Probe returning with asteroid rock sample

In summary, the Japanese space probe Hayabusa has completed its journey to the asteroid Itokawa, collected samples, and is now headed back to Earth. Scientists hope to gain insight into the origins of the solar system from studying the asteroid's fragments. The probe had some technical difficulties, but the Japanese space agency is still hopeful for a successful mission.
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---quote from Guardian---
Probe returning to Earth after asteroid landing

Alok Jha
Monday November 28, 2005
The Guardian

The Japanese space probe Hayabusa began its journey home yesterday after becoming the first spacecraft to successfully land on an asteroid and collect samples.
Scientists want to study the fragments of the 300-metre-wide asteroid Itokawa, 180m miles from Earth, for signs of how the solar system was born. The probe fired a metal ball into Itokawa and collected the debris. Jaxa, the Japanese space agency, will not be certain of total success until the probe has been opened after its return, planned for 2007.

The probe had technical difficulties last week, possibly due to a gas leak.

Anybody know more about this? Any information about the asteroid called Itokawa?
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  • #2
This is fascinating! I'm so excited to see what the scientists discover from the samples. It's incredible that a spacecraft was able to successfully land on an asteroid and collect samples. I'm really curious to know if they found anything interesting.

FAQ: Probe returning with asteroid rock sample

What is the purpose of a probe returning with an asteroid rock sample?

The purpose of a probe returning with an asteroid rock sample is to gather valuable information about the composition and history of the asteroid. This can provide insight into the formation of our solar system and potentially even the origins of life on Earth.

How does a probe collect an asteroid rock sample?

A probe typically uses a robotic arm or drill to collect a sample from the surface of the asteroid. The sample is then stored inside a sealed container to prevent contamination and brought back to Earth for analysis.

What type of information can be obtained from an asteroid rock sample?

An asteroid rock sample can provide information about the mineralogy, chemical composition, and structure of the asteroid. It can also reveal clues about the conditions in which the asteroid formed and the processes that have shaped it over time.

Why is it important to study asteroid rock samples?

Studying asteroid rock samples can help us better understand the history and evolution of our solar system. It can also provide insight into the potential resources that asteroids may hold, such as valuable minerals and water, which could be used for future space exploration and colonization.

What challenges are involved in collecting an asteroid rock sample and bringing it back to Earth?

Collecting an asteroid rock sample and bringing it back to Earth is a complex and challenging process. It requires precise navigation and control of the probe, as well as careful planning and execution of the sample collection and return mission. Additionally, the sample must be protected from contamination and safely transported back to Earth for analysis.

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