How can I simulate the power grid with distribution generations?

In summary: With a little effort, you can get a very good idea of what might happen if you did this kind of work.Yes, this is an enormous task and something I'm not willing to do myself. I would like to form an interest group of people with similar interests to work together on this.I'm not sure what you mean by "benchmarking your simulator against actual data."
  • #1
Hi all,

i would like to know if there is anything working on power grid simulation or other related work.

I'm currently working on power grid simulation and would like to talk to people with experience in it. Any idea how to simulate the power grid with distribution generations like solar pv, fuel cells, hydro electric, etc etc?

Those without experience do pm me a well as I'm also interested in setting up a platform where people can easily view power grid information on the web, I'll share out the details when things are more finalized.

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  • #2
Welcome to PF.

I'm sure the DOE and the regional distribution centers run simulations. What is your goal and what level of complexity are you going for?
  • #3
I'm trying to incorporate the real world data into the smart grid simulation. that includes wind profile in different regions, solar irradiance, load variation throughout the day (and by region)., fuel cell capacity, inclusion of grid energy storage, and connection from distributed grid to transmission grid.

also thinking of including cost analysis in grid, stability, faults analysis, economics dispatch, load sharing.

Benefits of this is the ability to understand the situation in various region, and see how implementation of smart grid technology could reduce carbon emission, incorporate renewble energy generation, and also economic benefits/cost.

please let me know if you need more information, I'm willing to provide them.
  • #4
Well...what you are describing is an enormous task. Are you doing this yourself?
  • #5
yap it's a lot of work, but I don't plan to do it myself, I aim to form an interest group to do similar work together, for the benefit of academic and students. what do you think?
  • #6
Small generators are typically modeled as reductions in load. IF they can be counted on to work during the weather conditions modeled, the load at the node on the transmission grid is simply reduced. Don't forget to model the reduction[typical] in losses on the distribution system.
  • #7
Don't neglect to benchmark your simulator against actual data. Simulation without benchmarking is like tennis with no net.

FAQ: How can I simulate the power grid with distribution generations?

1. What is simulation of the power grid?

Simulation of the power grid is the process of creating a computer model that mimics the behavior of a real-world power grid. This allows scientists and engineers to study the performance and potential issues of the grid without having to make changes to the actual system.

2. Why is simulating the power grid important?

Simulating the power grid is important because it allows us to understand how the grid operates and predict its behavior under different conditions. This can help identify potential problems and inform decision-making for system improvements and upgrades.

3. What types of simulations are used for the power grid?

There are various types of simulations used for the power grid, including steady-state simulations, dynamic simulations, and transient simulations. Steady-state simulations are used to analyze the long-term behavior of the grid, while dynamic simulations focus on the response to sudden changes. Transient simulations are used to study the behavior during short periods, such as during power outages.

4. What data is needed for simulating the power grid?

Data such as power demand, generation capacity, transmission line characteristics, and weather conditions are needed for simulating the power grid. This data is used to create a model that accurately reflects the real-world system and its behavior.

5. How accurate are simulations of the power grid?

The accuracy of simulations of the power grid depends on the quality of the data and the complexity of the model. With accurate data and a detailed model, simulations can closely match the behavior of the real system. However, unexpected factors and limitations of the model can still affect the accuracy of the simulation results.
