Time dilation due to changing the speed of rotation of the earth

In summary: Earth's surface while the Earth rotates, their clock would run slow relative to someone who is stationary at the North Pole and spinning opposite the Earth's rotation.The person at the North Pole would then have an 'average' velocity that would be different from the person at the south pole.In summary, time dilation is caused by differences in relative velocity, not by differences in speed.
  • #1
I was wondering about how to speed up time because I was bored, so I considered rotating my body clockwise (in the northern hemisphere) in order to speed up the rotation of the Earth by creating angular momentum opposite to that of the earth. I was thinking that this would then speed up the velocity of everyone on the Earth and thus make time progress faster for them.

However, on further investigation into general relativity, I realized that I am not completely sure that a change in the rotational speed of the Earth would have the intended effect, or any effect, on the time dilation on the Earth relative to an observer outside of the Earth's rotation and gravitational field.

I understand that these velocity changes and time dilations would be ridiculously small and negligible but I am just interested in the theoretical effects. Thanks!
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  • #2
If you stand at the pole, ignoring the other effects etc, you are at the axis of a rotating coordinate system.
Presumably if you rotate opposite the Earth's rotation at 1 rev per day then you are stationary and the Earth turns about you (well you are orbiting with the Earth but let's say).

Then everyone else is traveling at some speed in your reference frame - so their clocks run slow.
Note: they don't notice anything different - time does not run at a different speed for them.
Also see: https://www.physicsforums.com/showthread.php?t=72406
  • #3
I'm not really thinking about effects due to myself being stationary, but more about the effects on the surface of the Earth due to its increased velocity and increased acceleration.
  • #4
Oh you mean that if you turn one way, conservation of angular momentum will change the rotation of the Earth a bit?

Makes no difference to the observation except that the time dilation factor is a tiny bit bigger.
Other people do not experience their time speeding or slowing. Clocks at rest with respect to you always tick off one second every second.
  • #5
I was wondering about the time dilation relative to an observer outside the Earth's rotational acceleration, rotational velocity, and gravity.
  • #6
If you slowed down the Earth's rotation then, relative to an observer at rest at infinity, you would indeed speed up all of the clocks attached to the surface of the earth.
  • #7
Eel13 said:
I was wondering about the time dilation relative to an observer outside the Earth's rotational acceleration, rotational velocity, and gravity.
OK - what do you want to know.

The trick with relativity questions is to be painfully precise about what you are describing.
Be very clear about what is happening and who is doing the observing.

You are asking about an observer outside Earth's gravity - what does this mean? Considering that gravity is an extremely long-range effect.

You are thinking, perhaps, of an observer so far away from the Earth that the effect on time dilation of the Earth's gravity is much smaller than the time dilation effect due to someone standing on the north pole and twirling around quite fast?The effect of the twirling thing is very tiny indeed - so that would be a very long way away ... so far that the motion of someone standing not on the pole would be quite complicated... of course this also depends on the relative translational motion of the observer and the Earth.

Perhaps you want to set up more of a thought experiment along ideal lines.
Maybe have a clock on a turntable spinning fast and an observer on the ground with his own clock?
Variable speed turn-table.
That better?

But... what dalespam said.
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  • #8
Simon Bridge said:
Then everyone else is traveling at some speed in your reference frame - so their clocks run slow. Note: they don't notice anything different - time does not run at a different speed for them.

Please correct me if I am wrong. I can look at this from two different angles. One being that special relativity is specific to inertial reference frames and neither rotating along with the surface of the Earth nor standing at the pole spinning opposite the Earth's rotation are inertial reference frames. The second way I look at it is by noting that time dilation in this cased is caused by a difference in relative VELOCITY; not relative speed. If you were spinning opposite the Earth's rotation while standing at the poles, then you would observe everyone else's VELOCITY as constantly changing. I don't know how this would reconcile with time dilation - as if you started rotating with some 'fixed' person on Earth in a specific position, then proceeded to rotate 1 billion times (just arbitrary number), and stopped rotating with that same person in the same position, then their average velocity was zero. I guess what I am getting at is that I was under the impression that while motion is relative in special relativity, this only applies to inertial motion (not rotation), so assuming that there will be time dilation effects by spinning on Earth is akin to claiming that the vast majority of distant stars move faster than the speed of light relative to Earth. That's not the case because 'relative motion' only applies to inertial motion in special relativity.

Again - correct me if I am wrong. Thanks.
  • #9
Eel13 said:
I was wondering about how to speed up time because I was bored, so I considered rotating my body clockwise (in the northern hemisphere) in order to speed up the rotation of the Earth by creating angular momentum opposite to that of the earth. I was thinking that this would then speed up the velocity of everyone on the Earth and thus make time progress faster for them.

If we interpret "time progressing factor" as time relative to a static observer at infinity (or actually, any fixed location) then you'd want to stop or slow the rotation to speed up time, not increase it

Note that you wouldn't notice anything yourself, as far as you were concerned a second would still be a second
  • #10
The 'effect' you are looking for would be absolutely trivial. You might age a fraction of a second less per thousand years [relative to nonrotating observers] with great dedication.
  • #11
willoughby said:
Please correct me if I am wrong. I can look at this from two different angles. One being that special relativity is specific to inertial reference frames and neither rotating along with the surface of the Earth nor standing at the pole spinning opposite the Earth's rotation are inertial reference frames. The second way I look at it is by noting that time dilation in this cased is caused by a difference in relative VELOCITY; not relative speed.
In other words: does time dilation depend on the direction of the relative velocity?

In the usual derivation for the time-dilation equation, you are implicitly aligning one axis along the direction of the relative velocity. (In physics, the orientation of the axes is completely arbitrary - we can draw them however we like so we choose their position and orientation so the maths is easy.)

So in S, the moving clock has ##\vec v = v\hat\imath## and in S' the moving clock has ##\vec v = -v\hat\imath##

Have you tried doing the derivation (for inertial frames) where ##vec v## in an arbitrary orientation wrt the coordinate axes?

FAQ: Time dilation due to changing the speed of rotation of the earth

1. How does the speed of rotation of the earth affect time dilation?

The speed of rotation of the earth affects time dilation because according to Einstein's theory of relativity, time is relative and can be distorted by factors such as gravity and velocity. As the earth rotates faster, objects on the surface move faster and experience a greater velocity, causing time to pass slower for them compared to objects in a slower rotating frame of reference.

2. Is time dilation due to changing speed of rotation of the earth a significant effect?

The effect of time dilation due to changing speed of rotation of the earth is relatively small, but it is still measurable and has been confirmed through experiments such as the Hafele-Keating experiment. The difference in time between two objects at different rotational speeds is only a fraction of a second, but it is a crucial factor to consider in areas such as GPS technology.

3. How does time dilation due to changing speed of rotation of the earth impact GPS technology?

GPS technology uses satellites orbiting the earth at high speeds to accurately determine locations on Earth's surface. These satellites experience time dilation due to their constant high speed, and if the effects of time dilation are not taken into account, the GPS system's accuracy can be compromised. Therefore, scientists and engineers must factor in this effect when designing and using GPS technology.

4. Can time dilation due to changing speed of rotation of the earth be reversed?

No, time dilation due to changing speed of rotation of the earth is a fundamental aspect of Einstein's theory of relativity and cannot be reversed. As long as the earth continues to rotate at a certain speed, time dilation will always occur. However, the effect can be counteracted to some extent by changing the direction of rotation or by using other methods such as gravitational time dilation.

5. Is time dilation due to changing speed of rotation of the earth the only factor affecting time on Earth?

No, there are other factors that can also impact time on Earth, such as gravitational time dilation caused by the Earth's mass and the curvature of space-time. Additionally, the relative velocity between two objects can also cause time dilation. However, the effect of the earth's rotation on time dilation is significant and must be considered in various scientific and technological applications.
