ETS Revamps Test for Grad School Admission: How Will It Affect You?

In summary: I think only about a third of the problems were sophomore level. I didn't know quantum, theo mech, statistical mech/thermo...basically anything from sophomore level.
  • #1
ETS is going to" with a revised version this September. Their claim is that the new test will better evaluate a student's suitability for grad. study.
After reading the planned changes, my personal opinion is that it will be better for me in that it reduces the importance of memorization and emphasizes analytical thinking more, which I trust myself in. However, my worry is that there won't be enough preparation material by the time I take the new test. (I'm a 3rd grader btw, so I can prepare and take the test this summer or can wait a few more months and take the new test just in time for scholarship applications)
So my question is, how much do you think the availability of training material for the new test would affect my (and everyone else's =) ) success?
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  • #2
A 3rd Grader?? Where I'm from that means that you are 8 or 9 years old. Is there another meaning for third grader than I am not aware of?
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  • #3
3rd year undergrad...
  • #4
O i feel like a complete moron...sigh:rolleyes:
  • #5
actually I could be an 8 year old kid, and still worry about the GRE (remember the 8 year old kid from Taiwan who got into undergrad physics after he demonstrated he can prove Heisenberg's Uncertainty Principle?).
But leaving that aside, I never could memorize all that "sophomore", "senior" stuff. Numbers are simpler =)
  • #6
ignore the GRE. learn something worthwhile.

the point of the GRE, if it works, is to measure what you know about physics, not what you know about the test itself.
  • #7
mathwonk said:
ignore the GRE. learn something worthwhile.

the point of the GRE, if it works, is to measure what you know about physics, not what you know about the test itself.
What if it doesn't work?
  • #8
mathwonk said:
ignore the GRE. learn something worthwhile.

the point of the GRE, if it works, is to measure what you know about physics, not what you know about the test itself.

GRE includes a lot of elementary math questions that basically has nothing to do with what I study. Learning the techniques can help one score higher, so in my opinion it is useful not to ignore the test completely. I'll go ahead and interpret your suggestion as "as long as you have core knowledge, any changes in the system will not affect you". Am I correct in doing so?
  • #9
Depends on if you're talking about the GRE Physics Subject test, which is solely about knowledge in physics and has pretty much no predictable memorization.
  • #10
Healey01 said:
Depends on if you're talking about the GRE Physics Subject test, which is solely about knowledge in physics and has pretty much no predictable memorization.

From what I remember, the GRE physics test was all about how many simple little questions on sophomore-level material you could answer within the given time. Although I haven't ever looked at the math subject test, it sounds similar from mathwonk's description.

I don't think the GRE should be completely ignored. I know if I showed up without ever looking at a practice exam, I wouldn't have been able to finish quickly enough. Doing similar problems before freshens up all the tricks in your mind. It's not that the problems are hard to solve. You just have to be able to do them all without thinking, which doesn't work if you haven't solved anything like that in years.
  • #11
Stingray said:
It's not that the problems are hard to solve. You just have to be able to do them all without thinking, which doesn't work if you haven't solved anything like that in years.
My point exactly. So now my question is:

"Does anyone have any idea as to whether the type of questions will change significantly enough to lower my performance if I'd prepared for the new GRE using the material for the old GRE?"
  • #12
meh the GRE physics test is complete bull***, I had a friend at my CC that got in the 87th percentile without even taking a QM course (he was smart, but not a genius).
  • #13
Man how did I have such a tough time then? I've taken it twice and the best i could do was 63rd percentile. I've taken every class on the test but a nuclear/particle physics class. I got 90's + in every advanced physics course and I remember most of it. I studied for 3 months. Even when I took it, I felt like it was easy, and I tried to only answer the ones I was sure of. When I got the results half of what I answered was wrong (nearly).
I really think that low score was what has kept me from getting into a decent grad school. (UCSD, UofM) so far. I just don't want to go to a lower rated school.And I think only about a third of the problems were sophomore level. I didn't know quantum, theo mech, statistical mech/thermo then and there's quite a few questions on it.
  • #14
this thread is about the GRE general test, yo.

FAQ: ETS Revamps Test for Grad School Admission: How Will It Affect You?

1. How will the new ETS test for grad school admission be different?

The new ETS test will have a redesigned format and content, including a greater emphasis on critical thinking and data analysis skills. It will also include new question types, such as multi-source reasoning and table analysis.

2. Will the new ETS test be more difficult?

The difficulty level of the new ETS test is expected to be similar to the current test. However, the new question types may require test takers to approach the test in a different way and practice new skills.

3. When will the new ETS test be implemented?

The new ETS test is scheduled to be implemented in the fall of 2021. However, due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the exact date may be subject to change. It is recommended to check the ETS website for updates.

4. Will the new ETS test affect my chances of getting into grad school?

The new ETS test is designed to better assess the skills and knowledge needed for success in graduate programs. While it may be different from the current test, it is not expected to significantly impact admissions decisions. Admissions committees will still consider a variety of factors in addition to test scores.

5. How can I prepare for the new ETS test for grad school admission?

ETS has released a free practice test for the new format, which can be found on their website. Additionally, familiarizing yourself with the new question types and practicing critical thinking and data analysis skills can help you prepare for the new test.

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