Intriguing Statistical/Probability Question

  • Thread starter Brad_Ad23
  • Start date
In summary, the conversation discusses playing with random numbers by creating spreadsheets with certain constraints and correlations. The speaker also suggests using this method to potentially predict future lottery numbers and asks if there is a known relation that can assist in this. They suggest looking into combinatorial mathematics and probability theory for further understanding.
  • #1
Recently I became rather bored and decided to play around with random numbers. I utilized a spreadsheet for this. I made 4 columns containing 53 rows. Each entry into a cell was limited to a range between 1 and 300. I then made a 5th column such that each row in the 5 column corresponded to the sum of all the numbers in the same row in each column. I also put the constraint that the sum of each column must be close to each other (a difference of +/- 5). I then did the correlation of each column with the 5th column (the one containing the sum of each row). I then repeated this for a 2nd spreadsheet. I did this again on a third spreadsheet as well, except in one of the columns I copied the same column from one of the previous sheets and pasted it over the original. So if Column B of spreadsheet 3 was made, I would go to spreadsheet 2, copy column B and then paste it over column B in spreadsheet 3.

Now what I did next was say that the random numbers would have to occur in a sequence. That is say they must come 5 at a time, and must be entered into the copied column (column b in this case). What I noticed is that when I graphed all the correlations with each other, I found that they showed a trend, such that instead of having a 1 in the number of combinations 30 taken 5 at a time produces chance, I was able to significantly limit the amount of combinations that would fit the pattern. Another intriguing idea for this would be to maybe use past lottery numbers for the numbers and use it to extrapolate a much smaller range for possible numbers to come up.

My main question is, is there any known relation that does what is happening here?

If I was a bit too vague I can clarify more by using a solid example.
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  • #2
That's an interesting idea! It sounds like you might be looking for a way to predict future lottery numbers or something similar. While I don't think there is any known relation that does exactly what you are doing, it could be helpful to look into combinatorial mathematics and probability theory. Those fields could help you understand the process of predicting future outcomes from past data.
  • #3

This is a very interesting question and experiment! It seems like what you are trying to do is find a pattern or correlation between the randomly generated numbers and their sums. By limiting the range of numbers and ensuring that the sums are close to each other, you are essentially creating a set of data with controlled variables. This allows you to see if there is any relationship between the numbers and their sums.

As for your main question, it is possible that there may be a known relation or pattern that fits what you observed. However, it is also possible that what you are seeing is simply a coincidence or an artifact of the way you set up your experiment. It would be important to conduct further research and analysis to determine if there is a true relationship or if it is just a chance occurrence.

Your idea of using past lottery numbers to extrapolate a smaller range for possible numbers is intriguing. This could potentially be a useful strategy for those who play the lottery, as it could increase their chances of winning. However, it would also be important to note that past lottery numbers are not necessarily indicative of future numbers and there may still be an element of chance involved.

In conclusion, your experiment and findings are definitely intriguing and could potentially lead to further research and exploration in the field of statistics and probability. It would be interesting to see if others have observed similar patterns or if there are any existing theories or explanations for what you have observed. Thank you for sharing your experiment and question!

FAQ: Intriguing Statistical/Probability Question

1. What is a statistical/probability question?

A statistical/probability question is a question that involves using data and mathematical techniques to analyze and make predictions about the likelihood of certain outcomes or events. These questions are commonly used in fields such as science, economics, and social sciences to understand and make informed decisions based on data.

2. How do you come up with an intriguing statistical/probability question?

An intriguing statistical/probability question typically arises from a curiosity or problem that needs to be solved. One approach is to identify a real-world issue or phenomenon and then think about what data could be collected and analyzed to gain insights or make predictions about it. Collaborating with experts in the field and keeping up with current research can also inspire intriguing statistical/probability questions.

3. What are some common techniques used to answer intriguing statistical/probability questions?

Some common techniques used to answer intriguing statistical/probability questions include descriptive statistics, hypothesis testing, regression analysis, and machine learning. These techniques involve organizing and summarizing data, testing relationships between variables, and making predictions based on patterns in the data.

4. How do you determine the significance of your results when answering an intriguing statistical/probability question?

The significance of results in an intriguing statistical/probability question can be determined by comparing them to a null hypothesis or baseline. This involves calculating a p-value, which is the probability of obtaining results at least as extreme as the ones observed if the null hypothesis is true. If the p-value is below a pre-determined threshold (usually 0.05), the results are considered statistically significant and the null hypothesis is rejected.

5. What are some potential challenges when answering intriguing statistical/probability questions?

Some potential challenges when answering intriguing statistical/probability questions include obtaining accurate and representative data, dealing with missing or incomplete data, and choosing the appropriate statistical techniques for the question at hand. It is also important to consider potential bias in the data and to clearly communicate any limitations in the results. Collaboration with other experts and careful consideration of assumptions and possible confounding variables can help address these challenges.

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