Methanol Maser Emission: Strength and Effects on Earth

In summary, the conversation is about a student conducting their final year project in radio astronomy and needing to know the strength of the methanol signal reaching Earth. They mention that the peak flux density for methanol masers varies between 200-5000 Jy and ask if there is a connection between this value and the gain of the methanol signal in dB. They also mention their lack of knowledge on electronics and thank anyone for any help or advice.
  • #1

I'm an MPhys Physics with Astro student, conducting my final year project in the field of radio astronomy (well, it's more like electronics at the moment - trying to fix a downconverter, but anyway...)

My question: I'm interested in observing the 6.67GHz methanol maser emission. For a part of my project I think I need to know the "strength" of the methanol signal reaching Earth. (I need to be able to compare the gain of signal strength to the noise figure of my downconverter - I think this is where the problems may lie with my system!)

I have tried looking through various journals and websites. From what I can see, on average, the peak flux density for methanol masers varies between 200-5000 Jy.

Admittedly, my electronics knowledge is poor, but I was wondering and have been trying to figure out, if this value is related in anyway?

Many thanks for any help or advice anyone can give!
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  • #2
Welcome to PF, smithy! :smile:

You ask: "I was wondering and have been trying to figure out, if this value is related in anyway?"

I'm afraid I don't understand the question; related to (or with) what (I assume "this value" is "the peak flux density for methanol masers").

Do you know what a jansky is?
  • #3
1 Jy = 1x10^(-26) W m^(-2) s

As far as I'm aware, Jansky is a measure of energy radiation, named after the founder of radio astronomy.

Yes, I'm just trying to see if anyone knows of a connection between peak flux density (in Jy) to the gain of the methanol signal (in dB) ? I can't seem to find any useful information on methanol signal strength anywhere (except given in Jy, but then I can't work out/find out any conversion factors).

Thanks again!

FAQ: Methanol Maser Emission: Strength and Effects on Earth

1. What is methanol maser emission?

Methanol maser emission is a type of natural laser emission that occurs in space. It is produced by molecules of methanol, a simple alcohol, that are excited by radiation from nearby stars or other celestial objects.

2. How strong is methanol maser emission?

The strength of methanol maser emission can vary greatly depending on the source. Some sources can produce emission that is thousands or even millions of times stronger than others. The strength of the emission is often measured in units of jansky (Jy), with one jansky equal to 10^-26 watts per square meter per Hertz.

3. What are the effects of methanol maser emission on Earth?

Methanol maser emission has no direct effect on Earth since it occurs in space. However, studying this emission can provide valuable information about the physical and chemical processes happening in the universe. It can also help scientists better understand the formation and evolution of stars and galaxies.

4. How is methanol maser emission detected?

Methanol maser emission is typically detected using radio telescopes that are sensitive to the specific frequencies of the emission. These telescopes can collect and amplify the weak signals coming from space, allowing scientists to study the properties of the emission and its source.

5. Can methanol maser emission be used for communication?

No, methanol maser emission is not suitable for communication purposes. It occurs at specific frequencies that are not easily modulated for communication signals. Additionally, the emission is only produced in certain celestial objects and is not a reliable source for communication signals.

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