Evidence of String Theory Found

In summary, a theorist by the name of Kremlic Dormac has found evidence of String Theory within Isolated Monopoles within the last week. If verified, this would be a major discovery and would be reported as such.
  • #1
I was reading through Wikipedia under 'String Theory' recently and discovered that within the lest week a Theoretical Physicist by the name of Kremlic Dormac has found evidence of String Theory within Isolated Monopoles. - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/String_theory
This is extremely interesting and the existence of Magnetic Monopoles is a substantial prediction made by Superstring Theory

If anyone cares to elaborate based on opinion or has more information on this exploration in String Theory please do so.
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
So, somebody on wikipedia modified a page to claim that an obscure theoretician made an experimental discovery, and you decided to buy it ? Did you at least cross check any information ? Who is this theoretician, where does he work at, where can we find a publication for the monopole discovery ?
  • #3
I am primarily asking for people's opinions in order to falsify or support this discovery through direct evidence which I have been unable to find. So I'll believe this to be true until someone can tell me otherwise. Do you think this is false? If so then I'll just end this thread. I created this thread so people can collaborate and information and be discovered easier rather than me searching endlessly as an individual.
  • #4
Kevin_Axion said:
I am primarily asking for people's opinions in order to falsify or support this discovery through direct evidence which I have been unable to find. So I'll believe this to be true until someone can tell me otherwise. Do you think this is false?
Yes I do believe this is fake. Monopoles are "discovered" every now and then, sometimes even making it to publication. Note that in experimental sciences, a discovery (especially an important one) awaits for confirmation to be considered "true". Until confirmation it is just a claim. For confirmation, one needs a description in a publication detailed enough so that one can judge credibility and reproduce the experiment independently. Without publication, it is customary not to loose one's time. I am really saying : wikipedia is a great resource, but certainly requires cross-checks.
  • #5
Thanks for the response, very insightful. I'm extremely curious and I just wanted a educated and knowledgeable response which you provided. I see that it's not right to assume until thorough verification and testing is conducted.

  • #6
I checked arxiv for Kremlic Dormac: zero hits.
Then I checked google: two hits! one linking to physics forum, one to the Wikipedia article.
  • #7
If a plausible discovery and especially if verified, it's a major discovery and will be reported as such.
  • #8
Magnetic monopoles are a generic prediction of most grand unified gauge field theories, and are not specific to string theory per se.
  • #10
Is that the Arabic Physics Forums?
  • #11
no idea - irony doesn't care about those minor details

FAQ: Evidence of String Theory Found

1. What is string theory?

String theory is a theoretical framework in physics that attempts to reconcile quantum mechanics and general relativity by describing the fundamental building blocks of the universe as tiny, vibrating strings rather than point-like particles.

2. What is the evidence for string theory?

There is currently no direct experimental evidence for string theory. However, researchers have found several mathematical consistencies between string theory and other well-established theories, such as quantum mechanics and general relativity. Additionally, recent discoveries in particle physics, such as the Higgs boson, provide support for the existence of string theory.

3. How was evidence of string theory found?

The evidence of string theory was not found through direct observation or experimentation. Instead, it is based on mathematical equations and models that have been developed over several decades by physicists and mathematicians. These equations have been used to make predictions that have been tested and found to be consistent with our current understanding of the universe.

4. What implications does the evidence of string theory have?

If the evidence for string theory is confirmed, it would have major implications for our understanding of the universe. It would provide a more comprehensive framework for explaining the fundamental laws of nature and could potentially lead to a unified theory of physics. It could also provide insights into phenomena such as dark matter and dark energy, which are currently not well understood.

5. Is the evidence of string theory widely accepted in the scientific community?

While string theory is a well-studied and highly debated topic among physicists, the evidence for string theory is not yet widely accepted in the scientific community. Some researchers believe that it holds great promise for understanding the universe, while others remain skeptical due to the lack of direct experimental evidence. Further research and experimentation will be necessary to fully evaluate the validity of string theory.

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