Can you add solar panels to a gas-electric hybrid to improve mileage?

In summary, solar cells can power an electrical battery and help offset the need to use greenhouse gas. It is already being done, with some strictly electric cars using solar chargers to supplement their batteries. However, the amount of power generated from solar panels on a car is not significant unless it is a stripped-down experimental vehicle, and even then, the most you can get on a perfect day is 1 kW. Multi-layered solar cells and solar cell paint are being developed, but for now, they are too expensive. Adding a solar panel to a car may not save money, but it does give bragging rights for having a more fuel efficient vehicle. A study claiming that driving a Hummer does less harm to the environment than a Pri
  • #1
THe solar cells can power an electrical battery and help offset the need to use greenhouse gas.
Engineering news on
  • #2
Yes, you can. In fact, it's being done already. There is also a strictly electric car which supplements its battery with a solar charger.
  • #3
Yes, but the amount of power you can get from solar panels on your car will not make the difference significant unless the car is a stripped-down experimental/concept car.

The most you'll get on an absolutely perfect day, with the sun directly overhead and 60 square feet of solar panel is about 1 kW, or 1.3 horsepower.
  • #4
For a car that is all electric or a hybrid that has enough battery to be significant, solar cells might make sense in that they can charge all day while the car is parked.

When multi-layered cells like those used on the Mars rovers are affordable, the solar industry will change significantly; and better yet, solar cell paint that can make your entire car or house a solar panel for pennies on today's dollars per square meter. For now though, can you imagine the theft problem if the skin of your car was worth $20K. Already public parks and road departments have problems with theft of small solar panels from remote stations, telephones, lights, etc.
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  • #5
If you are trying to save money, I don't think adding a solar panel is a good idea. Solar panels are pretty expensive. Yes, gas is expensive compared to 50 years ago, but it might actually be years (or never) before you can officially say you have saved money by adding a solar panel to offset the gas price.

However, you do get the bragging rights of having a more fuel efficient vehicle than compared to others. No offense, but sometimes I think driving a hybrid might not actually be that beneficial to the environment. Look at this article:
Apparently, they say that the resources taken to build the Prius (the environmental damage caused by mining land to make batteries) outweighs the environmental benefits of putting out less emissions. In fact, the article even claims that driving a Hummer does less harm to the environment than having a Prius.
  • #6
nobb123 said:
In fact, the article even claims that driving a Hummer does less harm to the environment than having a Prius.

The study on which this article is based is severely flawed.

Here's one example, they came up with an 'estimated lifetime' for all the vehicles in the study:

Toyata Prius - 109,000 miles
Honda Civic - 113,000 miles
Hummer H1 - 379,000 miles

(note - the prius comes with a 150k warranty -- so estimating less than that for the average lifetime is obviously flawed) There is no justification for these numbers in the report, but they use these lifetime numbers as the basis for a lot of their cost figures. So, the Hummer ends up comparing pretty well.

They also mention batteries - Toyota recycles 100% of their batteries, Honda recycles most of the battery (all the metals) and processes and safely disposes the rest (the plastic housing and cabling). Both companies put ~$200 bounties on the batteries to ensure they get turned in for recycling. And while nickel is certainly toxic, the lead in all of our lead/acid batteries is even more toxic.

Some other simple math will debunk this study. The average american drives ~12,500 miles annually. They claim that a prius costs $3.25/mile to drive. Do you know anyone spending over $40,000/year on their car?

I'm not trying to say that hybrids are perfect by any means. I'm only trying to point out the flaws of this particular study. Say what you will about hybrids, just don't use this study to back up your position.
  • #7
doesn't any metal generate a current when struck by an EM wave? hence einstein's photoelectric effect? is it just very small?
  • #8
Einstein's breakthrough with the photoelectric effect says that it only generates a current if the individual photon has enough energy to release an electron.
For most metals this is in the UV - generally too far into the UV for the photon to pass through the atmosphere. Most of the engineering in solar panels is to produce materials with weakly held electrons ( low bandgap ) that they can be released by the more plentiful, longer wavelength, photons.

FAQ: Can you add solar panels to a gas-electric hybrid to improve mileage?

1. Can solar panels be added to any gas-electric hybrid?

Yes, solar panels can be added to most gas-electric hybrids. However, it is important to consult with a professional to determine the compatibility of the specific hybrid and the type of solar panel being added.

2. How do solar panels improve the mileage of a gas-electric hybrid?

Solar panels can improve mileage in a gas-electric hybrid by providing additional power to the electric motor, reducing the need for the gas engine to kick in. This can lead to increased efficiency and therefore, improved mileage.

3. What is the average cost of adding solar panels to a gas-electric hybrid?

The cost of adding solar panels to a gas-electric hybrid can vary depending on the type of solar panels, the size of the hybrid, and the installation fees. On average, it can range from $2,000 to $5,000.

4. Can solar panels completely replace the need for gas in a gas-electric hybrid?

No, solar panels cannot completely replace the need for gas in a gas-electric hybrid. While they can improve mileage, they are not capable of providing enough power to solely run the vehicle.

5. Are there any downsides to adding solar panels to a gas-electric hybrid?

One potential downside is the added weight of the solar panels, which can slightly decrease the overall efficiency of the hybrid. Additionally, the initial cost of installation may be a barrier for some individuals.

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