Group Extensions: A by B (Z_4 X Z_2, Z_8, Square Symmetries & Quaternions)

  • Thread starter calvino
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In summary, the conversation discusses finding 4 extensions of groups A and B of order 4 or less, with suggestions that A could be Z_4 and B could be Z_2. Additional possibilities are explored, with emphasis on working out the possible extensions of Z_4 by Z_2. The conversation also touches on the importance of understanding relations and simplifying 'words' in group composition. Ultimately, the conversation concludes with the suggestion to consider all possible choices of elements for A and B to find the desired extensions.
  • #1
On my exam review sheet, the prof said that we would have a question where we would have to find 4 extensions of A by B (A,B groups of order 4 or less). My friend said that by research on possible extensions ( plus the fact that this is an introductory algebra course), he/she has concluded that it is most probable that A would have be Z_4, and B would have to be Z_2 (Do you have any input as to whether this is "most probable", considering this is an intro. course?). Now, I have two questions

1)Considering the groups mentioned above, I have come up with 4 extensions of A by B... (Z_4 X Z_2), Z_8, (The symmetries of a square), and Hamilton's Quaternions. What are other possibilities?

I understand that I have asked about group extensions in another section, but I think this thread has somewhat of a difference. Thanks for the help.
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  • #2
It's a group of order 8, just work the possibilities. Try working out the possible extensions of Z_3 by Z_2, there are only two possible groups or order 6. That is an easy introduction.

There really aren't that many groups of order 8, and even fewer that must contain an element of order 4.

Seriously, just do it.

Z_4 by Z_2, we know there's an element t of order 4, and an element s of order 2, so all we need to do is work out sts^{-1} and that's it. Since it is a finite group, what are the options? sts^{-1} can't be s or Id if it's t then you've got Z_4xZ_2, so what are the other options? (Hint the elements are Id,t,t^2,t^3,s,st,st^2,st^3 and that's it)
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  • #3
matt grime said:
all we need to do is work out sts^{-1} and that's it. Since it is a finite group, what are the options? sts^{-1} can't be s or Id if it's t then you've got Z_4xZ_2, so what are the other options? (Hint the elements are Id,t,t^2,t^3,s,st,st^2,st^3 and that's it)

Thanks. I have an exam right now, and so I'll work it out when I get home (By "work out sts^{-1}", you DID mean to plug in values and do the bit of scratchwork right?). As for the hint... how did you come up with those elements? I guess I have a lot more studying to do, If I can't even understand what you're saying (not completely, anyway). I'll be back in some hours with my response..

thanks for the post
  • #4
Actually I was being too hasty there.

Let's think what group extension means here

we have an extension of Z_4 by Z_2, that is we have G with Z_4 normal in G and G/Z_4=Z_2

So, let t generate the subgroup Z_4, and there are two cosets for G/<t>, let s lie in the non-identity one.

Thus every element in G is exactly one of:

e,t,t^2,t^3 (the coset of Z_4 corresponding to the identity)
s,st,st^2,st^3 (the coset of s)

to specify all possible G we now need to work out some relations. In particular, we need to know the order of s, and what sts^{-1} is, and when we do that we have completely fixed G.

Now, I made a mistake when I said s^2=e, that is not necessarily true. What is true is that in the quotient group the coset ^2 =[e], thus s^2 is one of e,t,t^2,t^3, and you need to consider all these possibilities too, and how s conjugates with t.

Why? Every element in G is simply some 'word' in the letters 's' and 't', since they are generators for G. What is now important is knowing how to simplify these 'words' so you can identify how many different rules of composition there are.

To do this with any group it suffices to know how to write the words in a special order. The best special order is to have all the s at the start and t at the end, ie so it is one of our list of elements in the cosets. Thus given two elements in the cosets I need to know the rule for obtaining their composition. Knowing what sts^{-1} is allows me to do this. Note, Z_4 is normal so sts^-1 is some power of t.

Suppose that s^2=t^a and s^{-1}ts=t^b (which is the same as ts=st^b) , then I can compose any two elements, say st and st^3 using these rules:

stst^3 = s(st^b)t^3 by rule two = s^2t^{3+b} = t^at^{3+b}=t^{a+3+b}

so now I need to figure out all choices of a and b that are compatible. It was impossible to get the cyclic group of order 8 out of my first analysis written too close to getting home from the pub last night, and that corresponds to the choice of s^2=t, and st=ts: this gives an abelian group and s has order 8 which is hence cyclic generator.

FAQ: Group Extensions: A by B (Z_4 X Z_2, Z_8, Square Symmetries & Quaternions)

1. What is the significance of "Group Extensions" in mathematics?

Group extensions are a fundamental concept in mathematics, particularly in the study of abstract algebra. They provide a way to construct new groups from existing ones and help to classify and understand the structure of groups.

2. How is the group extension A by B related to the direct product of groups?

The group extension A by B, denoted as A ⋊ B, is a semidirect product of groups. This means that A and B are subgroups of the larger group A ⋊ B, and the elements of A and B interact in a specific way to form the new group. In some cases, the group extension A by B is equivalent to the direct product of A and B, but in other cases, it may have a different structure.

3. Can you give an example of a group extension using the dihedral group?

Yes, the group extension Z_2 by Z_3 is an example of a group extension using the dihedral group D_3, also known as the triangle group. This extension is isomorphic to the symmetric group S_3 and can be represented as Z_2 ⋊ Z_3 = {(0,0), (0,1), (0,2), (1,0), (1,1), (1,2)} with the operation (a,b)(c,d) = (a+c, b+(-1)^c * d).

4. What are some applications of group extensions in physics?

Group extensions have various applications in physics, particularly in the study of symmetry and symmetry breaking. They are used to describe the symmetries of physical systems and help to classify different types of symmetries. Group extensions are also used in quantum field theory to understand the symmetries of particles and their interactions.

5. Can you explain the connection between group extensions and quaternions?

Quaternions are a type of hypercomplex number system that extends the complex numbers. They have a deep connection to group extensions, as they can be used to represent rotations in three-dimensional space and can be expressed as a group extension of the group of unit quaternions by the subgroup of real numbers. This connection has applications in computer graphics and robotics.

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