What happens before crossing the Event Horizon

In summary, when objects are thrown into a black hole, they appear to freeze just before crossing the event horizon due to a delay in the light returning to observers. This delay causes a gradual red-shifting of the image until it becomes unobservable. This phenomenon can be explained by the Schwarzschild metric in General Relativity. As the object approaches the event horizon, the distance between two points with the same coordinate separation increases, leading to an infinite distance between the observer and the object at the event horizon. This change in distance also results in an increase in the gravitational pull of the black hole, which may be seen as a violation of causality. However, this can be explained by the finite proper time experienced by the object falling into the
  • #1
Suppose this happens:

10 billion people are taken to a large black hole.
The people are thrown into the black hole as we fly around it in the large spaceship.

I have read that when an object goes past the event horizon, we as observers away from the black hole will see the people freeze just before crossing it.

So does this mean that we would forever see 10 billion people frozen around this black hole?

If so, then why don't we see the tons of matter which the black hole has previously devoured (other planets and stars etc) in black holes today

I would like to be told what is happening here... I don't understand why they would 'freeze' and many sources tell me things would indeed freeze before crossing the event horizon, to an on-looker's point of view. I would assume it is some kind of optical illusion, since the light cannot be frozen there...
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
What happens is that as things approach the event horizon, then the light which is returned to an observer further away gets increasingly delayed. It would be infinitely delayed at the event horizon itself. This means that although the image appears to be slowing down to a halt as it approaches the event horizon, it also rapidly becomes extremely red-shifted, to the point where the frequency and intensity are so low that it is no longer observable.
  • #3
As Jonathan Scott said, it is not an instant freezing, it is a gradual red-shifting which is analogous to the doppler effect. Alternately, you can picture that it takes energy to "climb out" of the gravity well caused by the black hole, thus reducing the energy of each photon, leaving it with a longer wavelength.

I suggest you read "The Black Hole Wars" by Leonard Susskind, as he goes into great detail about this very question.
  • #4
Thank you. I'll try to find that book online.
  • #6
Suppose a person sitting on the object falling into black hole were to emit signal at regular interval in his own reference frame.
These signals would reach us at infinity at progressively increasing interval of time..
As the object approaches event horizon , the timing between arrival of two signals would become infinite.
Hence we would never see an object crossing event horizon.

Now the object would fall into the black hole(and reach singularity) in finite proper time in it`s frame.
This would result into increase in the mass of the black hole. Which would change the gravity. So with respect to us although we would never see object crossing even horizon we would see an increase in the gravity.

Does it not in some sense violate causality.

We see object that has not yet fallen into black hole abut yet there is an increase in the gravity of the black hole ? :confused:
  • #7
These signals would reach us at infinity at progressively increasing interval of time..
As the object approaches event horizon , the timing between arrival of two signals would become infinite.

Whyso? Light travels at c in all reference frames. All we would see is those signals changing in wavelength.
  • #8
Whyso? Light travels at c in all reference frames. All we would see is those signals changing in wavelength.

Please read chapter on black holes from Sean Carroll`s book or free online notes on General relativity.
This is true that signals would be redshifted. But also they would reach us with interval between two signals increasing as object approaches event horizon.

You are right that light travels with speed c. But distance between two points with coordinate separation (dr) is not just (dr).

But rather it is determined by metric as well.
Scwarzschild metric has (1-2GM/r) factor in denominator accompanying (dr)**2 .
Hence distance between two points with same coordinate separation would increase if we are close to event horizon.

Hence separation between the signal sent by person sitting on object falling into black hole would increase as object approaches event horizon.

Because distance between two points is rendered infinite by the metric.

FAQ: What happens before crossing the Event Horizon

1. What is the Event Horizon?

The Event Horizon is the boundary surrounding a black hole, beyond which nothing, including light, can escape its gravitational pull.

2. What happens before crossing the Event Horizon?

Before crossing the Event Horizon, an object will experience extreme time dilation and gravitational forces, which can distort and stretch it until it reaches the point of no return.

3. Can anything survive crossing the Event Horizon?

No, once an object crosses the Event Horizon, it will be pulled into the black hole and crushed into a singularity, a point of infinite density and zero volume.

4. Is there any way to escape the Event Horizon?

No, the gravitational pull of a black hole is so strong that nothing, not even light, can escape once it has crossed the Event Horizon.

5. What theories explain what happens beyond the Event Horizon?

Currently, there are various theories, including general relativity and quantum mechanics, that attempt to explain what happens beyond the Event Horizon. However, due to the extreme conditions, it is still an area of ongoing research and exploration.

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