What Is the Volume of the Secret Cavity in the Brass Sculpture?

In summary, a small brass sculpture with a density of 8470 kg/m cubed has a secret central cavity. Its weight in air is 15.76N and 13.86N when submerged in water. By calculating the difference in weight, the volume of the secret cavity can be determined. The property of the sculpture that can be directly determined from the given data is its displacement. It is assumed that the cavity is filled with air.
  • #1
:confused: A small sculpture made of brass (density = 8470 kg/m cubed) is believed to have a secret central cavity. The weight of the sculpture in air is 15.76N. When it is submerged in water, the weight is 13.86 N. What is the volume of the secret cavity?
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
What exactly have you tried so far?
  • #3
I have just now started
  • #4
What property of the sculpture can you determine directly from the given data ?
  • #5
I am assuming I have to find the amount of displacement -- 15.76 - 13.86 = 1.9
  • #6
Oh, the density is = 8470
  • #7
Recall Archimedis ?
  • #8
Fb= bouyant force = F2 - F1 = mg
  • #9
What's in the secret cavity? Air, hydrogen, nothing, or maybe the other extreme, something just a bit lighter than water, like gasoline? This has to be known in order to answer the question.
  • #10
If it went from being filled with air directly to being submerged in water, I'd imagine what's in the cavity is air.

Not to mention that it'd be a ridiculous question if one couldn't assume such.


FAQ: What Is the Volume of the Secret Cavity in the Brass Sculpture?

1. What is the definition of volume in water?

Volume in water refers to the amount of space occupied by an object or substance when submerged in water. It is usually measured in liters or cubic meters.

2. How is the volume of an object determined in water?

The volume of an object in water can be determined by measuring the amount of water displaced by the object. This is known as the Archimedes' principle, which states that the buoyant force on an object is equal to the weight of the water displaced by the object.

3. Why is it important to know the volume of an object in water?

Knowing the volume of an object in water is important in various fields such as engineering, construction, and marine biology. It helps in determining the buoyancy of objects and designing structures that can float or sink in water. In marine biology, knowing the volume of marine organisms can provide insight into their behavior and adaptations to their aquatic environment.

4. How does the temperature of water affect its volume?

The volume of water is affected by temperature due to its thermal expansion properties. As water is heated, its molecules gain energy and move farther apart, causing it to expand and increase in volume. Conversely, as water cools, its molecules lose energy and move closer together, resulting in a decrease in volume.

5. Can the volume of an object in water change?

Yes, the volume of an object in water can change due to various factors such as changes in temperature, pressure, and the addition or removal of substances. For example, a submerged object may displace more or less water if the temperature of the water changes, or if more objects are added to the water.
