Prove a sum identity for bessel function

In summary, the student is trying to solve a differential equation, but does not have the background knowledge to do so. He has been working hard for the past three days, but is still stuck. He has two concerns- one is that if he does not solve the equation, he will get a low grade on the course; the other is that he might not be able to use the techniques he learned in his computer science career if he does not solve the equation.
  • #1
Hi This is one of the problems for my take home final exam on differential equations.
I have been looking for a solution for this problem intensely for the last two days. This problem comes from Calculus vol 2 by Apostol section 6.24 ex 7. here it is

Homework Statement

Use the identities in exercise 6 to show that:




Homework Equations

The identities that I already proved in exercise 6 are:




The Attempt at a Solution

As I mentioned in the introduction I have looked for possible solutions and background information for a while but I'm still stuck.

The best source for information on this problem is,M1" but I also don't undertstand how hansen changes the from

I think the problem is that I just don't have enough knowledge of power series to know how to handle this problem. I just don't know how to approach the problem. I though t that maybe:

[tex]2\sum^{\infty}_{n=1}\frac{J^{2}_{0}}{2}+J^{2}_{n}[/tex](is this even right?)

and then try to change it into something that looks like a recurrence relation

other approach I tried was to expand the series and try recurrence relations there. but I got stuck there too.

Thanks very much for any help or links to relevant information.
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  • #2
Note that we write sums as [tex]\sum_{n=1}^{\infty}[/tex] and not with the limits the other way around. Also there's a typo in your first equation; I presume it should read J_n^2.

I'm not too sure about helping you pass a final, though; it doesn't seem right to me.
  • #3
Thanks for the corrections. I made an error and copied and pasted it over and over.

cristo said:
I'm not too sure about helping you pass a final, though; it doesn't seem right to me.

I understand, but just so you know, I have been working very hard for the last three days to try and solve this problem. I simply don't have enough background knowledge to solve this. I'm not a genius, but I compensate for it by working very hard. I also don't have a very good mathematical background since I wasted my time in my school years, joined the army and I'm now 29 trying to learn what I should have learned then, but I'm trying to make up for it by working hard and trying to fill the great gaps in my knowledge.

If I don't solve this problem I might get a B in the course, as I have all A's so far. It's not bad, except that a B will lower my GPA to 3.89 taking away my full scholarship with it. I have to admit that is my primary concern. But I have a second concern, missing out on techniques that might come useful later in my computer science career.

That said, I understand that grades should be earned, and I respect that, it's just that form my point of view I'm earning it by time spent working on it, knowledge gained by reading about it and taking the time for asking for help here. I still have to understand the solution, and while I might never be as creative as Euler or Bessel and might understand just enough to make it clearer to other by teaching or applying it to computer science.

Thanks for the corrections and honest response, I hope I have given a satisfactory reason to get help, since it is the most sincere I can give.
  • #4
I don't mean to digress from the topic, but what exactly is a "take home final exam"?
  • #5
it means that I don't sit in the classroom to take the test, instead it's homework that I have to turn in for the final grade.
  • #6
IF anyone that have any idea reads this, I will be happy with a quick pointer in the right direction, like reading material or general subject for the proposed solution. Also excuse my English, it is not my first language.

FAQ: Prove a sum identity for bessel function

What is a Bessel function?

A Bessel function is a special type of mathematical function that is commonly used in physics and engineering to describe a variety of physical phenomena. It was first introduced by the mathematician Daniel Bernoulli and is named after the mathematician Friedrich Bessel.

What is a sum identity for Bessel functions?

A sum identity for Bessel functions is a mathematical formula that relates the values of two different Bessel functions. It allows us to express one Bessel function in terms of another, which can be useful for simplifying calculations and solving equations.

Why is it important to prove a sum identity for Bessel functions?

Proving a sum identity for Bessel functions is important because it helps us understand the relationships between different Bessel functions and how they can be used to describe physical phenomena. It also allows us to make predictions and solve problems in physics and engineering.

What are some common techniques for proving a sum identity for Bessel functions?

Some common techniques for proving a sum identity for Bessel functions include using complex analysis, applying properties of the Bessel function, and using mathematical induction. Other techniques may also be used depending on the specific identity being proven.

Can sum identities for Bessel functions be generalized to other types of functions?

Yes, sum identities for Bessel functions can often be generalized to other types of mathematical functions, such as trigonometric functions or hypergeometric functions. This allows us to apply the concepts and techniques used in proving Bessel function identities to solve a wider range of mathematical problems.
