Effects of Water Temp on Speed of Drainage

In summary, the time it takes for a wash basin to empty is consistently shorter when initially filled with cold water compared to hot water due to differences in density and Reynolds number.
  • #1
1)I have noticed a physical phenomenon that is fairly consistent if I repeat the process in varied surroundings. This situation is this: I fill a wash basin that has a removable plug, pull the plug and record the length of time required for the basin to empty. I can repeat the exercise filling the basin from either the hot or the cold tap. I notice that the time to empty is consistently less if I initially fill the basin with cold water. What is the explanation for this observation?3) The hot water is denser than the cold water once it cools which leads to an increase in Reynolds number. This signifies greater turbulence which leads to more skin friction on the walls of the basin, therefore causing the hot water to drain slower.
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  • #2
On the other hand, cold water is less dense and has a lower Reynolds number which reduces skin friction and allows the water to drain faster.
  • #3
Additionally, hot water has a lower viscosity compared to cold water, meaning it has a lower resistance to flow. This can also contribute to the faster drainage of cold water. Other factors that can affect the speed of drainage include the size and shape of the basin, the size and shape of the plug, and the water pressure from the tap. Further experiments and analysis would be needed to fully understand the exact mechanisms at play in this phenomenon.

FAQ: Effects of Water Temp on Speed of Drainage

What is the relationship between water temperature and the speed of drainage?

The warmer the water temperature, the faster the speed of drainage. This is because warm water has lower viscosity, meaning the water molecules can move more quickly, allowing for faster drainage.

Why does hot water drain faster than cold water?

Hot water has lower viscosity compared to cold water, which means the water molecules can move more easily and quickly. This results in faster drainage of hot water compared to cold water.

How does water temperature affect the drain's water pressure?

Water temperature does not directly affect the water pressure in a drain. However, as warm water drains faster, it can create a pressure difference in the drain, leading to faster drainage.

Does the material of the drain affect the speed of drainage?

Yes, the material of the drain can affect the speed of drainage. Some materials, such as metal, can conduct heat more easily and quickly, resulting in faster drainage of warm water. Other materials, such as plastic, may not conduct heat as well and can result in slower drainage.

Is there a specific temperature at which water drains the fastest?

There is no specific temperature at which water drains the fastest. However, warmer water will generally drain faster than colder water due to its lower viscosity. The speed of drainage can also depend on other factors such as the material and shape of the drain.
