Why a bike can balane when the wheelse

  • Thread starter nzahra_ghasemi
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In summary: The meaning of the poem is that true beauty can only be seen and experienced by those who are able to look beyond themselves and the physical world. Euclid, a famous mathematician, is used as an example because he was able to see the beauty and perfection in geometric shapes and patterns, while others were blinded by their own egos and desires. The last two lines suggest that even if one is only able to catch a glimpse of true beauty, it is a fortunate and life-changing experience.
  • #1
why a bike can balane when the wheelse don't rotate but it is unstable
and when the wheeles rotate it will be stable equilibrum
it means that the maximum of E-x diagram change to it's minimum
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
nzahra_ghasemi said:
why a bike can balane when the wheelse don't rotate but it is unstable
and when the wheeles rotate it will be stable equilibrum
it means that the maximum of E-x diagram change to it's minimum

Did you just asked a question and then immediately answered it yourself?

  • #3
A bicycle can "balance" when it is not moving in the same sense that you can balance a broom stick on your nose! IF you get it exactly right and then don't move you are fine- but even the slightest twitch will cause it to fall: unstable equilibrium.

As for a moving bicycle, the simplest way to think about it is this: If you tilt a rotating wheel, it will tend to turn in order to conserve angular momentum. Riding a bicycle, if you lean to the right, the front wheel will automatically turn to the right, "catching" you as you ride forward.
  • #4
ZapperZ said:
Did you just asked a question and then immediately answered it yourself?

i know the stable equilibrium is the min and the unstable equilibrium is the max of the diagram but i don't know how this happens in a bike
  • #5
can you explain about "Euclid alone has looked on beauty bare" please
  • #6
nzahra_ghasemi said:
can you explain about "Euclid alone has looked on beauty bare" please

I thought I'd already responded to this but it didn't "take" apparently!

If you are referring to the poem, it is a sonnet by Edna St. Vincent Millay:

Euclid alone has looked on Beauty bare.
Let all who prate of Beauty hold their peace,
And lay them prone upon the Earth and cease
To ponder on themselves, the while they stare
At nothing, intricately drawn nowhere
In shapes of shifting lineage; let geese
Gabble and hiss, but heroes seek release
From dusty bondage into luminous air.
O blinding hour, O holy, terrible day,
When first the shaft into his vision shone
Of light anatomized! Euclid alone
Has looked on Beauty bare. Fortunate they
Who, though once only and then but far away,
Have heard her massive sandal set on stone.

FAQ: Why a bike can balane when the wheelse

1. Why doesn't a bike fall over when it's moving?

When a bike is in motion, the wheels produce a gyroscopic effect, which is a force that helps keep the bike balanced. This effect is created by the spinning of the wheels, which creates a stabilizing force that keeps the bike upright.

2. How does countersteering contribute to bike balance?

Countersteering is a technique used by bikers to turn their bikes in the opposite direction of where they want to go. This may seem counterintuitive, but it actually helps the bike maintain balance by shifting the center of gravity and creating a slight lean towards the desired direction.

3. What role does the rider's body play in balancing a bike?

A rider's body plays a crucial role in balancing a bike. By shifting their weight and position on the bike, the rider can control the bike's center of gravity and help keep it balanced. A rider's body also acts as a counterweight to the bike's movements, helping to stabilize it.

4. How does the design of the bike contribute to its balance?

The design of a bike's frame and wheels also play a significant role in its balance. A well-designed frame with a low center of gravity and proper weight distribution can make it easier for the bike to maintain its balance. The size and shape of the wheels also affect the bike's stability and maneuverability.

5. Can a bike balance without a rider?

No, a bike cannot balance without a rider. The rider's body and movements are crucial for maintaining balance and controlling the bike's movements. Without a rider, the bike will eventually fall over due to the lack of counterbalancing and steering.

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