How to Evaluate the Dot Product of Complex Electric Field Vectors?

In summary, The heat dissipation in a volume V due to an incident harmonic electric field can be calculated using the formula Q = 1/2 * integral of the dot product of the complex conductivity and the electric field over the volume V. The dot product can be evaluated by taking the complex conjugate of the first vector and then multiplying it with the components of the second vector, or by taking the modulus of the field and its components before performing the dot product.
  • #1

Homework Statement

I'm trying to figure out the heat dissipation in a volume V due to an incident harmonic electric field.
I know
Q = \frac{1}{2}\int_V\mathrm{Re}\left(\mathbf{j}^{*} \cdot \mathbf{E}\right) d^3x
= \frac{1}{2}\int_V\mathrm{Re}\left(\left(\sigma \mathbf{E}\right)^{*} \cdot \mathbf{E}\right) d^3x

My biggest problem is that I don't know how to evaluate that dot product. If someone could please either explain it or link me to a resource that explains working with complex vectors, I would appreciate it. I haven't taken an EM class yet and I've never had it explained elsewhere how to operate with complex vectors, so I am mostly flailing around with this stuff.
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  • #2
It depends, is [itex]\sigma[/itex] a scalar or a tensor?

If it's a scalar, this is pretty straightforward. Since [itex]\sigma \mathbf{E}^* = ( \sigma E_x^*, \sigma E_y^*, \sigma E_z^* ) [/itex], try dotting that with E and see what you get.
  • #3
Sigma (the complex conductivity) is a scalar. Anyway, I think this dot product should be
but it seems weird to have E^2 as opposed to |E|^2 for complex numbers.
  • #4
capandbells said:
Sigma (the complex conductivity) is a scalar.
Okay, good.

Anyway, I think this dot product should be
That's incorrect. Can you show how you came up with that?
  • #5
( \sigma \mathbf{E})^{*} \cdot \mathbf{E} = ( ( \sigma E_x)^{*}, ( \sigma E_y)^{*}, ( \sigma E_x)^{*}) \cdot (E_x, E_y, E_z) = (( \sigma E_x)^{*})^{*}(Ex) + (( \sigma E_y)^{*})^{*}(E_y) +(( \sigma E_y)^{*})^{*}(E_z)
= ( \sigma E_x)(E_x) + ( \sigma E_y)(E_y) + ( \sigma E_z)(E_z) = \sigma (E_x^2 + E_y^2 + E_z^2)
  • #6

The way I learned it, a dot product does not involve taking the complex conjugate of the first vector. So actually you would get terms like Ex*·Ex, etc., and you'd end up with σ|E|2.

Note that heat dissipation Q should be a real number (right?).
  • #7
The expression for energy invloves a conjugate so that energy is real. The dot product is a vector operation and doesn't care if the components are complex or not.
  • #8
lets just go from basics, step by step, assuming everything is complex

(sigma E)* . E
where E(vector) and sigma(scalar) are complex

(sigma)* E* . E = sigma* |E|^2


sigma* (Ex*, Ey*, Ez*).(Ex, Ey, Ez) = sigma* [|Ex|^2+|Ey|^2+|Ez|^2] = sigma* |E|^2

must take modulus of the field and its components

FAQ: How to Evaluate the Dot Product of Complex Electric Field Vectors?

1. What is a complex electric field vector?

A complex electric field vector is a mathematical representation of an electric field that includes both magnitude and direction. It is expressed as a complex number, with a real part representing the magnitude and an imaginary part representing the direction.

2. How is a complex electric field vector different from a regular electric field vector?

A regular electric field vector only includes the magnitude of the electric field, while a complex electric field vector includes both magnitude and direction. This allows for a more precise representation of the electric field.

3. What is the significance of the imaginary component in a complex electric field vector?

The imaginary component in a complex electric field vector represents the direction of the electric field. It is often denoted by the letter i (for imaginary) and is perpendicular to the real component of the vector.

4. How are complex electric field vectors used in scientific research?

Complex electric field vectors are used in many scientific fields, including electromagnetics, optics, and quantum mechanics. They are particularly useful in analyzing the behavior of electromagnetic waves and the properties of materials.

5. Can complex electric field vectors be visualized?

Yes, complex electric field vectors can be visualized using vector diagrams, where the length and direction of the vector represent the magnitude and direction of the electric field. They can also be represented graphically using complex plane diagrams, where the real and imaginary components are plotted on the x and y axes.
