Was the Universe Bigger During the Big Bang Than We Thought?

In summary, the conversation discusses the use of an equation, mvr = nh/2pi, from Bohr's theory of the hydrogen atom to demonstrate that the size of the universe at the time of the Big Bang could have been much greater than currently thought by most physicists. By calculating acceleration and assuming Newtonian physics applies to quarks, it is suggested that the size of the universe could have been 10^8 meters at the start, which aligns with previous calculations. However, one participant suggests that the concept of a Big Bang implies the universe did not exist at that time, and the conversation ends with a humorous suggestion for psychiatric help.
  • #1
In the following discussion we will use an equation which is a possible candidate for quantum gravity to demonstrate that the size of the universe at the time of the Big Bang could have been much greater than is currently thought by the majority of physicists.

Using mvr = nh/2pi from Bohr’s theory of the hydrogen atom:

v = nh / 2pi m r

acceleration = (v1 – v2) / t = (n1/m1r1 – n2/m2r2) ( h / 2pi ) / t

acceleration = q^2/ 8 pi^2E0 h t x [ 1/n1 – 1/n2 ] using r = 4 pi x E 0 n^2h^2/ me^2

acceleration = 10^12 ( 1 – 1/ n2)
assuming that for the minimum velocity n1 = 1 and t = 10 ^ - 8 seconds which is what t is for electrons in most atoms.

At the surface of the sun acceleration = 10^2 m/s or thereabouts.
This means n2 must be about 1.0000000001 in the equation above.

If we imagine the universe reached the size of the Sun, then bearing in mind its mass is 10^22 times greater than the mass of the Sun and assuming 1/n2 is proportional to mass then 1/n2 at the surface of the universe was about 1 x 10^22 for a quark, let’s say.
So acceleration = 10^12 x 10^22 = 10^34 m/s^2.

A quark sits at the surface of the universe.
Let’s see what happens if we assume Newtonian physics or at least some of it applies to quarks.We assume also that the the quark consists of a sphere of electric charge and that the charges on this sphere repel one another and that the force of repulsion exactly matches the force of gravity trying to compress the quark at 10^8 metres:

Force = quark mass x acceleration ( we’ll use the mass of an up quark )

Force = 10^ -28 x 10^ 34 = 10^ 6 Newtons.

Now the force of repulsion is given in classical physics by:

kq^2/ r^2

So kq^2 / r ^ 2 = 10^6

10^9x 10^ -38 / r^ 2 = 10^ 6

r = 10^ -18 metres.

There are about ten quarks per cubic metre in the universe, so since
total number of quarks in a particular direction is about 2 (cubed root of ten)
per metre nowadays, there can be about 10^26 quarks in a particular direction
(10^26 = maximum size of universe) nowadays and in the past.If each quark was about 10^ -18 metres in diameter at the start of the universe then the size of the universe was 10^26 x 10^ -18 metres = 10^ 8 metres.
Just what we said it was at the beginning of this exercise!
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
You need psychiatric help.
  • #3
I agree. Don't know where to begin on that one.
  • #4
'There are about ten quarks per cubic metre in the universe'

Try thinking a little. Quarks are in atoms(nucleus), and there are about 1 Billion atoms in on cubic nanometer!
  • #5
'quantum gravity to demonstrate that the size of the universe at the time of the Big Bang could have been much greater than is currently thought by the majority of physicists.'

Uhh, COSMOLOGISTS and the Big Bang was the ONLY thing in the Universe! BIG BANG=Beginning of Universe! The universe was one singularity, and you are saying that the universe was bigger when there was only one singularity there. BIG BANG=rapid expansion of universe.. The Universe simply WASN'T THERE at that time!

Read a little. Even I know that.

FAQ: Was the Universe Bigger During the Big Bang Than We Thought?

1. What is the "Quantum gravity equation"?

The "Quantum gravity equation" is a theoretical equation that attempts to combine the principles of quantum mechanics and general relativity to describe the behavior of gravity at a very small scale. It is also known as the "Theory of Everything" as it aims to unite all fundamental forces in the universe.

2. Why is quantum gravity important?

Quantum gravity is important because it aims to bridge the gap between two of the most successful theories in physics, quantum mechanics and general relativity. It could potentially help us understand the behavior of gravity at a fundamental level and provide a deeper understanding of the universe.

3. Has the quantum gravity equation been proven?

No, the quantum gravity equation has not been proven. It is still a theoretical concept and has not been experimentally verified. Scientists are still working on developing and refining the equation.

4. How does the quantum gravity equation differ from Einstein's theory of general relativity?

Einstein's theory of general relativity describes gravity as a curvature of space-time caused by the presence of mass and energy. The quantum gravity equation, on the other hand, attempts to explain gravity at a quantum level and how it interacts with other fundamental forces.

5. What are some challenges in developing the quantum gravity equation?

One of the main challenges in developing the quantum gravity equation is the incompatibility between quantum mechanics and general relativity. These two theories have very different frameworks and combining them has proven to be a difficult task. Additionally, gravity is a very weak force at a quantum level, making it difficult to study and understand its behavior.

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