Understanding Reciprocal Space in Solid State Physics

In summary, reciprocal space can be thought of as a purely geometrical concept where the reciprocal lattice is defined by the dot product of the direct lattice vectors. In physics, reciprocal space also shows up in the solution to the Schroedinger equation for a periodic potential, where the pseudomomentum vector is restricted to the first Brillouin zone. X does not necessarily have to be a wavelength, as it is simply the unit spacing in direct space and 2*pi/X is the unit spacing in momentum space. Reciprocal space can also be used to define lattice planes in real space, where the shortest reciprocal space vector has a length of 2*pi/d, where d is the spacing between lattice planes. This comes from the fact that exp(i
  • #1
I am taking Solid State now and using Kittel as the textbook. Needless to say, I don't understand almost anything that's happening.

I'm still stuck on Reciprocal Space here. If I have a lattice of atoms of spacing X, then in reciprocal space I get something like 2*pi/X spacing. My prof. explained that as being the momentum space since Reciprocal Space is basically a Fourier transform of the lattice.

That only makes sense if X is a wavelength and therefore 2*pi/X * h-bar = momentum.

But I don't understand why X would be a wavelength. I guess it would be the maximum wavelength between atoms? And then 2*pi/X * h-bar is the minimum momentum that can get transferred?

I am really clueless.
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  • #2
There are different ways to think about reciprocal space. For one, you can think of it as a purely geometrical thing. If you have a lattice with vectors [tex]\mathbf{a}_i[/tex], then the reciprocal lattice is defined by

[tex]\mathbf{a}_i \cdot \mathbf{g}_j = 2\pi\delta_{ij}[/tex].

It's a purely geometrical thing, and the above equation defines a lattice with vectors [tex]\mathbf{g}_i[/tex]. In mathematics this would probably be called a dual lattice, but in physics we call it a reciprocal lattice because of the units (g has units of 1 / length).

Another way reciprocal space shows up is if you look at the solution to the Schroedinger equation for a periodic potential, Bloch's theorem says that the wavefunctions are a product of two periodic functions, and of the form

[tex]\psi_{kn}(r) = u_{kn}(r) e^{i k \cdot r}[/tex]

where k is the so-called pseudomomentum vector, which serves as a quantum number. k is restricted to the first Brillouin zone, where [tex]k = l_1 g_1 + l_2 g_2 + l_3 g_3[/tex] where the l's are restricted to the range [-0.5,0.5]. So k is restricted to wavelengths which are longer than a lattice vector. The other function [tex]u_{kn}(r)[/tex] is periodic within the unit cell, so if you expand it in planewaves, all the planewaves would be like [tex]n_1 g_1 + n_2 g_2 + n_3 g_3[/tex] where the n's are integers, thus these wavelengths are all the lattice constants divided by integers.
  • #3
X need not be a wavelength. X is the unit spacing in direct space and 2*pi/X is the unit spacing in inverse (momentum) space. The moentum space will be useful to you in determining certain optoelectronic properties.
  • #4
I am trying to explain your confusion, i believe i am right but if not i hope to be corrected by someone who follows this message. The reciprocal space vectors are very good way to define lattice planes in real space. For a group of lattice planes which are parallel to each other in real space, there are corresponding reciprocal space vectors which are perpendicular to the lattice planes, the shortest of one has length 2*pi/d, where d is the spacing between lattice planes. This comes from the fact that exp(iK*r) should be constant on the lattice planes and should be equal to 1 if r describes Bravis lattice vectors. Now just imagine a incident plane wave 'exp(ik*r)'on set of parallel planes. The only way exp(ikr) can have same value on all the planes is when they are separated by wavelength.
I hope it makes sense :)


FAQ: Understanding Reciprocal Space in Solid State Physics

1. What is Reciprocal Space?

Reciprocal Space is a mathematical representation of a crystal lattice in three-dimensional space, used to describe the diffraction pattern of X-rays or electrons scattered by the lattice.

2. Why is Reciprocal Space important in crystallography?

Reciprocal Space allows us to interpret and analyze the diffraction pattern produced by a crystal, providing important information about the arrangement of atoms in the crystal lattice. It also allows for the determination of the crystal's symmetry and unit cell dimensions.

3. How is Reciprocal Space related to Bragg's Law?

Bragg's Law relates the diffraction angles of X-rays or electrons to the spacing between lattice planes in a crystal. Reciprocal Space is used to plot these lattice planes and determine their spacing, allowing for the calculation of the diffraction angles predicted by Bragg's Law.

4. What is the difference between Real Space and Reciprocal Space?

Real Space refers to the physical three-dimensional space in which we live, while Reciprocal Space is a mathematical representation of the crystal lattice. In Real Space, the lattice points correspond to the positions of atoms in the crystal, while in Reciprocal Space, the lattice points represent the diffraction peaks produced by the crystal's lattice planes.

5. How can I visualize Reciprocal Space?

Reciprocal Space can be visualized using a variety of tools, such as diffraction software or physical models. One common method is to use a reciprocal lattice diagram, which plots the reciprocal lattice points and their corresponding diffraction peaks in a two-dimensional representation.

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