Do 3x3 Symmetric Matrices Form a Subspace of 3x3 Matrices?

In summary: It contains the 0 vector).In summary, to prove that the set of all 3x3 symmetric matrices is a subspace of the set of all 3x3 matrices under the normal operations of matrix addition and multiplication, one only needs to prove that it is closed under addition and scalar multiplication, and that it contains the zero vector. This can be done by considering two arbitrary symmetric matrices and showing that their sum and scalar multiple are also symmetric, as well as noting that the 0 matrix is trivially symmetric. The other axioms will automatically hold since they are true for the entire vector space.
  • #1
symmetric matrices... help please!

hi can someone tell to correctly use the 10 axioms..
for example: does the set of all 3x3 symmetric matrices form a subspace of a 3x3 matrices under the normal operations of matrix addition and multiplication?
I don't really get how to prove this..
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  • #2

hahatyshka said:
hi can someone tell to correctly use the 10 axioms..
for example: does the set of all 3x3 symmetric matrices form a subspace of a 3x3 matrices under the normal operations of matrix addition and multiplication?
I don't really get how to prove this..
The only things you need to prove are that the set is closed under addition and scalar multiplication. Suppose
[tex]A= \begin{bmatrix}a & b & c \\b & d & e \\c & e & f\end{bmatrix}[/tex]
[tex]B= \begin{bmatrix} u & v & w \\ v & x & y \\w & y & z\end{bmatrix}[/tex]
two symmetric matrices. Is A+ B symmetric? Is [itex]\alpha A[/itex] symmetric for any number [itex]\alpha[/itex]?
  • #3

HallsofIvy said:
The only things you need to prove are that the set is closed under addition and scalar multiplication.

I thought a subspace had to also contain the zero vector (not empty), or am I remembering that wrong?
  • #4

Well, yes. Thanks for the correction. I should have included that- but the 0 matrix is rather trivially symmetric isn't it?

My point is that you do NOT have to prove all "10 axioms". Given a subset of a vector space, things such as "u+ v= v+ u" follow from the fact that they are true of the entire vector space and so true for any subset.

To prove that "U is a subspace of vector space V" you need to prove:
1) U is closed under vector addition.
2) U is closed under scalar multiplication.
and the one I forgot:
3) U is non-empty.

FAQ: Do 3x3 Symmetric Matrices Form a Subspace of 3x3 Matrices?

What is a symmetric matrix?

A symmetric matrix is a square matrix where the elements above and below the main diagonal are mirror images of each other. In other words, if you were to reflect the matrix along the main diagonal, the elements would remain unchanged.

How is a symmetric matrix represented?

A symmetric matrix is typically represented using a capital letter, such as A, and the elements are denoted by aij, where i represents the row and j represents the column.

What are the properties of a symmetric matrix?

Some properties of a symmetric matrix include:

  • All eigenvalues are real
  • The matrix is diagonalizable
  • The matrix is equal to its transpose
  • The sum of two symmetric matrices is also symmetric

How do I check if a matrix is symmetric?

To check if a matrix is symmetric, you can compare the elements above and below the main diagonal. If they are equal, the matrix is symmetric. Alternatively, you can also transpose the matrix and check if it remains unchanged.

What are the applications of symmetric matrices?

Symmetric matrices have various applications in fields such as physics, engineering, statistics, and computer science. They are commonly used to model physical systems, perform data analysis, and in algorithms such as the Cholesky decomposition and the Jacobi method for solving linear equations.

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