Questions on Freidel's Group Field Theory (hep-th/050516)

In summary, Laurent Freidel's article discusses the theory of group field theory, which is a new type of quantum field theory that is based on the concept of spin foam models. The theory has many applications, and is interesting in its own right.
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Questions on Freidel's "Group Field Theory (hep-th/050516)"

In Laurent Freidel's general description of group field theory," , which I am studying as preparation for the paper on getting quantum dynamics out of kinematics which was recommended by Helge Rose', I have hit a question. So in case others may want to follow this course to exciting new results, I pose it here, and dignify it with a thread in expectation there will be other questions.
Freidel says:
There are many examples of such {sc. spin foam} models. Historically, the first example is due to Ponzano and Regge [6]: They showed that the quantum amplitude for euclidean 2 + 1 gravity with zero cosmological constant can be expressed as a spin foam model where the group G is SU(2), the faces are labelled by SU(2) spin jf ... The remarkable feature of this model is that it doesn’t depend on the choice of the two complex F but only on MF
My question is: how far is this invariance due to features of the Ponzano-Regge model and how far is it a combinatorial expression of the lack of local degrees of freedom in 2-D GR? In general how does the combinatorial structure of a spin-foam model relate to the underlying dynamics on the manifold being represented?
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I suppose you meant hep-th/0505016, "Group field theory: An overview"?
  • #3
Timbuqtu said:
I suppose you meant hep-th/0505016, "Group field theory: An overview"?

Yes. Quoting from the conclusion:

L. Friedel said:
We will like this letter to be an invitation for the reader to look more closely and further develop the GFT’s as a third quantized version of gravity. As we have argued, in order to insure that these theories effectively encode the dynamics of General relativity one needs to gain an understanding on the action of diffeomorphisms on spin foams
model and its counterpart in GFT, presumably implemented as a renormalisation group. We have discussed so far pure gravity models and a consistent inclusion of matter fields and particles in the GFT framework is clearly needed. Finally, an understanding of the physical meaning and properties of GFT instantons will provides us a window into the
non perturbative physics of these theories.
  • #4
selfAdjoint said:
My question is: how far is this invariance due to features of the Ponzano-Regge model and how far is it a combinatorial expression of the lack of local degrees of freedom in 2-D GR? In general how does the combinatorial structure of a spin-foam model relate to the underlying dynamics on the manifold being represented?


It is basically a combinatorial expression of the lack of local degrees of freedom. The beauty of Ponzano-Regge was in actually constructing such an expression.

Sorry, but your second question is a little vague to me.
Kea :smile:

FAQ: Questions on Freidel's Group Field Theory (hep-th/050516)

1. What is Freidel's Group Field Theory?

Freidel's Group Field Theory (GFT) is a mathematical framework that aims to describe quantum gravity in terms of interactions between discrete elements, similar to how particle physics is described using quantum field theory. It is based on the idea that space-time is fundamentally a discrete network of interacting elements, rather than a continuous geometric structure. GFT is still a developing theory and is being actively researched by physicists.

2. How does GFT differ from other theories of quantum gravity?

GFT differs from other theories of quantum gravity, such as string theory or loop quantum gravity, in its approach to describing space-time. While string theory focuses on small, vibrating strings as the fundamental building blocks of space-time, and loop quantum gravity focuses on the quantization of space-time itself, GFT sees space-time as a discretized network of interacting elements. Additionally, GFT incorporates elements of both quantum field theory and group theory, making it a unique approach to quantum gravity.

3. What are the key challenges in developing GFT?

One of the main challenges in developing GFT is finding a consistent and mathematically rigorous way to incorporate gravity into the framework. This involves finding a way to reconcile the discrete nature of GFT with the continuous nature of general relativity, the current theory of gravity. Another challenge is developing a formalism for calculating physical predictions and interpreting the results, as GFT involves a high-dimensional space of possible interactions.

4. How does GFT relate to experimental evidence and observations?

Currently, GFT is primarily a theoretical framework and has not yet been tested experimentally. However, it is designed to be compatible with and potentially able to explain existing experimental evidence and observations in the fields of cosmology and particle physics. As research on GFT continues, it is hoped that it will eventually make testable predictions that can be compared to experimental results.

5. What are the potential implications of GFT for our understanding of the universe?

If successfully developed, GFT could provide a unifying framework for understanding the fundamental interactions between matter and space-time at the quantum level. It could potentially lead to a better understanding of the early universe, the nature of black holes, and the behavior of matter under extreme conditions. Additionally, GFT may offer insights into the nature of space-time and the fundamental structure of the universe, potentially leading to new technologies and applications.

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