Sun Particles and Radioactive Decay

  • Thread starter Petar Mali
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In summary, sun particles, also known as solar particles, are high energy particles that are constantly being emitted by the sun. These particles can have both positive and negative effects on Earth, such as causing beautiful auroras or disrupting satellite and communication systems. Additionally, these particles can also lead to radioactive decay, which is the process of unstable atoms breaking down and releasing energy in the form of radiation. This process is commonly used in nuclear power plants and can be both beneficial and harmful to living organisms. Overall, sun particles and radioactive decay play important roles in our understanding of the universe and have significant impacts on our daily lives.
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  • #2
Relevant to what?

This is a result that no independent group has been able to confirm.
  • #3
I don't believe the effect has been reproduced by anyone. If not, then no, it is not really relevant.
  • #4
FAQ: Do rates of nuclear decay depend on environmental factors?

There is one environmental effect that has been scientifically well established for a long time. In the process of electron capture, a proton in the nucleus combines with an inner-shell electron to produce a neutron and a neutrino. This effect does depend on the electronic environment, and in particular, the process cannot happen if the atom is completely ionized.

Other claims of environmental effects on decay rates are crank science, often quoted by creationists in their attempts to discredit evolutionary and geological time scales.

He et al. (He 2007) claim to have detected a change in rates of beta decay of as much as 11% when samples are rotated in a centrifuge, and say that the effect varies asymmetrically with clockwise and counterclockwise rotation. He believes that there is a mysterious energy field that has both biological and nuclear effects, and that it relates to circadian rhythms. The nuclear effects were not observed when the experimental conditions were reproduced by Ding et al.

Jenkins and Fischbach (2008) claim to have observed effects on alpha decay rates at the 10^-3 level, correlated with an influence from the sun. They proposed that their results could be tested more dramatically by looking for changes in the rate of alpha decay in radioisotope thermoelectric generators aboard space probes. Such an effect turned out not to exist (Cooper 2009). Undeterred by their theory's failure to pass their own proposed test, they have gone on to publish even kookier ideas, such as a neutrino-mediated effect from solar flares, even though solar flares are a surface phenomenon, whereas neutrinos come from the sun's core. An independent study found no such link between flares and decay rates (Parkhomov 2010a). Laboratory experiments[Lindstrom 2010] have also placed limits on the sensitivity of radioactive decay to neutrino flux that rule out a neutrino-mediated effect at a level orders of magnitude less than what would be required in order to explain the variations claimed in [Jenkins 2008].

Jenkins and Fischbach's latest claims, in 2010, are based on experiments done decades ago by other people, so that Jenkins and Fischbach have no first-hand way of investigating possible sources of systematic error. Other attempts to reproduce the result are also plagued by systematic errors of the same size as the claimed effect. For example, an experiment by Parkhomov (2010b) shows a Fourier power spectrum in which a dozen other peaks are nearly as prominent as the claimed yearly variation.

Cardone et al. claim to have observed variations in the rate of alpha decay of thorium induced by 20 kHz ultrasound, and claim that this alpha decay occurs without the emission of gamma rays. Ericsson et al. have pointed out multiple severe problems with Cardone's experiments.

He YuJian et al., Science China 50 (2007) 170.

YouQian Ding et al., Science China 52 (2009) 690.

Jenkins and Fischbach (2008),, Astropart.Phys.32:42-46,2009

Jenkins and Fischbach (2009),, Astropart.Phys.31:407-411,2009

Jenkins and Fischbach (2010),

Parkhomov 2010a,

Parkhomov 2010b,

Cooper (2009),, Astropart.Phys.31:267-269,2009

Lindstrom et al. (2010),, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A, 622 (2010) 93-96

F. Cardone, R. Mignani, A. Petrucci, Phys. Lett. A 373 (2009) 1956

Ericsson et al., Comment on "Piezonuclear decay of thorium," Phys. Lett. A 373 (2009) 1956,

Ericsson et al.,
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FAQ: Sun Particles and Radioactive Decay

1. What are sun particles and how do they affect radioactive decay?

Sun particles, also known as solar particles or solar wind, are a stream of high-energy particles that are constantly emitted from the Sun. These particles can interact with radioactive elements on Earth and cause changes in their rate of decay.

2. How do sun particles affect the Earth's atmosphere?

Sun particles can cause ionization in the Earth's upper atmosphere, leading to the formation of the aurora borealis (Northern lights) and aurora australis (Southern lights). They can also have a direct impact on the Earth's weather and climate patterns.

3. Can sun particles cause mutations in living organisms?

Yes, high levels of solar radiation can cause mutations in living organisms, including humans. This is why astronauts and airline pilots, who are exposed to higher levels of solar radiation, have a higher risk of developing cancer.

4. How does the Sun's magnetic field affect sun particles and radioactive decay?

The Sun's magnetic field plays a crucial role in the emission of sun particles. As the solar particles are charged, they are affected by the Sun's magnetic field and can be directed towards or away from Earth. This can, in turn, affect the rate of radioactive decay on Earth.

5. Can studying sun particles and radioactive decay help us understand the history of the Earth and other planets?

Yes, studying sun particles and radioactive decay can provide valuable information about the history of the Earth and other planets. By analyzing the radioactive elements present in rocks and other materials, scientists can determine the age of these objects and gain insight into the past conditions of our solar system.

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