What kinds of engineers usually build submarine?

In summary, submariners are a diverse bunch, with many different backgrounds and abilities, and the engineering involved in building them is equally diverse.
  • #1
What kinds of engineers usually build submarine?
Engineering news on Phys.org
  • #2
redgoat said:
What kinds of engineers usually build submarine?
Wet ones..
  • #3
redgoat said:
What kinds of engineers usually build submarine?

What kind of submarine?
  • #4
Sorry, but that had to be done. A sub is such an incredibly complex conglomeration of components that no dozen areas of expertise could put one together. The actual construction is done by incredibly talented welders, millwrights, electricians, electronics technologists, painters and so on. Every subsystem on board is designed by specialists in a particular field. Nuclear engineers and thermodynamicists and steam engineers and bearing specialists design the power train; accoustic and electronic engineers design passive and active sonar systems; hydrodynamic specialists design propellors and manouevring thrusters; weapons technologists handle torpedoes, decoys, mines, deck guns, etc.; medical specialists design the sickbay; everything down to galley layouts and janitorial facilities are set up by people who know that particular area. The easiest answer to "who builds it" is a navy.
  • #5
The simple answer (as Danger implied) is every kind.
  • #6
I think the question should hing on the type of sub in question. Yeah, the USS Parche needed every type of engineer imaginable; however, the glass bottom subs tourists ride in Wikiki probably were designed by only a few engineers. To answer the original question we need to know the scale of the question and not just assume the asker meant trafalgar class submarines.
  • #7
Being in the business, I would say that the brunt of the engineering is done by EE's and ME's (85%). In a lot of cases it comes down to who is available to work the project. We need someone to work on designing a "X" and although you have never designed an "X" before, you have been picked to do the work. Granted there are people who have spent a lifetime working RF or sonar but in todays do more with less Navy, you get called on to do a variety of work, it's what makes the job interesting. I am speaking only on the design side of the house, test and evaluation, building the hull, etc. brings in the tradesmen, techs, etc.
  • #8
If you are asking because you are interested in that kind of career, then I would say Mechanical or structural Engineering would be a good point of departure to enter the field. Structural if hull design is what you are after, or mechanical if the workings of the machinery (life support, propulsion, cooling, heating, etc.)
  • #9
Artman is correct, structural/mechanical for hull and machinery design. I would look at learning AutoCAD, most if not all builders are doing the arrangements of equipment using modeling. The Virginia Class subs were designed using V/R techniques. You could expect to be designing anything from hull penetrators to machinery mounts to enclosures for equipment. If you are looking at an EE degree, there are many different avenues you could go. RF or antenna design, acoustics, DSP and computer control... the list goes on and on. I would caution that most of us have had our hands in more than one of these areas, so expect to cross over to mechanical even if you are an EE. I work in electromagnetic compatibility but in doing so have been involved in cabinet design, connector design, you get the drift.

FAQ: What kinds of engineers usually build submarine?

1. What types of engineers are involved in building a submarine?

The main types of engineers involved in building a submarine are mechanical engineers, electrical engineers, and naval architects. Other types of engineers may also be involved, depending on the specific design and purpose of the submarine.

2. Do engineers from different fields work together to build a submarine?

Yes, engineers from various fields work together to design and build a submarine. This includes collaboration between mechanical engineers, electrical engineers, naval architects, and other specialists such as materials engineers and software engineers.

3. What are the specific responsibilities of each type of engineer in building a submarine?

Mechanical engineers are responsible for designing the physical structure of the submarine and its mechanical systems, such as propulsion and steering. Electrical engineers are responsible for designing and integrating the complex electrical and electronic systems used on submarines. Naval architects are responsible for the overall design and layout of the submarine, including its stability and hydrodynamic performance.

4. Are there any specialized types of engineers specifically for building submarines?

There are no specific types of engineers that are only involved in building submarines. However, there are engineers who specialize in marine engineering or naval architecture, which can be beneficial for working on submarine projects.

5. How do engineers ensure the safety and functionality of a submarine?

Engineers use a variety of tools and techniques to ensure the safety and functionality of a submarine. This includes extensive testing, computer simulations, and adherence to strict safety regulations and standards. Engineers also work closely with other professionals, such as marine biologists and oceanographers, to ensure that the submarine is designed and operated in an environmentally responsible manner.
