Reminding Yourself to stay motivated.

  • Thread starter PFStudent
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In summary: Just by recalling the memories and getting excited about learning again, I've been able to push through some of the more difficult tasks. In summary, sometimes we need to remind ourselves of why we are doing what we are doing, and find something to get excited about.
  • #1

I was just wondering how you guys remind yourself to keep motivated when you feel like your bogged down with college work. Or when you feel like your confronted with so much to do--that you feel you just can't do it all (in your classes).

I know I feel like that sometimes. So, often I need to figure out how to get "back into the game," so to speak and stay motivated in my mathematics and physics courses.

So, how do you guys stay motivated?


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  • #2
  • #3
A night of stargazing does it for me, but I do graduate astrophysics so it may not work for everyone.
  • #4
Coincidentally, just two hours ago I gave myself a serious pep talk as I was staring out the window of a plane into the rainy night, flying back to school for this last stretch. Over this past Thanksgiving break, I found myself feeling very overwhelmed with the sheer amount of responsibilities, upcoming deadlines, and challenges that face me. There's no humanly way I'll be able to accomplish everything to the quality I've come to expect from myself, and I've been giving myself hell because of it. Self-pity can be paralyzing. We really are our own worst critics, aren't we?

But I will do my best. What is the alternative - give up, cry, and fail in pursuing my dream? I've gotten this far, and I'm not going to allow myself be defeated. I can accomplish the tasks set forth for me, or else I would not have been entrusted with them to begin with. I will self-motivate and focus because I must. To do otherwise really isn't an option for me. I will do what I must do now, and the benefits will come later.

And if I do fail in some way, it's really not the end of the world. I'll pick myself up and move on. No one expects me to be perfect. I may not be able to complete these last assignments or ace these exams, but in the long run, it's persistence, not perfection, that really matters.

Best wishes to you all.
  • #5
This might sound extra snobby but I sometimes like to check out houses online in the "nicer" part of town. It's not because I have a thing for houses but more so to remind me that great things are ahead and I have to work for them. And I also like reading inspirational quotes from time to time.
  • #6
Sometimes I think about the good test grades I get and how it feels to know that you did really well in it. This can especially help if you've done well in a class altogether. In my case, it was my ODE class and I didn't get below a 95 on anything, so it made me feel good about myself. Maybe you have a previous course in which you can do the same?
  • #7
PFStudent said:

I was just wondering how you guys remind yourself to keep motivated when you feel like your bogged down with college work. Or when you feel like your confronted with so much to do--that you feel you just can't do it all (in your classes).



Yes i would like to commiserate with you, finding my 2nd year in physics a lot of work!
  • #8
Reread (or rewatch, or whatever) some of the things that inspired you in the first place. The other I day I was frustrated with the amount of work I had to do, and so instead of doing it I was surfing the net, pretty much looking for excuses not to work. As it happened, I stumbled upon a documentary on Feynman on YouTube. I spent an hour watching the video, listening to him talk, and getting excited about physics all over again. After the video I stayed up half the night doing lab reports. The same thing has happened to me when I reread part of Cosmos, or other old texts that got me hooked in the first place.

FAQ: Reminding Yourself to stay motivated.

1. How can I remind myself to stay motivated?

One way to remind yourself to stay motivated is to set specific goals and create a plan to achieve them. Write down your goals and keep them in a visible place, such as on your desk or phone. You can also try using positive affirmations or visual reminders to stay motivated.

2. What are some effective ways to stay motivated?

Some effective ways to stay motivated include breaking larger goals into smaller, more achievable ones, surrounding yourself with positive and supportive people, and celebrating small successes along the way. It can also be helpful to regularly reflect on your progress and remind yourself of why you are working towards your goals.

3. How can I stay motivated when facing challenges or setbacks?

It can be challenging to stay motivated when facing obstacles or setbacks, but one way to do so is to reframe your thoughts and focus on the progress you have made rather than the setbacks. It can also be helpful to seek support from others and remind yourself of your ultimate goals and why they are important to you.

4. Is it important to have a routine to stay motivated?

Having a routine can be helpful for staying motivated as it creates structure and consistency in your actions. However, it is important to also be flexible and adjust your routine as needed. It's also important to find a routine that works for you and fits your individual needs and goals.

5. Can rewards help with staying motivated?

Rewards can be an effective tool for staying motivated, but it's important to choose rewards that align with your goals and values. It's also important to not solely rely on external rewards and to also find internal motivation and satisfaction in your actions and progress.

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