How to Separate Rust Iron (Fe2O3) into Ferum/Iron and Oxygen?

In summary, the conversation discusses possible experiments for separating rusted iron into its elements of Iron and Oxygen. The first method involves using a single replacement reaction with Iron Oxide and a more active metal, such as Aluminum, to produce Iron metal and Oxygen gas. Another method involves using Carbon to reduce the Iron Oxide and collecting the resulting Carbon Dioxide gas to produce Oxygen gas. The issue of contaminants, such as ethylene gas, and safety concerns are also mentioned. The idea of using hydrogen to reduce the Iron Oxide and collecting the water generated is also suggested.
  • #1
Greetings, i am assigned to do a project which requires us to do experiment on ways to separate the rusted iron into 2 elements which are Iron and Oxygen. Anyone have any idea about that?:bugeye:
Chemistry news on
  • #2
So it needs to be a practical experiment which you can perform and you need to produce Iron metal and Oxygen gas from the Iron (III) Oxide……hmmmm

The first thing that comes to mind would be to do a single replacement reaction with the Iron Oxide and a more active metal (like Aluminum, for example), to produce the Iron metal and leaving another metal Oxide. You could then melt and electrolytically refine the metal oxide back to the original metal and in the process give off Oxygen gas.
For example,
Fe2O3 + 2Al --> 2Fe + Al2O3

Al+3 + 3e- --> Al
2O-2 --> O2 + 4e-

But I suppose you could have cut the thermite process out and saved yourself a step by just melting and electrolysizing the Fe2O3 directly (if it wouldn’t decompose first), but neither Fe2O3 or Al2O3 melt at very reasonable temperatures, so this method isn’t too practical.

Another method that comes to mind would be to use Carbon to reduce the Iron in the Iron Oxide back to its elemental state while producing Carbon Dioxide gas.
2 Fe2O3 + 3 C --> 4 Fe + 3 CO2
One could then collect this Carbon Dioxide gas and (using a plant’s photosynthetic abilities) produce Oxygen gas and some sugar….or some other method of breaking up the CO2 back into Carbon and Oxygen gas.
I guess this isn’t too practical of an idea either.

Getting the Iron metal back is relatively easy….it is getting the Oxygen back which is posing a problem in my ideas.
  • #3
Thanks for the answer.

Thanks for the reply. I will go and try it out. Hopefully it will work out for me.
  • #4
But some plants release ethylene gas (C2H4) besides the oxygen and water vapor which may contaminate the sample. But unless you are using a dandelion or a plant with a fruit on it i wouldn't be too worried. If you use aluminum keep the temperature below 2204 degrees celcius because that could initate a thermite reaction and you can't put those out with water. Go do some research before you get into it too deeply.
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  • #5
You could reduce the iron oxide with hydrogen at elevated temperature and capture the water generated. Simple hydrolysis of the water gives you oxygen and the hydrogen to recycle into your process.

Google the Artemis Project.
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  • #6
Thanks. I will try the safer experiment.

FAQ: How to Separate Rust Iron (Fe2O3) into Ferum/Iron and Oxygen?

1. How can I separate rust iron into ferum/iron and oxygen?

One way to separate rust iron (Fe2O3) into ferum/iron and oxygen is by using a process called electrolysis. This involves passing an electric current through a solution containing the rust iron, which causes the iron to be deposited on one electrode and the oxygen to be released at the other electrode.

2. Can I use heat to separate rust iron into ferum/iron and oxygen?

Yes, it is possible to use heat to separate rust iron into ferum/iron and oxygen. This process, known as thermal decomposition, involves heating the rust iron to a high temperature, causing it to break down into its component elements of iron and oxygen.

3. What chemicals can I use to separate rust iron into ferum/iron and oxygen?

There are several chemicals that can be used to separate rust iron into ferum/iron and oxygen. These include strong acids, such as hydrochloric acid or sulfuric acid, which can dissolve the rust iron and release the iron and oxygen as separate compounds.

4. Is it possible to separate rust iron into ferum/iron and oxygen without using chemicals?

Yes, there are non-chemical methods for separating rust iron into ferum/iron and oxygen. One method is using a magnet to attract the iron particles, leaving the oxygen behind. Another method is using a filter to separate the larger iron particles from the smaller oxygen particles.

5. Can I separate rust iron into ferum/iron and oxygen at home?

Yes, it is possible to separate rust iron into ferum/iron and oxygen at home, but it may require specialized equipment and knowledge. Some methods, such as electrolysis, may be more difficult to perform without proper training. It is important to be cautious and follow safety guidelines when attempting to separate rust iron at home.
