Energy from matter-matter annihilation (relation to Dark Matter)

In summary, the conversation discusses the possibility of creating energy from matter-matter annihilation without using anti-matter. Dark matter WIMP's are suggested as a potential source for this energy, but their feasibility and practicality are questioned. The conversation also briefly touches on the concept of converting fermions into bosons and whether matter can be created from energy, with examples such as pair production mentioned.
  • #1

Would it be theoretically possible to create energy (for example photons) from matter-matter annihilation (not using anti-matter), so that we could create a powerplant based on this, without the need of producing anti-matter for the energy production?

I know that Dark Matter WIMP's are good candidates for such a powerplant, since the neutralino is it's own anti-particle. Now if our universe is dominated by Dark Matter, and the neutralino is it's own anti-particle, how come all the Dark Matter just does not annihilate on its self, and cease into existence? If this is not that case (as observation states it is, since we observe a candidate for Dark Matter), then this would not be a good source for the powerplant, so what other possibilities does one have?

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  • #2
Can you show me an example of a matter-matter annihilation, both the physics supporting such a phenomenon, and experiments that indicate that this might be possible? Note that what is done at the LHC (proton-proton collision) has NEVER been referred to as matter-matter annihilation. The physics is different than what we refer to when we deal with matter-antimatter annihilation. So this collision is not an example.

  • #4
Er... OK. If this is your example of "matter-matter" annihilation, then maybe you need to wait a while for this to be established, both in terms of the physics AND empirical verification, before extrapolating it into an energy source. And this is BEFORE one actually discusses the feasibility of (i) trying to capture such particles and direct them to collider and (ii) trying to get enough luminosity to actually make for a more than breakeven energy production (i.e. the economics).

  • #5
Well I was hoping that someone might know another example of this phenomenom (other than in Dark Matter) :)
  • #6
Even if you could magically turn DM into energy, there's not enough of it around to make a difference. If you could collect ALL the DM in the Earth, and turn it into electricity, it would power the world for maybe a week.
  • #7
But does any other particles have properties that would allow for matter-matter annihilation (supersymmetric, ordinary or hypothesized particles)? Or could they be sort of "stripped" for all properties, so that only the energy would be left, and annihilation then would be possible?
  • #8
Anything else you would have to make, and you could not get any more energy out than the energy you put in.
  • #9
Can fermions be transformed into bosoms?
  • #10
Everybody understands deriving energy from matter via E=mc2. Has matter ever been created out energy by Man? I've often thought this is how a singularity condenses into matter, explaining the BB. I do understand this is a supposition, though.
  • #11
Dropout said:
Can fermions be transformed into bosoms?
Assuming you meant "...bosons" (picks self up off floor after riotous laughter!) - yes, this happens whenever an electron and positron annihilate into a pair of gamma rays (photons).
  • #12
Burnerjack said:
Everybody understands deriving energy from matter via E=mc2. Has matter ever been created out energy by Man? I've often thought this is how a singularity condenses into matter, explaining the BB. I do understand this is a supposition, though.

Please look up, for example, pair production.

  • #13
Dropout said:
Can fermions be transformed into bosoms?

Bosoms are made of fermions (as far as non-virtual constituents goes).

FAQ: Energy from matter-matter annihilation (relation to Dark Matter)

Question 1: How does matter-matter annihilation relate to Dark Matter?

Matter-matter annihilation is a process in which matter and antimatter particles collide and release energy. This energy can then be converted into other forms, such as light or heat. This process is not directly related to Dark Matter, which is a theoretical form of matter that does not interact with light and is believed to make up a large portion of the universe's mass. However, some theories propose that Dark Matter particles could interact with and potentially be annihilated by regular matter particles, releasing energy in the process.

Question 2: Can matter-matter annihilation be harnessed as a source of energy?

While matter-matter annihilation does release a significant amount of energy, it is currently not feasible to harness it as a source of energy. The process requires large amounts of matter and antimatter particles, which are difficult to produce and control. Additionally, the amount of energy released is relatively small compared to other energy sources, making it impractical for everyday use.

Question 3: How is energy released during matter-matter annihilation?

During matter-matter annihilation, the matter and antimatter particles collide and annihilate each other, converting their mass into energy according to Einstein's famous equation E=mc². This energy is then released in the form of photons (particles of light) or other particles. The specific type and amount of energy released depend on the types of particles involved in the annihilation.

Question 4: Does matter-matter annihilation occur naturally?

Yes, matter-matter annihilation does occur naturally in certain processes, such as in the core of stars or during high-energy collisions in particle accelerators. However, these occurrences are rare and usually involve small amounts of matter and antimatter.

Question 5: How does matter-matter annihilation impact our understanding of the universe?

Matter-matter annihilation is an important process to study as it helps us understand the fundamental laws of physics and the behavior of particles. It also has implications for our understanding of the early universe, as the Big Bang theory suggests that equal amounts of matter and antimatter were created in the beginning. The fact that we see a universe dominated by matter suggests that there may be other processes, such as matter-matter annihilation, that played a role in the evolution of the universe.

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