How to prove that a topological space is non-hausdorff?

In summary, there are multiple ways to show that a topological space is not Hausdorff, such as finding a counterexample to the definition or a sequence that converges to more than one point. Additionally, checking for properties like compactness and metrizability can also determine Hausdorffness. The Zariski topology, defined as all cofinite sets, is an example of a space that is not Hausdorff as it does not have disjoint open sets.
  • #1
Is there a method or an algorithm or a theorem or whatever that tells us a topological space is not a Hausdorff space?
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  • #2
This depends on the space in question.
I think finding a counterexample to the definition shouldn't be so hard. Another thing you can do is to find a sequence that converges to more than one point (but if such a sequence does not exist, then the space can still be Hausdorff).

You have any specific space in mind??
  • #3
If you don't have enough information to actually exhibit a pair of points that can't be separated by disjoint open neighborhoods, then the only other way I can think of to show non-Hausdorff-ness would be to have a counterexample to one of the properties that Hausdorff spaces have (e.g. that compact subsets are closed).
  • #4
You can check the above conditions and throw-in metrizability as a sufficient--tho not necessary --condition for Hausdorffness.

Still, I think the question is too broad* ; and you may find a better answer if you know how the space is presented/described to you.

*tho, don't get me wrong, I like broads.
  • #5
for example Zariski topology, How do we show that it is non-Hausdorff? I'm just interested to know how we could see if a space is Hausdorff or not.
  • #6
AdrianZ said:
for example Zariski topology, How do we show that it is non-Hausdorff? I'm just interested to know how we could see if a space is Hausdorff or not.

What do you mean with the Zariski topology here?? Do you mean the topology consisting of all cofinite sets, or do you mean the topology associated with a commutative ring??

Let's say you mean the former, then we have an infinite set X and a topology

[tex]\mathcal{T}=\{U\subseteq X~\vert~X\setminus U~\text{is finite}\}\cup \{\emptyset\}[/tex]

Take two arbitrary non-empty open sets U and V. Then [itex]U\cap V[/itex] is nonempty (check this). So the space is Hausdorff because there don't exist disjoint open sets!

FAQ: How to prove that a topological space is non-hausdorff?

1. What is a topological space and why is it important?

A topological space is a mathematical concept that describes the properties of a set and its subsets. It is important because it allows us to understand the structure of a space and how its elements are related to each other.

2. How is the Hausdorff property defined?

The Hausdorff property is defined as follows: for any two distinct points in a topological space, there exist disjoint open sets containing each point.

3. How do you prove that a topological space is non-hausdorff?

To prove that a topological space is non-hausdorff, you must find two distinct points in the space that do not have disjoint open sets containing them. This can be done by constructing a counterexample or by showing that the space violates one of the properties of the Hausdorff property.

4. What are some common examples of non-hausdorff spaces?

Some common examples of non-hausdorff spaces include the line with two origins, the cofinite topology, and the Zariski topology.

5. Can a topological space be both hausdorff and non-hausdorff?

No, a topological space cannot be both hausdorff and non-hausdorff. The Hausdorff property is a necessary condition for a topological space to be considered hausdorff, so if a space fails this property, it cannot be hausdorff.
