Smoking pot into your 30's, or even 40's.

  • Thread starter wasteofo2
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In summary: I don't think people who smoke marijuana are "drug fiends" at all, and didn't mean to imply that if I did.In summary, many adults smoke marijuana, and it's not always a bad thing.

Have you smoked pot as an adult?

  • I stopped smoking pot after college.

    Votes: 4 30.8%
  • I kept smoking pot for a little after college, then stopped.

    Votes: 3 23.1%
  • I've smoked pot in my 30's

    Votes: 2 15.4%
  • I've smoked pot in my 40's

    Votes: 3 23.1%
  • I've smoked pot in my 50's

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I've smoked pot beyond my 50's

    Votes: 1 7.7%
  • I've smoked pot as an adult, but only because I have glaucoma.

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
  • #1
I just got to see Cream at Madison Square Garden last night. Very cool stuff.

What I also got to see was a bunch of people in their 40's and 50's smoking pot.

I'm a teenager, and I'm used to seeing that at concerts, I'm just not used to seeing people as old as my parents doing it.

So, I just wanted to see how many adults have actually smoked pot in their adulthood.

The poll is anonymous, please vote honestly, I really want to know how many adults out there still poke smot.
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  • #2
I don't smoke marajuana anymore, but I lived in Amsterdam for 5 years...So I can LEGALLY say I used to ;-) so if you think 40 or 50 is old then you should come here...
  • #3
You forgot the option for "never have, never will". :wink:
  • #4
3 times in college, never since, *probably* would under the right circumstances (evening with small group of friends, socializing) but ... not at a concert. Of course, it was never really my scene anyway.

Didn't want to pick #1 as all the options made it sound like it was a frequent habit, and it wasn't. Most of us partied without it, except on really rare occasions.
  • #5
I tried it once when I was 14. Felt nothing. Tried it again at 26. Felt nothing.
Never did it again.
  • #6
The poll is anonymous, please vote honestly, I really want to know how many adults out there still poke smot.

More you can fathom, many many people smoke marajuana, seriously if you are interested in the effects of Marajuana on society in general I would suggest a field trip to The Netherlands, and you can see these people are not all drug fiends.. Most have respectable Jobs...

But I don't think many poke smot, but I may be wrong :-)
  • #7
russ_watters said:
You forgot the option for "never have, never will". :wink:


I may have been a little stoned once from second hand smoke, but that's it. If I really was stoned, then it was really dissapointing...
  • #8
No one's even got the guts to face up anonymously?
If you just did it a few times in college, or even just once when you were 34, then just vote. It's anonomous!
russ_watters said:
You forgot the option for "never have, never will".
And Russ, I didn't forget that option, I purposefully excluded it. The poll is for normal people, not nutjobs like you:-p :biggrin:
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  • #9
Anttech said:
More you can fathom, many many people smoke marajuana, seriously if you are interested in the effects of Marajuana on society in general I would suggest a field trip to The Netherlands, and you can see these people are not all drug fiends.. Most have respectable Jobs...

But I don't think many poke smot, but I may be wrong :-)
I don't think people who smoke marijuana are "drug fiends" at all, and didn't mean to imply that if I did.

I'm perfectly sure that people could smoke marijuana and maintain nearly any job. Alcohol is a far more dangerous and harmful drug, and it's not like CEO's can't function because they had a few beers last weekend. Hell, plenty of important people with high-up jobs probabally drink in excess quite frequently and still function to a reasonable degree of aptitude.
  • #10
matthyaouw said:
I may have been a little stoned once from second hand smoke, but that's it. If I really was stoned, then it was really dissapointing...
I think it's safe to say that you were not stoned. :wink: As MIH's example illustrates, it's sometimes difficult at first to feel any effects even if you voluntary smoke and try to feel something, so you can imagine it's even more unlikely if you were just in the general vicinity of some second hand smoke.
  • #11
Hell, plenty of important people with high-up jobs probabally drink in excess quite frequently and still function to a reasonable degree of aptitude.

Hence the "Pro-Plus" adverts all over the London Underground.. (there caffine tablets if you didnt know)
  • #12
wasteofo2 said:
No one's even got the guts to face up anonymously?
If you just did it a few times in college, or even just once when you were 34, then just vote. It's anonomous!

And Russ, I didn't forget that option, I purposefully excluded it. The poll is for normal people, not nutjobs like you:-p :biggrin:

I went to an Allman Brothers concert a few years back and the field was filled with people in their 50s at least, many (if not most) of whom were not only smoking marijuana, but were openly groping each other and making out, too. Once I got past the utter surrealness of the situation (made much more interesting after I dropped some acid with a girl from the cross-country team), it was actually a great experience.

Anyway, I was going to say the same thing Russ did. Although I did smoke a few bowls here and there back in the day, it was all before I got into college, so I'm still disqualified from your poll. I really can't anymore, as my allergies have gotten to the point where even being around someone with smoke on their clothes just causes my sinuses to clog and I have difficulty breathing. If someone develops a THC pill, however, I'd be open to giving it a try in the right context.
  • #13
If someone develops a THC pill

There called 'hash' brownies... And if you are ever in my neck of the woods I will legaly (I don't condon breaking the law ;-) ) give you some
  • #14
I don't smoke pot/weed/mary jane/sticky icky/endo/lye/...
  • #15
So smoking pot is not such a bad thing after all...
  • #16
To the people who have never smoked pot, might I ask why? Never interested you, health reasons, breaking the law?
  • #17
I probably won't smoke marijuana in the United States.. this country has enough innocent people in jail as it is. But when and if I get accepted to one of those Caribbean med schools (particularly in the Netherland-Antilles :biggrin: ) then maybe, we'll see. Never smoked marijuana, not really eager to either. Just don't see that much reason for it, and the slow stoned feeling is not for me either. I like when my thoughts race at 100 miles per hour :cool:

On the other hand, if someone was to do it from my friends, I'd never judge them for that. Matter of fact I'd rather have them smoke weed than tobaco.
  • #18
Jameson said:
To the people who have never smoked pot, might I ask why? Never interested you, health reasons, breaking the law?
Never interested, costs money.

May I ask the people who have smoked pot why they smoke/d it?
  • #19
May I ask the people who have smoked pot why they smoke/d it?
Free, curious, found it boring.

Went to the nude olympics once (oubache will know the reference) for the same reason.
  • #20
pattylou said:
Free, curious, found it boring.
Went to the nude olympics once (oubache will know the reference) for the same reason.
Have you done other drugs, out of your curiosity?
  • #21
Alcohol, cigarettes for a few months ...

Nothing else.

And none of it prior to college. Maybe a glass of wine at a wedding once. But you know, I was a nerd. So then college comes and it was fun to experiment in small doses.

And then I was satisfied that there wasn't much I was missing, and it would be more of a hassle than anything to pursue marijuana anyway.

Have you experimented with any drugs (obviously not marijuana)?
  • #22
russ_watters said:
You forgot the option for "never have, never will". :wink:
Thirded. :approve:
  • #23
pattylou said:
Alcohol, cigarettes for a few months ...
Nothing else.
Why were you not curious to do other drugs?

And no, I have not done any drugs.
  • #24
pattylou said:
Alcohol, cigarettes for a few months ...
Nothing else.
And none of it prior to college. Maybe a glass of wine at a wedding once. But you know, I was a nerd. So then college comes and it was fun to experiment in small doses.
And then I was satisfied that there wasn't much I was missing, and it would be more of a hassle than anything to pursue marijuana anyway.
Have you experimented with any drugs (obviously not marijuana)?

didnt you go to med school or something?

if so, I am curious as to what your professional opinion is regarding marijuana
  • #25
mattmns said:
May I ask the people who have smoked pot why they smoke/d it?
First couple of times, mostly curiosity and recommendations from friends. Subsequent times, because of many situationally desirable effects on consciousness. (What, shall I list all of them?)

The first few times it really got to me (and in post-high ruminations), there was also just the pure fascination with an altered state of consciousness in itself. Most people don't know, or don't really realize in any appreciable sense, that there are many, many more modes of consciousness than just 'normal' waking consciousness and dreaming, nor the extent to which, and manner in which, these alternate modes of consciousness are different from normal consciousness. Unfortunately, though, I do not think it is possible to communicate these points in anything more than a very hollow, surface scratching kind of way to one who has never experienced the effects of psychoactives. Langauge can only go so far in describing subjective experience, and even then it's only effective to the extent that speaker and listener share a common base of conscious experiences.

As for the poll, I stopped using marijuana shortly after college. I haven't ingested anything more potent than alcohol in years.
  • #26
my parents both smoke pot. my father is nearly 50 and my mum is 45. They smoke more than i do, cause i don't often. and mostly when i do smoke, its for free with friends, or i steal theirs. i even believe they're probably growing it out my property somewhere. 6 acres is a lot of room to be growing pot.

my parents are also both very nomral adults, with respectable jobs. my father is an electrical engineer and my mother is a medical massage therapist. they also have many friends who smoke. all 30+ some 50+ i grew up knowing my parents smoked, so i was never ill-inclined to try it.

I've gotten high a few times, i like it, but i don't like to spend the money, so i don't often. i tried it my first time cause i wanted to see what it was like. when i get really drunk, i like that too. i like feeling my body and mind kinda melt together so I'm not really conscious of my thoughts vs my actions. i'll probably also do shrooms someday. make sure I'm with people i trust and in a good environment so things don't go wrong. also make sure i get them from someone i trust, and that i don't have to spend too much.
  • #27
cronxeh said:
didnt you go to med school or something?
if so, I am curious as to what your professional opinion is regarding marijuana
I probably smoked a total of 5 joints, years ago. I certainly never planned on becoming a pothead, and I didn't. 5 joints wouldn't raise your risk on any medical condition.

I haven't followed the literature on health effects of marijuana. I do volunteer with hospice, and so I meet people regularly who see marijuana in a positive light.

I have heard popular rumors that alcohol is worse for you, yet alcohol also has health benefits.

Pretty sure there are doctors who do things that are bad for them, so I wouldn't assume that if someone went to medical school that they never engaged in "bad" behavior.

Matt: I suppose the fact that marijuana is legal in some countries, and having seen peers smoke it through high school - I suppose it occupied a different (lower) level of risk for me than harder drugs.

So no drugs? Not even alcohol?
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  • #28
pattylou said:
I probably smoked a total of 5 joints, years ago. I certainly never planned on becoming a pothead, and I didn't. 5 joints wouldn't raise your risk on any medical condition.
I haven't followed the literature on health effects of marijuana. I do volunteer with hospice, and so I meet people regularly who see marijuana in a positive light.
I have heard popular rumors that alcohol is worse for you, yet alcohol also has health benefiots.
Pretty sure there are doctors who do things that are bad for them, so I wouldn't assume that if someone went to medical school that tyey never engaged in "bad" behavior.
Matt: I suppose the fact that marijuana is legal in some countries, and having seen peers smoke it through high school - I suppose it occupied a different (lower) level of risk for me than harder drugs.
So no drugs? Not even alcohol?

I don't think there is anything wrong with smoking pot, that's why I asked what you thought of it, being a doc and all :wink:
  • #29
cronxeh said:
I don't think there is anything wrong with smoking pot, that's why I asked what you thought of it, being a doc and all :wink:
Ah. Well, I didn't go to med school. I went to grad school.

I'd naively guess that smoking marijuana carries some of the same risks as smoking cigarettes. I'd also heard that it can "stunt growth" or "interfere with sexual function."

I'm sure it enhances altered states of consciousness.

I'd personally think "moderation in all things" and that if you look at other drugs - like alcohol - you can make a a case that they are as bad or worse. I doubt pot is a worse health risk than cigarettes, and as you are (i believe?) in the UK, I'd recommend that you cut down on that habit first.
  • #30
Jameson said:
To the people who have never smoked pot, might I ask why? Never interested you, health reasons, breaking the law?
A little bit of all 3. For starters, I was planning on a military career even when I was in high school and didn't want to screw that up by risking a positive p-test. But it never really interested me anyway. Now that I'm in my upper 20s and out of the military, I still have friends that do it, but it's fun enough just watching them. And most adults I know who smoke a lot of pot have a lot of problems.
  • #31
pattylou said:
Ah. Well, I didn't go to med school. I went to grad school.
I'd naively guess that smoking marijuana carries some of the same risks as smoking cigarettes. I'd also heard that it can "stunt growth" or "interfere with sexual function."
I'm sure it enhances altered states of consciousness.
I'd personally think "moderation in all things" and that if you look at other drugs - like alcohol - you can make a a case that they are as bad or worse. I doubt pot is a worse health risk than cigarettes, and as you are (i believe?) in the UK, I'd recommend that you cut down on that habit first.

I live in NYC and I don't smoke marijuana or any other "illegal" drug/substance/etc or tobacco.

Ive smoked Salvia divinorum a few times, however.
  • #32
mattmns said:
Never interested, costs money.
May I ask the people who have smoked pot why they smoke/d it?
It seemed like it should be fun, and has proved to be so.

I haven't messed around with anything other than pot and alcohol out of fear of dangerous side-effects associated with drugs. Synthetic ones can be poorly made and dangerous, and natural things like Heroin and Coaine are just way too extreme for me. Maybe shrooms one day, when I have like 8 hours or whatever in which I have no responsibilities at all.
  • #33
cronxeh said:
I live in NYC and I don't smoke marijuana or any other "illegal" drug/substance/etc or tobacco.
Ive smoked Salvia divinorum a few times, however.
Oh man, that stuff is still around? I remember a few years a buncha people I knew were doing that. It trips you out extremely for a pretty short amount of time, right?
  • #34
cronxeh said:
Ive smoked Salvia divinorum a few times, however.
What was that like? I've never even heard of it until today, and I had to go look up what it was.
  • #35
Math Is Hard said:
What was that like? I've never even heard of it until today, and I had to go look up what it was.

Mind bending. And let's not turn this into drug discussion thread :smile:

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