Recursion-theoretic if-statements

  • Thread starter kanima
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In summary, the conversation discusses the implementation of if-statements in recursion-theoretic terms and the definition of partial recursive functions. The use of function symbols and Turing machines is also mentioned. The solution for implementing an if-statement is proposed using a function T(x) to determine if a given input is less than 50, and then using this function to define the overall function. The concept of a general recursive predicate is also briefly discussed.
  • #1
Hi, there, I was wondering if anyone knew a good way to implement if-statements in recursion-theoretic terms. Basically, I've come to the understanding that primitive recursion is analogous to a for-loop and mu-recursion to more general while-loops, but is there in general a simple analog of an if-statement in recursion theory?

For example, suppose that given partial recursive functions [itex]g[/itex] and [itex]h[/itex] I had the following algorithm which takes [itex]x[/itex] as input.

if [itex]x < 50[/itex] then
return [itex]g(x)[/itex]​
return [itex]h(x)[/itex]​

How could I define a partial recursive function computing the above algorithm? What if the condition [itex]x < 50[/itex] were replaced by some more general recursive predicate [itex]R(x)[/itex]?

I suspect this shouldn't be so difficult but I am quite new to this subject. If this is the case, I would be quite glad if someone would share their knowledge me.

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  • #2
I don't know the answer to your question, but it prompted me to look up "partial recursive function". I notice there a considerable difference between how it is defined on the Wikipedia ( versus Wolfram (

If we use the Wolfram definition, your question could be interpreted as asking how to write a function who definition has an "if ... then " clause as a series of equations. However, I'm not sure that question is significant if we are allowed to use "function symbols" in the equations unless there is some restriction on what functions can be represented by "function symbol". Is there something that says a "function symbol" cannot stand for a function (say on the non-negative integers) which is the list of pairs (x, f(x)) = { (1,0),(2,0),(3,1),(4,1),... }, which amounts to f(k) = 0 if k < 3 and f(k) = 1 otherwise.
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  • #3
Sorry, I should have been more specific, especially because of the many guises this same subject appears in.

My definition of partial recursive function is more in line with the one given in the following wikipedia article:Μ-recursive_function.

Wikipedia calls them partial [itex]\mu[/itex]-recursive functions, and the am following simply calls them partial recursive functions.

The class of functions defined in this way is equivalent to the class of those defined in the Wolfram link. This class of functions is also equivalent to the class of Turing-computable functions: functions whose values can be computed by some Turing machine.

It shouldn't be very difficult to implement conditional if-statements on Turing machines (since they're pretty natural models of computation). However, I am interested in seeing how a function computed by an algorithm with an if-statement can be built up from definition given in the wikipedia page on [itex]\mu[/itex]-recursive functions.
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  • #4
Perhaps the place to start is to find a function T(x) that returns 1 if x < 50 and returns 0 otherwise. Then the function you asked about is defined by f(x) = T(x)g(x) + (1-T(x))h(x).

What is a "general recursive predicate"? Is there a definition or theorem that says its evaluation (as true or false , or 1 or 0) is computable.
  • #5
Yes, I believe you're right, and looks like the answer was quite simple after all. By a recursive predicate I did just mean a recursive function that could only give the values 0 or 1. So I guess the function [itex]f[/itex] in your example would be recursive if the predicate [itex]T[/itex] expressing the condition was recursive.

FAQ: Recursion-theoretic if-statements

1. What is a recursion-theoretic if-statement?

A recursion-theoretic if-statement is a type of conditional statement in computer programming that uses recursion, or repeated self-reference, to determine whether a certain condition is true or false. It is commonly used in programming languages such as Lisp and Prolog.

2. How is a recursion-theoretic if-statement different from a regular if-statement?

A recursion-theoretic if-statement differs from a regular if-statement in that it uses recursion to evaluate the condition, rather than a simple logical expression. This allows for more complex conditions to be evaluated, as well as the potential for infinite loops if not carefully programmed.

3. What are the benefits of using recursion-theoretic if-statements?

One benefit of using recursion-theoretic if-statements is that they allow for more complex and dynamic conditions to be evaluated, which can be useful in certain types of programming problems. They also have the potential to make code more concise and efficient, as they can replace multiple conditional statements with a single recursive one.

4. Can recursion-theoretic if-statements lead to any problems or errors?

Yes, if not programmed carefully, recursion-theoretic if-statements can lead to problems such as infinite loops or incorrect evaluations of the condition. It is important to thoroughly test and debug these statements to ensure they are functioning as intended.

5. Are there any alternatives to using recursion-theoretic if-statements?

Yes, there are alternative ways to achieve similar results without using recursion-theoretic if-statements. Some programming languages have built-in functions or data structures that can handle complex conditions, or developers can use iterative approaches instead. It ultimately depends on the specific programming problem and the preferences of the programmer.

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