Exploring the Similarities between Geometrodynamic and Quantum Singularities

  • Thread starter Loren Booda
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In summary: Quantum mechanics does not apply to black holes.Quantum mechanics is the branch of physics that studies the behavior of matter and energy on the atomic and subatomic level.Quantum mechanics is the foundation of modern physics and its theories have profoundly changed our understanding of the world.In summary, a geometrodynamic singularity is similar to a collapsed quantum, but quantum mechanics does not apply to black holes.
  • #1
Loren Booda
What, if any, are the similarities between a geometrodynamic singularity and that of a collapsed quantum?
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
The word quantum is not an object (or noun if you prefer).
It is an adjective or qualifier.

In quantum mechanics (QM) the wave function collapses.
The wave function is a probability distribution, not really a wave at all.
Collapsing just means that one of the possible outcomes got selected.

I imagine that by geometrodynamic singularity you mean Black Hole.
In this case it is a physical object.
  • #3
Thank you, No Time.

I disagree that "quantum" cannot be a noun. See most online dictionaries, e.g., Answers.com:


1. The smallest amount of a physical quantity that can exist independently, especially a discrete quantity of electromagnetic radiation.
2. This amount of energy regarded as a unit."

More importantly, though, does there exist a wavefunction for a black hole singularity (Hawking?)
  • #4
Yes, you could define it as a concept.
However, there is no physical object/value called a quantum.
The only discrete value of electromagnetic radiation is the photon.
AFAIK photons do not have a minimum energy.
You can come arbitrarily close to 0.
There is however, a minimum length, the plank length.
This implies that photons can have a maximum energy.

Hawking defined a minimum black hole, a quantum black hole.
However, wavefunctions deal with interactions and exist due to the Hiesenberg uncertainty principle.
There would be a wavefunction defining its location or stability for instance.
  • #5
If black holes are restricted as singularities in spacetime, then how can one determine their momentum's range (according to Heisenberg's uncertainty principle)? I guess you are saying that they can still be singularities yet possesses a spatial uncertainty.
  • #6
I don't know what you mean by restricted as singularities.
They are singularities.
Mostly that means that you can not know what is in the singularity region. The only thing you can know is effects outside the singularity region.

All known black holes are large massive objects.
Quantum rules like wavefunction just don't apply.
Heisenberg's uncertainty principle says you can know momentum or spatial location. Not both.

Hawking's quantum black holes have never been observed. I've seen some speculation that electrons are quantum black holes. If there is any meaning to this at all then reality would be quite distinct from Hawking's ideas.
  • #7
How would a quantum black hole, of Planck radius and Planck mass, decay?
  • #8
Don't forget that black holes come about from General Relativity, not Quantum Theory. The two are still fundamentally incompatible, and inconsistencies arise in regimes where both must be taken into account, e.g. at the Planck scale. That's why we need a theory of Quantum Gravity, which I'm guessing is what you'd need to get a good answer to your question.
  • #9
You could try this.

  • #10
belliott4488 tells of no answers without a new theory; NoTime tells of a new theory without answers at present.

Pardon my skepticism; the fault lies in the physics, not you all.

Hawking's paper (Phys Rev D, 15 Jan 1976, p. 191-197) is one of my favorites: Black Holes and Thermodynamics, where he first proposed what would later be known as Hawking radiation. It may be as close as we have come to a theory of quantum gravity. A radiating (without absorbing) black hole emits quanta where its end product, I would guess, is a quantum black hole.

FAQ: Exploring the Similarities between Geometrodynamic and Quantum Singularities

What is Singularity Similarity?

Singularity Similarity is a concept that refers to the idea that, as advanced technology continues to evolve and merge with human existence, the line between humans and machines will become increasingly blurred.

What are some examples of Singularity Similarity?

One example of Singularity Similarity is the use of artificial intelligence in everyday tasks, such as virtual personal assistants or self-driving cars. Another example is the integration of technology into the human body, such as brain-computer interfaces or prosthetic limbs with advanced capabilities.

What are the potential benefits of Singularity Similarity?

The potential benefits of Singularity Similarity include increased efficiency and productivity, improved quality of life through medical advancements, and the ability to overcome physical and mental limitations.

What are the potential risks of Singularity Similarity?

Some potential risks of Singularity Similarity include loss of jobs due to automation, ethical concerns surrounding the use of advanced technology, and potential for a digital divide between those who have access to advanced technology and those who do not.

Is Singularity Similarity inevitable?

This is a highly debated topic among scientists and experts. Some argue that Singularity Similarity is inevitable due to the rapid advancement of technology, while others believe that human intervention and regulation can control the pace and extent of this phenomenon.

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