Interstellar Gas Cloud: High Temp Mystery

In summary: So the lump-gas will gradually cool down, until eventually it reaches equilibrium with the local plasma and cosmic rays (perhaps at a much higher temperature, say 10K or so).
  • #1

At the above link, it appears there is a high temperature cloud of gas has been colliding with the solar system. What could keep a cloud of gas at such a high temperature in the interstellar medium?
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Astronomy news on
  • #2
The temperature of a gas is a measure of the speed of random motions of molecules in a gas. The higher the speed, the higher the temperature. When molecules collide, they emit radiation. The relative intensities of spectral lines in these emissions are used to calculate the gas temperature [a Wein's Law thing].
  • #3
I think one must note that the local bubble (in which the solar system is located since aprox. 4 million years) is a cold environment if one compares with the interstellar medium. The temperature of this cloud the solar system is entering seams reasonable to me if one considers the assumption of the creation of the the local bubble due to a few supernovae from the Sco-Cen OB-association (emission nebulae surrounding O or B stars have usually 8000 - 10.000 K). This supernovae generate a cavity within the interstellar medium (our bubble is called the local bubble or local chimney) in which the density as well as the temperature decrease. The walls of the cavity are hotter and there are also couldlets near the walls, which should be also hotter.
  • #4
mee said:
Another (ESA) report of these findings.
At the above link, it appears there is a high temperature cloud of gas has been colliding with the solar system. What could keep a cloud of gas at such a high temperature in the interstellar medium?
To extend Chronos' excellent answer to this question, you can turn it on its head - what could possibly cool such a cloud of gas? As Chronos noted, it can only cool by colliding with something colder (such as a dense, cold interstelar cloud; planets are far, far too small to cool the ISM) or through radiative cooling. The interesting thing is that the gas (as opposed to the plasma) behaves just like the air around us - you can apply the classical physics gas laws and come up with all the right answers!
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  • #5
Nereid said:
Another (ESA) report of these findings. To extend Chronos' excellent answer to this question, you can turn it on its head - what could possibly cool such a cloud of gas? As Chronos noted, it can only cool by colliding with something colder (such as a dense, cold interstelar cloud; planets are far, far too small to cool the ISM) or through radiative cooling. The interesting thing is that the gas (as opposed to the plasma) behaves just like the air around us - you can apply the classical physics gas laws and come up with all the right answers!

Well. I'm not much educated about some of these things, it seems people are always saying stuff like " the terrible cold of 'space'" or something. Not only that, but when one gets far away from the sun, so I assumed for any star or starlike source, it gets colder: like Pluto and Charon.
  • #6
Hmm, how to explain this.

Let's take a lump of iron, say 1 kg (or 1 pound, if you're from the US), at 20C (or 70F if you're in the US). We magically instantly move it to a stable orbit about 50 au from the Sun (that's some way beyond Pluto's orbit). What's its equilibrium temperature?

1) radiative equilibrium: the lump absorbs photons, principally from the distant Sun, and emits photons, more or less as blackbody radiation. If this were the only thing, the lump would indeed become quite cold, ~40K (depends somewhat on whether it's got a nice coat of white, shiny paint on it, or a thin layer of soot).

2) equilibrium with the local gas (not plasma): even if the gas temperature is 6000K, it will have only the tiniest effect on the temperature of the lump! Why? The lump has a great many atoms (how many? google on Avogadro's number); a volume of the surrounding gas equal to the volume of the lump, very few (<10?). Even if thousands, indeed millions, of these gas molecules (or atoms) collided with the lump every second, the heat they'd transfer to it would be trivial, and soon radiated away.

3) equilibrium with the local plasma and cosmic rays: similar situation to 2.

Now, suppose we ripped the lump into atoms, and made them into a very thin gas, of density approx equal to the surrounding gas way out beyond Pluto's orbit (how much volume would that 'lump-gas' have?). Now the situation is very different; atoms in the dispersed lump - now a thin gas - will collide with the gas (how often?), and through those collisions, come into equilibrium with it (what pressure? what temperature?).
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  • #7
Thank you very much for your patient and well-crafted answer.

FAQ: Interstellar Gas Cloud: High Temp Mystery

1. What is an interstellar gas cloud?

An interstellar gas cloud is a large, diffuse region of gas and dust found in the space between stars in a galaxy. These clouds are composed of various elements, including hydrogen, helium, and heavier elements such as carbon, oxygen, and nitrogen.

2. Why is the temperature of interstellar gas clouds a mystery?

The temperature of interstellar gas clouds is a mystery because it is significantly higher than expected. These clouds are thought to have a temperature of around 10-100 Kelvin, but recent observations have shown temperatures of up to millions of Kelvin. This discrepancy is known as the "high temperature mystery."

3. What could be causing the high temperatures in interstellar gas clouds?

One possible explanation for the high temperatures in interstellar gas clouds is the presence of shock waves. These waves can be created by supernovae explosions or the motion of high-velocity stars and can heat up the gas in the clouds. Another theory is that magnetic fields within the clouds are transferring energy to the gas particles, increasing their temperature.

4. How do scientists study interstellar gas clouds?

Scientists study interstellar gas clouds using a variety of techniques, including radio and infrared telescopes. These telescopes can detect the radio and infrared emissions from the gas particles, providing information about their temperature and composition. Scientists also use computer simulations to model the behavior of interstellar gas clouds and test different theories about their temperature.

5. What are the implications of the high temperature mystery in interstellar gas clouds?

The high temperature mystery in interstellar gas clouds has important implications for our understanding of the universe. It challenges our current models and theories about the behavior of gas in space and how it is affected by various factors such as shock waves and magnetic fields. Solving this mystery could also provide new insights into the formation and evolution of galaxies and the role of interstellar gas in these processes.

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