Get the contents of a file, character by character

  • Thread starter Cinimod
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In summary, I am trying to read a file that has spaces in it, but I am having trouble just doing it in one language. I need to implement a for loop in C(++) but I am having trouble just doing it in the one language.Can you post what you have so far?o right. sorry.
  • #1
I am stuck on a program where I need to open a file, and print out the contents to a screen, but at the same time, I want to save each character in the file (spaces included) to an element of an array. However, I am having a problem opening the file and going through it character by character (I don't know if there are any functions already available to help me with this). What I have at the moment prints off the file to screen, but stops at the first whitespace it encounters. I ideally want to be able to do it in both C and C++, but at the moment, I am having trouble just doing it in the one language.
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  • #2
Can you post what you have so far?
  • #3
o right. sorry.
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
int i;
char string[*argv[3]],c;

if(argc < 3) {

ifstream b_file(argv[2]);

b_file >> c;
cout << c;


void usage(char *cmd)
printf("Usage: %s <file to read with complete path> <Number of characters to scan>\n", cmd);
I have to admit, there isn't much of a program at the moment, but I've only just started. I know that to read it character by character, I will need to implement a for loop (hence why I declared i, since I plan to use it as an index).
  • #4
It's been a long while since I programmed C(++) but I think there should be an EOF (end of file) function that tells you when you have reached the end of the file.
So probably the lines
b_file >> c;
cout << c;
would change into something like
while(!b_file.eof()) {
b_file >> c;
cout << c;

but for the exact syntax you should look at the documentation a bit.
  • #5
Also, you might want to use getline() instead of just streaming in the file.
Check out the examples on file I/O with fstreams
  • #6
Cinimod said:
o right. sorry.
b_file >> c;

This skips whitespace (blanks, tabs, newlines). To read a file one character at a time, without skipping anything, use the istream get() member function:

while (b_file.get(c))   // the loop terminates when you try to read past end of file
    // do what you need to do with c here
  • #7
CompuChip said:
Check out the examples on file I/O with fstreams

Unfortunately, that page perpetuates a very common misconception about the eof() member function:

Notice how we have used a new member function, called eof() that returns true in the case that the end of the file has been reached. We have created a while loop that finishes when indeed myfile.eof() becomes true (i.e., the end of the file has been reached).

and illustrates it with the following code:

while (! myfile.eof() )
    getline (myfile,line);
    cout << line << endl;

The eof() member function actually signals "true" only after you have tried to read past the end of file and failed. In the example above, when getline() reads the last line, eof() remains "false" because getline() does not try to read past the newline that terminates the last line. Therefore the loop goes around one more time, getline() tries to read past the end of file, fails, and possibly puts garbage into "line". The output statement then processes that extra garbage line before the loop cycles back to the top and only then does eof() terminate the loop.

The correct way to do this is as follows:

while (getline (myfile,line))
    cout << line << endl;

This works because in a Boolean context, getline() evaluates as "true" or "false" depending on whether the input succeeded or failed. Other standard C++ input operations behave the same way. Notice how I used get() in my preceding post. Similarly, if you want to read one "word" at a time, skipping whitespace, you can do this:

string word;
while (myfile >> word)
    cout << word << endl;
  • #8
Thank you very much guys.

FAQ: Get the contents of a file, character by character

1. How do I get the contents of a file, character by character?

To get the contents of a file, character by character, you can use a file input stream to read the file byte by byte and then convert the bytes into characters using a character input stream. This will allow you to access and manipulate each character in the file.

2. Can I use a text editor to get the contents of a file, character by character?

No, text editors are designed for editing and viewing text, not for manipulating files. To get the contents of a file, character by character, you will need to use a programming language or a command line tool that supports file input/output operations.

3. Is it possible to get the contents of a file, character by character, without reading the entire file?

Yes, it is possible to read a file character by character without reading the entire file. This can be achieved by using a buffered input stream, which reads a portion of the file at a time, rather than the entire file at once. This can be useful for large files, as it can improve performance and reduce memory usage.

4. How can I handle errors when getting the contents of a file, character by character?

When working with files, it is important to handle potential errors such as file not found, permission denied, or unexpected file format. To handle these errors, you can use exception handling in your code to catch and handle any errors that may occur during the file reading process.

5. Are there any security risks associated with getting the contents of a file, character by character?

Yes, there can be security risks when reading files character by character, especially if the file contains sensitive information. It is important to validate and sanitize the input to prevent any potential security vulnerabilities, such as buffer overflows or code injection attacks. It is also important to ensure that only authorized users have access to the file being read.

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