Neutron star collapse can produce GBBs?

In summary, neutron stars can potentially collapse into a black hole if their mass exceeds the Tolman–Oppenheimer–Volkoff limit, and this can result in a gamma-ray burst. In the case of ordinary accretion, neutron stars tend to expel most accreted matter, but in the case of inspiralling binary neutron stars, mergers can result in short gamma ray bursts and the formation of a black hole. It is not possible for a neutron star to explode as a condensed matter entity, but chunks of neutron star material cannot leave the gravity well without decompressing.
  • #1
If a neutron star accumulate materials from its companion star ,then it's mass exceeded Tolman–Oppenheimer–Volkoff limit, it will collapse into a black hole! My question is ,in this case ,it will produce "gamma-ray burst"?
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  • #2
HI Magnetar,

I believe no one can answer the question you ask. All we know is that we measure gamma ray bursts, but until now, no satisfactory explanation of their origin has been found.

  • #3
In the case of ordinary accretion, neutron stars tend to expell most accreted matter. Due to their intense magnetic fields, this occurs mainly at the poles. When the poles of neutron stars lay close enough to our line of sight, it produces a pulsar. Pulsars invariable appear to 'spin down', signifying a slowing of rotation. If a neuton star were rapidly gaining mass, it should tend to rotate faster. In the case of inspiralling binary neutron stars, mergers are thought to account for short gamma ray bursts, consistent with your idea. Formation of a black hole is probably inevitable in these cases. About 5% of neutron stars are observed to have a neutron star companion.
  • #4
Is it possible for a Neutron Star to explode?

Could a scenario exist that would allow a Neutron Star to become unstable and explode with enough force to send chunks and particles away at above the overall escape velocity of the combined mass of the star? If so, could the chunks and particles of the explosion that did so, be stable enough to travel large distances and cause havoc in another star system? And if that is so, what would be the effect of a chunk of a neutron star let's say 200 ft in diameter do when it enters our solar system?
  • #5
Neutron star material cannot be expelled as a condensed matter entity. Were a chunk to attempt to leave the gravity well, it would decompress [explode].

FAQ: Neutron star collapse can produce GBBs?

1. What is a neutron star collapse and how does it produce GBBs?

A neutron star collapse occurs when a massive star runs out of fuel and can no longer support its own weight. The intense gravitational force causes the star's core to collapse into a tightly packed ball of neutrons. As the core collapses, it releases a tremendous amount of energy in the form of gamma-ray bursts (GBBs).

2. How common are GBBs and where do they occur?

GBBs are one of the most energetic events in the universe and occur about once a day. They can be found in distant galaxies, typically in areas with high rates of star formation such as in the arms of spiral galaxies or in regions where two neutron stars merge.

3. What causes the neutron star collapse to produce GBBs?

The exact mechanism behind the production of GBBs is still not fully understood. However, it is believed that the intense magnetic fields and rapid rotation of the collapsing neutron star play a significant role. The energy released during the collapse is amplified by these factors, resulting in the powerful bursts of gamma rays.

4. Can GBBs be harmful to Earth?

While GBBs are incredibly powerful, they occur in distant parts of the universe and are not harmful to Earth. The Earth's atmosphere and magnetic field protect us from the high-energy radiation emitted by GBBs. However, if a GBB were to occur in our own galaxy, it could potentially cause disruptions to satellite and communication systems.

5. What can we learn from studying neutron star collapse and GBBs?

Studying neutron star collapse and GBBs can provide valuable insights into the physics of extreme environments and allow us to test theories of general relativity. Additionally, GBBs can serve as cosmic beacons, allowing us to study the distant universe and better understand the origins of the universe itself.

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