Is Angular Momentum Quantized Due to Non-Commutable Rotations?

In summary, angular momentum for a free particle, defined as L = v x r, is not quantized. However, for a bound system such as the hydrogen atom, L is quantized due to the rotation of the particle and the confinement of its wave function. This is different from the quantization of energy, which comes from the confinement of the wave itself.
  • #1
You can define angular momentum for a free particle, with respect to another particle? i.e.

L = v x r?

This kind of angular momentum, would it be quantized?

Physics news on
  • #2
lark said:
L = v x r?

Actually, in vectors it's

[tex]\vec L = \vec r \times \vec p = \vec r \times m \vec v[/tex]

This kind of angular momentum, would it be quantized?

For a free particle, L is not quantized, just as neither E nor p are quantized. For a bound system such as the hydrogen atom, L is indeed quantized as is of course the energy.
  • #3
L, that is "orbital" angular momentum, -i X * d/dX, is always quantized -- it is a Hermitean operator, and thus has a spectrum, a discrete one in fact. The fact is that, often, we don't use L for free particles -- except, for example, when we are interested in partial wave scattering amplitudes, or in the multipole expansion for photons, or when we are using the Jacob. and Wick formalism, or when we follow Weinberg's approach to free single particle wave functions. (In both of these, you define the state's momentum along the z axis, and generate all other states by means of rotations.)
Reilly Atkinson
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  • #4
jtbell said:
For a free particle, L is not quantized,
L is always quantized.
  • #5
And the quantization of am is because rotations don't commute, in quantum and classical worlds. (EDIT: or why is it?)

Whereas the quantization of energy comes from confinement in space. When you confine a wave you get standing waves which only allow a certain set of frequency. Due to energy=Planck constant x frequency you get discrete energy values in quanum physics.
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FAQ: Is Angular Momentum Quantized Due to Non-Commutable Rotations?

1. What is Angular Momentum Quantization?

Angular momentum quantization is a fundamental principle in quantum mechanics that states that the angular momentum of a quantum system can only take on certain discrete values, rather than any value on a continuous spectrum.

2. Why is Angular Momentum Quantization important?

Angular momentum quantization plays a crucial role in understanding the behavior of particles at the atomic and subatomic level. It helps explain the observed stability of atoms, and is essential in predicting the energy levels and behavior of electrons in an atom.

3. How is Angular Momentum Quantization calculated?

Angular momentum quantization is calculated using the equation L = mvr, where L is the angular momentum, m is the mass of the particle, v is its velocity, and r is the distance from the axis of rotation. This value is then quantized into discrete units according to the quantum number, l.

4. What is the significance of the quantum number, l, in Angular Momentum Quantization?

The quantum number, l, determines the allowed values of angular momentum for a given quantum system. It also determines the shape of the orbital or path of an electron around the nucleus in an atom. This number ranges from 0 to n-1, where n is the principal quantum number.

5. How does Angular Momentum Quantization relate to the Uncertainty Principle?

The Uncertainty Principle states that it is impossible to know both the position and momentum of a particle with absolute certainty. Angular momentum quantization is one of the ways in which this principle is observed, as it limits the possible values of angular momentum for a particle in a given system.

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