Representation of a 1 phase transmission line as line charges

In summary, the conversation discusses the concept of electrons flowing in one direction when a terminal is connected to a line and how this applies to single phase transmission lines. The conversation also explores the representation of transmission lines in textbooks and the confusion around the depiction of positive and negative charges. The expert clarifies that the sign refers to the direction of current flow and not the type of charge.
  • #1
According to what I understood, when a terminal is connected to a line, it causes electrons to flow in one direction. And so for a single phase transmission line in parallel if connected to supply, then in one side electrons will be flowing in one direction and the same electrons will be flowing in the opposite direction in the other transmission line.
In normal representation in books, this transmission line is represented as 1 line carrying positive charges(Q) which are linearly distributed in the line and the 2nd line carrying charges with opposite polarity(-Q). How it can be represented like this, I can't understand the concept when I think in the way of electrons movement? Please help me on this, i need somebody. Any replies will be appreciated...
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  • #2
krsroh said:
According to what I understood, when a terminal is connected to a line, it causes electrons to flow in one direction. And so for a single phase transmission line in parallel if connected to supply, then in one side electrons will be flowing in one direction and the same electrons will be flowing in the opposite direction in the other transmission line.
The electrons are different, but the total current in each wire is the same.
krsroh said:
In normal representation in books, this transmission line is represented as 1 line carrying positive charges(Q) which are linearly distributed in the line and the 2nd line carrying charges with opposite polarity(-Q). How it can be represented like this, I can't understand the concept when I think in the way of electrons movement? Please help me on this, i need somebody. Any replies will be appreciated...
Are you perhaps confusing current with charge? The current changes sign in the two wires because the direction of flow is opposite.
  • #3
First of all, i am thanking you for showing interest in my post. Actually no sir, i am not confused i think. Actually a current in one direction means charges are flowing in one direction and so for an AC transmission line charges will be moving in both direction alternatively.
But consider the positive half of the AC wave at the sending end. Looking from top of the line, in the sending end, line's charges will be moving in one direction and in the receiving end line, charge will be moving in opposite direction. And in textbooks, this condition of transmission line is depicted as a pair of lines one carrying +ive charge and the next carrying -ive charge and i am confused with this depiction. How can a charge flowing in one direction(i.e. current in one direction) be said in terms of signs, i.e. -ive or +ive??
  • #4
Your terminology is fine until you say "this condition of transmission line is depicted as a pair of lines one carrying +ive charge and the next carrying -ive charge." These are not charges but currents; note that i and I are the traditional symbols for current. In this case, the sign simply denotes whether current is flowing away (+) or towards (-) the ports.
  • #5
krsroh said:
First of all, i am thanking you for showing interest in my post. Actually no sir, i am not confused i think. Actually a current in one direction means charges are flowing in one direction and so for an AC transmission line charges will be moving in both direction alternatively.
But consider the positive half of the AC wave at the sending end. Looking from top of the line, in the sending end, line's charges will be moving in one direction and in the receiving end line, charge will be moving in opposite direction. And in textbooks, this condition of transmission line is depicted as a pair of lines one carrying +ive charge and the next carrying -ive charge and i am confused with this depiction. How can a charge flowing in one direction(i.e. current in one direction) be said in terms of signs, i.e. -ive or +ive??

I have never seen this in any textbook. Wires do not carry "positive" charges. The current carriers are always negative electrons in metals. The sign refers to current in any diagram you will have seen.
A positive charge flowing in one direction is certainly the equivalent Current to a negative charge flowing in the opposite direction but that is not relevant here.

FAQ: Representation of a 1 phase transmission line as line charges

What is a 1 phase transmission line?

A 1 phase transmission line is a type of electrical power line that carries alternating current (AC) electricity from a power source to a load. It consists of a single conductor and is typically used to transmit power over short distances.

How is a 1 phase transmission line represented as line charges?

A 1 phase transmission line can be represented as a series of line charges, where each charge represents a small segment of the line. This model is used to analyze the electrical properties of the transmission line, such as voltage and current distribution.

What is the purpose of representing a 1 phase transmission line as line charges?

The representation of a 1 phase transmission line as line charges allows for easier analysis and calculation of electrical properties. It also helps in understanding the behavior of the transmission line under different conditions and in designing efficient power systems.

Are there any limitations to representing a 1 phase transmission line as line charges?

Yes, there are some limitations to this representation. It assumes the line charges to be uniformly distributed, which may not be the case in real-life scenarios. It also does not consider the effects of electromagnetic fields and other external factors that may affect the transmission line.

How is the representation of a 1 phase transmission line as line charges used in practical applications?

The representation of a 1 phase transmission line as line charges is used in various practical applications, such as power system analysis, transmission line design, and fault analysis. It helps in determining the optimal placement and sizing of power lines and in identifying potential issues in the transmission system.

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