Sibling Universes: Math Rules in Twin & Non-Twin Worlds?

  • Thread starter matt010nj
  • Start date
In summary, the conversation discusses the possibility of different mathematical rules in sibling universes and whether or not the laws of physics would adjust to be consistent in those universes. The concept of parallel universes is also mentioned, with the idea that different levels of multiverses may have similar or different mathematical constants. The conversation concludes with the understanding that while our universe is mathematically consistent, we cannot speak for other universes as none are currently known to exist.
  • #1
Would mathematic rules be the same in sibling universes?If it is an exact twin universe I expect it to be true ,but if it's not an exact twin?Is it possible for inhabitants of a sibling universe to find a diffrent kind of mathematics to describe their physics?
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  • #2
Unkown, and I'm not sure how you would test that hypothesis. Any universe must be mathematically consistent, so the laws would necessarily adjust to be internally consistent. We cannot observe other universes, so far as I know, so the question is purely speculative to me. The one we reside in is obviously mathematically consistent.
  • #3
I guess my question should be : if math is just a "language" to describe physical experiences or a collection of facts that co-exists with our physical world...In addition only, I pretty much believe that if we "know" that our universe is expanding endlessly why not "to think" that parallel universes exists as well(at least so called level one parallel universes - in our timespace just far...far...away... :-)).I'm a fish immersed too deep in science-fiction water,I guess... :(
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  • #4
This universe is mathematically consistent, so far as we know. All physical laws appear to operate in the same manner everywhere over all of time. We cannot speak for other universes as none are known to exist at present.
  • #5
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FAQ: Sibling Universes: Math Rules in Twin & Non-Twin Worlds?

1. What are sibling universes?

Sibling universes refer to the concept that there could be multiple universes existing alongside our own, with slightly different physical laws and constants.

2. How do math rules play a role in sibling universes?

Math rules are believed to be fundamental and unchanging across all universes. Therefore, they provide a common language and framework for understanding and studying the different universes.

3. Can there be sibling universes with completely different math rules?

It is possible that there could be sibling universes with different math rules, but it is also theorized that there are certain fundamental mathematical principles that would remain constant in all universes.

4. How do scientists study or prove the existence of sibling universes?

Scientists use a variety of theoretical models, such as string theory and the multiverse theory, to study and explore the concept of sibling universes. However, it is currently impossible to prove their existence through empirical evidence.

5. Could there be a sibling universe where time or space operates differently?

Yes, there are theories that suggest there could be sibling universes where time and space operate differently, potentially with more or less dimensions than our own universe.

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