Is dating a younger guy a bad idea?

  • Thread starter mooberrymarz
  • Start date
In summary: I don't get it.Do you think it's because we're more experienced, or what?Hehe... Younger=more mature? kerrie. Congratulations.! :biggrin: Evo how come you almost always date younger guyz..?They're easier to train. :biggrin:There's nothing wrong with younger guys (or younger girls). I've almost always dated older girls (a couple of years or so, for example), and always had good relationships. Lately it seems women my age (25) no longer want to date men... they want to date women half their age (18
  • #1
heya! this really cute guy asked me out today, but 5 minutes later i found out that he's 2 years younger than me. he's ok with it but I feel kinda funny bout going out wit him. most of my girl friends think its a bad idea... Wot do u guyz tink? :confused:
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  • #2
Is it in the constitution of your country to not date younger guys because other people says so?

Go out with him, have fun.
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  • #3
hahah. yeah ok... but u don't understand these are my friends from school. i went to this prissy catholic all girls school, they are uptight bout stuff like that. I know , its sound stupid.. I'm an adult now and I should be able be myself, but I've known these girls since i was like 8, and wot they think matters to me. My best friend went out wit this guy who had.. well... a pretty crappy sense of style ... and they literally sat her down and told her to break up wit him. She did it in the end coz the social pressure within the group was too much... !
  • #4
mooberrymarz said:
but 5 minutes later i found out that he's 2 yrs younger than me.
If you didn't notice he was younger, does it really matter? Everyone has their own level of maturity, strange friends you have :)
  • #5
Age differences stop having as much of a meaning as you get older.

2 years seems like a big difference when you're a teenager. Maybe even into the really early 20s.

Once you're mid-twenties, 2 years would be a non-issue
  • #6
enigma said:
Age differences stop having as much of a meaning as you get older.

2 years seems like a big difference when you're a teenager. Maybe even into the really early 20s.

Once you're mid-twenties, 2 years would be a non-issue

Good advice, couldn't have said it better myself... now if only i could convince them older ladies!
  • #7
yes my friends are a bit odd. they are very prim and proper...there are lots of thing they don't approve of. Like drinking, smoking, premarital sex... and dating younger guyz, or guyz who don't fit the social standard. It has to with the school we went to.. it was very, snobby. I'm not like that coz its just to much effort to be like that, they don't hate me for it but they are forever trying to bring me back from the"dark side". Monique have u ever dated a younger guy?
  • #8
Heh, I remember dating an older girl when I was in college. She knew I was younger, but not exactly how much. I was working over the summer, and she thought I had graduated already. I knew she was older, but not how much. I was surprised to find out she was 26. She was quite a bit more surprised to find out I was 19. It didn't last long after that.

  • #9
mooberrymarz said:
Monique have u ever dated a younger guy?
hah, I'd be the wrong person to ask :shy: but no. You seem smart enough to judge yourself though, if the shoe fits.. :wink:

Funny story Njorl.. it happens.. :)
  • #10
mooberrymarz said:
heya! this really cute guy asked me out today, but 5 minutes later i found out that he's 2 years younger than me. he's ok with it but I feel kinda funny bout going out wit him. most of my girl friends think its a bad idea... Wot do u guyz tink? :confused:

Tsunami married a younger guy - me. That was 18 years ago yesterday.
  • #11
HEY! Happy post-anniversary day :biggrin: :biggrin: I think you guys are so great :smile:
  • #12

thanks. I keep telling Tsu how great I am but she still doesn't believe me. :confused:
  • #13
2 years age difference, no problem. My wife is two years older than me. Heck here in Massachusetts you can marry anything you want.
  • #14
Love w/o bound. Age dun matter.
  • #15
I've almost always dated younger men.
  • #16
Ivan Seeking said:

thanks. I keep telling Tsu how great I am but she still doesn't believe me. :confused:

If she's with you that means she believes in you. Actions speak louder than words :)
  • #17
ur friends are jealous :D
  • #18
BLATANTLY.. tell them that they are SO transparent. I do that to my friends. Well I would if I had any left.
  • #19
i am getting married in less then 2 months to a man almost 5 years younger then me. his maturity level though sometimes surpasses me :)
  • #20
Evo said:
I've almost always dated younger men.

Hehe... Younger=more mature? or...
  • #21
wow kerrie. Congratulations.! :biggrin: Evo how come you almost always date younger guyz..?
  • #22
They're easier to train. :biggrin:
  • #23
There's nothing wrong with younger guys (or younger girls). I've almost always dated older girls (a couple of years or so, for example), and always had good relationships. Lately it seems women my age (25) no longer want to date men my age -- they want to date men in their thirties. This is incredibly dumb, if you ask me. If a person fits all your needs, date them. Age is largely irrelevant, since it's only loosely correlated with maturity (emotional stability, honesty, and communication skills) anyway.

- Warren
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  • #24
Younger guys are sometimes more fun!
  • #25
chroot said:
Age is largely irrelevant, since it's only loosely correlated with maturity (emotional stability, honesty, and communication skills) anyway.

- Warren
You think so? Why is it than that you almost always dated older girls. Generally men mature more slowly than women so it is not that strange that age can matter, but everyone has their own values that are more important than a number.. I just like the thoughtful pondering ones and not the loud beer drinking lot, but that's just me :)
  • #26
Just get a few beers into those thoughtful pondering ones. They'll start telling you, loudly, all the thoughts they've been pondering. :smile:

Hey, do women have any rules about how much younger is OK?

We men have been using the "half your age plus seven" rule. For example, if you're 40, 27 is the lower limit. It breaks down at the low end. I mean, if you're 8, the youngest girl you can date is 11. I guess this theory sort of sets 14 as the minimum age to start dating. It gets into dangerous territory in the 18-16 and 20-17 dating guaranteed to make many a parent edgy. :devil:

  • #27
Njorl said:
Just get a few beers into those thoughtful pondering ones. They'll start telling you, loudly, all the thoughts they've been pondering. :smile:

haha..that's very true. And on the same note, as soon as a guy opens his mouth, it's all downhill from there :smile:
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  • #28
yeah monique. guyz do mature slower compared to women. I don't really know this guy too well, and sometimes he sez really juvenile things, but he is really funny and cool to hang around with. My friend dates older women coz they spend lots of cash on him. Last year his now ex girlfriend paid for their holiday to mauritius. I thought it was quite low of him not to go dutch on the whole holiday thing but he didnt care. he sez older women have sorted out their issues and are easier to be with(and pay for expensive holidays).. is that true chroot? I's prefer a guy in his early twenties but the best offer I've had so far is this guy... :approve:
  • #29
Njorl said:
Just get a few beers into those thoughtful pondering ones. They'll start telling you, loudly, all the thoughts they've been pondering. :smile:
you tell me now? Or maybe I'm the one who needs a few beers :shy:
  • #30
Pays to be a hermit. :) Dun have to think out loud to anyone. heh
  • #31
Thinking out aloud is a very dangerous thing to do.i can't count the number of times I have been in crap for doing that. When i was eleven and i went to this church with my mom, the pastors wife came up with this stupid theory that dinosaurs never existed coz it didny fit in with the bible and stuff. In my mind i said "IDIOT" and as soon as i felt my mom pinch my arm i knew that i had said it out aloud and the pastors wife heard. She always hated me since then... its really sad. :frown: :frown:
  • #32
Good job dude! I personally begin to dislike the style of preacher and how they assume a higher superiority than anyone else and they especially resent against the intellectuals because of science... :) I'd say good job if you said idiot outloud. Very productive! But I do dislike not being able to express myself because you haev to say things others will like or else... Ahh well...

Monique, dun drink too much and wander into the Red Light district. lol
  • #33
I think ure right but imagine if everybody could say stuff without worrying bout other people thought, it would be a life in the day of dilbert. I mean say u had a huge zit on ure nose, u know its there and that its huge... and as ure walking around somebody points at u and sez" my god, what is that ting doing on ure face"... very sad i'd say,
  • #34
Just call people In-DUH-viduals like they do in Dilbert. All the morons will think it is a compliment
  • #35
Njorl said:
Hey, do women have any rules about how much younger is OK?
I don't. The most recent was 18 years younger than me.

mooberrymarz, the last time I dated anyone my age or older was when I was 25. It's only been younger men since then, just by chance. I've always looked much younger than my age, so that's probably a reason. Age doesn't matter, maturity does.

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