Debye Model of Solids: Questions & Answers

In summary, the Debye model of oscillators as standing waves was inspired by the linearity of the experimental phonon dispersion graph in the long wave region. Debye used standing spherical waves in a body of spherical geometry, as this was the only configuration for which the equations of elasticity theory could be solved analytically. As for the second question, there exists a general proof that the integral properties of a solid, such as heat capacity and mean energy, become independent of specific boundary conditions in the thermodynamic limit. Therefore, the specific shape of the container does not affect the results of the Debye model.
  • #1
Hello everyone,

I have two questions about the Debye model (one historical and the other theoretical).

1. Debye models oscilators as standing waves. Where did his idea come from? Is there any physical reason to suppose this? I guess he didn't compute 1000 models just to see that this one explains experimental data.

2. When we compute the number of waves, we suppose they are in a cubical container. How can one prove that results is the same for container of any other form?

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  • #2
You can try to get experimental phonon dispersion graph in which you will find the linearity of the curve in the long wave region, these can be modeled as standing waves. As to the non-linear part (which generally have higher frequency), few phonons are activated at low temperature, thus the standing wave model accounts the experiment well in these cases. For the second question I cannot help.
  • #3
Debye did use standing spherical waves in a body of spherical geometry because this is the only configuration for which the equations of elasticity theory can be solved analytically. He explains this very well in his original paper P. Debye, 'Zur Theorie der spezifischen Waerme', Annalen der Physik (Leipzig) 344(14), p. 789 (1912).

To the second question: Debye didn't suppose a cubical container for the reason given above, but maybe the textbook of your teacher does so. However, there exists quite a general proof (I think by Wigner) that integral properties of a solid (like heat capacity, mean energy, pressure, ...) become independent of the specific boundary conditions in the thermodynamic limit (that is, for macroscopic bodies). So it doesn't really matter.

FAQ: Debye Model of Solids: Questions & Answers

1. What is the Debye Model of Solids?

The Debye Model is a theoretical model used to describe the behavior of solids at low temperatures. It was proposed by physicist Peter Debye in 1912 and is based on the idea that the atoms in a solid vibrate at different frequencies, creating a range of energy levels.

2. How does the Debye Model explain the heat capacity of solids?

The Debye Model explains the heat capacity of solids by considering the vibrational energy levels of atoms in a solid. At low temperatures, only a few of these energy levels are occupied, leading to a low heat capacity. As the temperature increases, more energy levels become occupied, resulting in a higher heat capacity.

3. What is the Debye temperature and how is it calculated?

The Debye temperature is a characteristic temperature for a solid, representing the maximum vibrational energy of the atoms in the solid. It is calculated using the speed of sound in the solid, the density of the solid, and the specific heat capacity of the solid.

4. How does the Debye Model account for the difference in heat capacity between solids and gases?

The Debye Model takes into account the fact that atoms in a solid are held together by interatomic forces, while atoms in a gas are free to move independently. This difference in the way atoms are able to vibrate in solids and gases leads to a difference in their heat capacities.

5. What are the limitations of the Debye Model?

The Debye Model is limited in its applicability to solids at low temperatures. It does not take into account the effects of quantum mechanics, which become more significant at higher temperatures. The model also assumes that all atoms in the solid vibrate at the same frequency, which is not always the case in real solids.

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