Does an Ideal Opamp Output Any Current?

In summary, an ideal opamp is an electronic component with infinite input impedance, zero output impedance, and infinite open-loop gain. This means that it amplifies the difference between two input signals without any output current. The output current is considered to be zero because no current flows into or out of its inputs or outputs. This allows for ideal voltage amplification. However, real opamps will have some finite output current due to imperfections in their design and construction, making an ideal opamp not physically realizable.
  • #1

Just a general question. For an ideal opamp, does any current flow from its output terminal?

What is the reasoning behind whatever the answer is?

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  • #2
An ideal op amp would have infinite output current capability. In other words,
Vo = -Rf/Ri*Vi no matter how low Rf and Ri are (inverter configuration assumed).

EVERY op amp has some output current or they'd be completely useless except as non- inverting buffers (<= unity gain).

Did you maybe mean INPUT currents? An ideal op amp has zero input currents.

FAQ: Does an Ideal Opamp Output Any Current?

What is an ideal opamp?

An ideal opamp is an electronic component that amplifies the difference between two input signals. It has infinite input impedance, zero output impedance, and infinite open-loop gain.

What is the output current of an ideal opamp?

An ideal opamp has no output current as it has infinite input impedance and zero output impedance. This means that no current flows into or out of its inputs or outputs.

Why is the output current of an ideal opamp considered to be zero?

The output current of an ideal opamp is considered to be zero because it has infinite input impedance, which means that no current flows into its inputs. Additionally, it has zero output impedance, which means that no current flows out of its outputs.

What is the significance of the output current of an ideal opamp?

The output current of an ideal opamp is significant because it allows for ideal voltage amplification. Since no current flows into or out of the opamp, the output voltage is solely determined by the input voltage and the opamp's gain.

What are the limitations of an ideal opamp's output current?

The limitations of an ideal opamp's output current include the fact that it is not a physically realizable component, and real opamps will have some finite output current due to imperfections in their design and construction.
