Fill in the Blank Help: Solving Complex Equations with Unknown Numbers

  • Thread starter darko
  • Start date
In summary, the conversation involves two problems, the first one being a series of numbers that need to be plugged into the problem to equal 6, and the second one being a limit problem involving the natural log and L'Hopital's rule. The conversation also mentions using the Taylor series and the derivative of a function as possible methods to solve the problems.
  • #1
These two problems are a big pain (never worked a problem in this format before). # represents a number that needs to be plugged into the problem to equal the given number. All #'s are the same when you find them so in problem 1 the 4 unknown #s are not different. #=#

# + 4*#^2+9*#^3+16*#^4... =6

i re wrote it so it looks like this # +2^2 * #^2 + 3^2 * #^3 = 4^2 * #^4
Looks like a taylor series. Series of 1 over 1-x? but how do i apply that?

lim (1+#x)^#/x = 4

for 2 i was really confused. I was thinking of appyling the natrual log so i would get ln #/x (1+#x) and apply L'Hopital's rule to that but i don't think that's the correct method.

Sorry I am just really confused because I never worked problems like these (fill in the blank) before. Any help would be apperciated.
Physics news on
  • #2

[tex]f(x) = \frac {1}{1-x}[/tex]


[tex]\frac {d}{dx} \left( x \frac {df}{dx} \right) = 1 + 2x + 9x^2 + \cdot \cdot \cdot [/tex]

FAQ: Fill in the Blank Help: Solving Complex Equations with Unknown Numbers

What is "Fill in the blank help"?

Fill in the blank help is a type of educational tool or exercise where a phrase, sentence, or paragraph is missing a word or words, and the reader is required to fill in the missing information to complete the text.

How can "Fill in the blank help" be helpful in learning?

"Fill in the blank help" can be helpful in learning as it encourages active recall, which is a more effective way of retaining information compared to passive reading. It also allows learners to test their understanding of a concept or topic and identify any gaps in their knowledge.

What types of subjects or topics can "Fill in the blank help" be used for?

"Fill in the blank help" can be used for a wide range of subjects and topics, including language learning, vocabulary building, grammar, math, science, history, and more. It is a versatile tool that can be adapted to fit different learning objectives.

Are there any disadvantages to using "Fill in the blank help"?

One potential disadvantage of using "Fill in the blank help" is that it may not suit all learning styles. Some learners may find it too structured or repetitive, while others may prefer more open-ended activities. It is important to vary teaching methods and not rely solely on one type of exercise.

How can "Fill in the blank help" be incorporated into classroom teaching?

"Fill in the blank help" can be incorporated into classroom teaching in various ways, such as using worksheets, interactive activities, or online exercises. It can also be used as a formative assessment tool to gauge students' understanding of a topic and inform future lesson plans.
