Spring schedule for International LQG Seminar

In summary, the ILQGS "conference call" seminars allow listeners to participate from different centers around the world. A new ILQGS blog has been created for people to ask questions about the presentations. The list of past seminar talks and links to audio and slides is available on the ILQGS website. The upcoming speakers for Spring 2011 include researchers from various institutions discussing topics such as inflationary observables, spinfoam cosmology, and the principle of relative locality. This principle may be related to the concept of nonlocality and there is ongoing research on formulating LQG in the context of group field theory.
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The ILQGS "conference call" seminars audio and slide go online, so we can listen. They usually have some 5 or so centers hooked up, so during the presentation you may hear comment/question from Marseille, Nottingham, PennState, Warsaw, Waterloo,...
Then sometimes the speaker will respond to the comment and sometimes someone else from another part of the world. It can get pretty interesting.

They now have a ILQGS blog. Only one post (by John Baez) there so far, and a couple of comments. If it gets going it could be an interesting blog. More people could ask questions about the seminar presentations---those who listen but can't ask questions in real time.

The list of past seminar talks, and links to the audio and slides PDF, are here:
Matteo Smerlak gave a good talk recently. Jerzy Lewandowski gave two.

I'll copy the list of speakers scheduled for Spring 2011.Jan 18 Inflationary observables and observational constraints in LQC Gianluca Calcagni (AEI)

Feb 01 Spinfoam cosmology Francesca Vidotto (Marseille)

Feb 15 Semiclassicality of the loop quantum universe Tomasz Pawlowski (UNB)

Mar 01 The principle of relative locality Laurent Freidel (PI)

Mar 15 Quantum deformation of 4d spin foam models Winston Fairbairn (Hamburg)

Mar 29 Observational signatures in LQC Abhay Ashtekar (PennState)

Apr 12 Simplicity constraints and the role of the Immirzi parameter in quantum gravity James Ryan (AEI)

Apr 26 1/N Expansion for spin foams Razvan Gurau (PI)

May 10 Group field theory: a hint of renormalization Aristide Baratin (Paris-Orsay)When I google "principle [of] relative locality" the only exact hit I get is the announcement of Freidel's talk on ILQGS. So is the principle of relative locality a new principle? Freidel's talk seems to overlap with the Zakopane school (except for the time difference). I'm curious what Freidel means by relative locality.

There's been mention several times here at PF Beyond forum of the possibility of LQG renormalization via Group Field Theory. There is already a bunch of papers and talks about formulating spinfoam LQG in GFT. Razvan Gurau and Aristide Baratin have both contributed papers on that.
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FAQ: Spring schedule for International LQG Seminar

What is the schedule for the International LQG Seminar this spring?

The schedule for the International LQG Seminar this spring can be found on the seminar's official website or by contacting the organizers directly. It typically includes a series of talks and presentations by renowned researchers in the field of Loop Quantum Gravity.

Are there any changes to the usual format of the seminar this spring?

Due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, the International LQG Seminar may be held virtually this spring. The organizers will provide updates on any changes to the usual format on the seminar's website.

Is the seminar open to the public or only to invited guests?

The International LQG Seminar is open to the public, and anyone interested in the topic is welcome to attend. However, registration may be required, and there may be a limited number of spots available for in-person events.

Will there be opportunities for networking and collaboration during the seminar?

Yes, the seminar typically includes breaks and social events to facilitate networking and collaboration among attendees. Additionally, some talks may have Q&A sessions where participants can engage in discussions and ask questions.

Is there a fee to attend the International LQG Seminar this spring?

The seminar is usually free to attend, but there may be a registration fee for certain events or workshops. This information will be provided on the seminar's website or by the organizers.

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