academic standards at university include attending lectures and seminars, participating in class discussions and group projects, completing assignments and exams, and maintaining a certain grade point average.

2. How is academic success measured at university?

Academic success at university is typically measured by grades, GPA, and class participation. Other factors such as research projects, internships, and extracurricular activities may also contribute to a student's success.

3. Are there any specific rules or regulations that students must follow at university?

Yes, universities have their own code of conduct and rules that students are expected to follow. These may include policies on academic integrity, plagiarism, and respectful behavior towards others.

4. What resources are available to help students meet university standards?

Universities often provide resources such as tutoring services, writing centers, and academic advising to help students meet academic standards. Students can also seek support from professors, classmates, and study groups.

5. How can students prepare for university standards before starting their studies?

To prepare for university standards, students can develop strong study skills, time management techniques, and critical thinking abilities. It is also helpful to familiarize oneself with the university's academic policies and expectations before beginning classes.
