Reaching the Speed of Light: Can We Achieve C?

  • Thread starter shaviprem
  • Start date
In summary: Energy and momentum are still conserved, but just because you keep increasing the energy and/or momentum of a particle doesn't mean it's speed will keep on increasing as...well, you can see why this would be confusing.
  • #1
I have heard that you need an infinite amount of energy to achieve the speed of light. But if you have a particle accelerator and if it exerts a constant force (by applying an electric field) why won't the electrons we have reach c. i have also heard that electrons will travel upto something like 0.9995 c. but won't simply achieve c.
Thanx in advance for the replies
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  • #2
As you would have to impress an infinite energy to make a particle reach c... so, an accelerato would be able to do that just in a infinite time
  • #3
Giulio B. said:
As you would have to impress an infinite energy to make a particle reach c... so, an accelerato would be able to do that just in a infinite time

A constant force doesn/t impose a constant change of speed in relativity. The physics is just different and involves c, so that the closer you get to c the greater force it requires to add a delta-v, and in the limit as v approaches c, the force required goes to infinity.

A more detailed answer requires showing you the math. I would do this, but it's been done many times before on this forum, and you should look up the links we provide.
  • #4
The simplified view is that an object's resistance to change in its state of motion (that's what you'd call inertial mass) increases with its velocity. Thus, a constant force acting upon it would be less and less effective in changing the object's state of motion as its speed picked up.

In a Newtonian perspective, a given (material) particle ALWAYS have the same inertial mass, in contrast to the relativistic perspective.
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  • #5
relativistic motion

shaviprem said:
I have heard that you need an infinite amount of energy to achieve the speed of light. But if you have a particle accelerator and if it exerts a constant force (by applying an electric field) why won't the electrons we have reach c. i have also heard that electrons will travel upto something like 0.9995 c. but won't simply achieve c.
Thanx in advance for the replies
I think you should start with the relativistic equation of motion
where p is the relativistic momentum.
  • #6
I'd say it's:

[tex]\frac{d}{d\tau}p^\mu = f^\mu[/tex]
  • #7
One does not need to argue about "mass" to show why an object cannot travel at the speed of light by accelerating. In fact, this genearlly tends to obscure the physics.

Instead, consider how velocities add in SR. Suppose A is going at .1c relative to B, who is going at .1c relative to C, and so and.

The relativistic velocity addition formula tells us that the velocity from A to C is not given by (.1+.1) but instead by

v = v1 + v2 / (1+v1*v2)

A close inspection of the formula revelas that no matter how many times we add .1c to a velocity, that that velocity will be less than 'c'.

This is why one can accelerate indefinitely at any desired acceleration, and never reach the speed of light.
  • #8
True enough; but I don't think citing an "unobvious" formula for velocity addition is any more explanatory to a novice than saying the object's resistance to change of its state of motion increases as its velocity increases.
  • #9
There are several reasons I prefer to use the velocity addition formula. Basically, it addresses the problem in terms of kinetmatics - how we describe motion, independent of forces and masses. It illustrates that the problem of reaching c is kinematical in nature, and not dynamical. People who are confused about the issue often think they can get around the limit of the speed of light by reducing the mass of the object somehow. This won't work, and the velocity addition explanation explains why.

The additional concepts needed for dynamics (masses and forces) can be introduced at a later date. The dynamical explanation for the speed of light limit is superfically attractive at first glance, but leads to later confusion - see any of the threads about "relativistic mass" vs "invariant mass" for the sorts of confusion generated.

Basically, it's better to treat dynamics properly, than to give an incorrect half-baked introduction to relativistic dyanamics to students too early, one that basically has to be "unlearned" because it was not properly built in the first place. The problem of why c is the limiting velocity does not have to use any of the concepts of dynamics at all - the concepts of kinematics are sufficient.
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  • #10
When I was learning this stuff, the thing that helped me the most was this:

[tex]E = \gamma mc^2, \mbox{ not } E = 1/2 mv^2 \mbox{ and}[/tex]
[tex]p = \gamma mv, \mbox{ not } p = mv.[/tex]

So energy and momentum are still conserved, but just because you keep increasing the energy and/or momentum of a particle doesn't mean it's speed will keep on increasing as non-relativistic physics will imply.
  • #11
without using equations, I think the key idea to be implanted is that of the asymptote. You can carry on accelerating a particle indefinitely supposing unlimited resources, but each incremental addition would be smaller and smaller, so its velocity would get bigger and bigger ,true, but it will never reach c.

for example the sum of the series 1+0.1+0.01+... keeps getting bigger, but will never reach 1.12. 1.11 is bigger than 1.1, and 1.111 is bigger than 1.11, so something can increase indefinitely, and be indefinitely close but never quite reach a figure, because each increment is smaller than the one before.

The mathematics is slightly more complicated in SR but the idea is the same. The theory says that each incremental addition to its velocity due to a force is smaller than the previous incremental addition, no matter the magnitude of the force, so the velocity WOULD increase indefinitely, and would approach a value c, just never reaching it.
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  • #12
pervect said:
There are several reasons I prefer to use the velocity addition formula. Basically, it addresses the problem in terms of kinetmatics - how we describe motion, independent of forces and masses. It illustrates that the problem of reaching c is kinematical in nature, and not dynamical. People who are confused about the issue often think they can get around the limit of the speed of light by reducing the mass of the object somehow. This won't work, and the velocity addition explanation explains why.

The additional concepts needed for dynamics (masses and forces) can be introduced at a later date. The dynamical explanation for the speed of light limit is superfically attractive at first glance, but leads to later confusion - see any of the threads about "relativistic mass" vs "invariant mass" for the sorts of confusion generated.

Basically, it's better to treat dynamics properly, than to give an incorrect half-baked introduction to relativistic dyanamics to students too early, one that basically has to be "unlearned" because it was not properly built in the first place. The problem of why c is the limiting velocity does not have to use any of the concepts of dynamics at all - the concepts of kinematics are sufficient.
Fair enough.
  • #13
So, from Newtonian point of view, a photon moves with the highest speed c, because it has no mass (and thereso F=m.a predicts that even the smallest force would make it accelerate to c)? Or am I wrong?

FAQ: Reaching the Speed of Light: Can We Achieve C?

1. What is the speed of light?

The speed of light is the fastest possible speed at which energy and information can travel in the universe. It is approximately 299,792,458 meters per second, or about 186,282 miles per second.

2. Can we ever reach the speed of light?

According to the theory of relativity, it is impossible for an object with mass to reach the speed of light. As an object approaches the speed of light, its mass increases infinitely, making it impossible for it to reach the speed of light.

3. What is the closest we have come to reaching the speed of light?

The closest we have come to reaching the speed of light is with the Large Hadron Collider, which accelerates particles to speeds of 99.9999991% of the speed of light. However, even at this speed, the particles still have mass and cannot reach the speed of light.

4. Is there a way to bypass the limitations of reaching the speed of light?

Currently, there is no known way to bypass the limitations of reaching the speed of light. The theory of relativity is a fundamental principle in physics and has been extensively tested and proven. However, some scientists are exploring the possibility of using concepts like wormholes or warp drives to potentially travel faster than the speed of light.

5. Why is it important to study and understand the speed of light?

Studying and understanding the speed of light is crucial for our understanding of the fundamental laws of physics and the universe. It has also led to the development of technologies such as fiber optics and GPS systems. Additionally, understanding the speed of light has allowed us to explore distant parts of the universe and make groundbreaking discoveries about our world and beyond.
