How radioactive is nuclear reactor waste?

In summary, In one year of operation, a typical light water reactor produces 27 tons of spent fuel. This fuel is highly radioactive and produces a lot of heat. It is easy to get an estimate of how much radiation is produced by this radioactive material by looking at data from a website. The radiation produced by this material is 1 Gray/s.
  • #1
I want to know how much radioactivity in Becquerels is produced by a typical light water reactor in one year of operation.

I don't know how one would go about estimating this number. I found one reference that said 27 tons of spent fuel are generated by a typical reactor per year. But I don't really know how radioactive spent fuel is per kg.
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  • #2
Well, there are many different radionuclides present in spent fuel, and with each with a different half life, the activity will vary depending upon when you refer. There are numerous codes that model reactor dynamics and give predicted waste based upon the different parameters (reactor type, fuel enrichment, etc.), but these cost money unless you are a nuclear engineering student." might be a good site to look at.
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  • #3
I don't know the answer either, but I'll bet it varies depending on the output of the reactor.

  • #4
cragwolf said:
I want to know how much radioactivity in Becquerels is produced by a typical light water reactor in one year of operation.

I don't know how one would go about estimating this number. I found one reference that said 27 tons of spent fuel are generated by a typical reactor per year. But I don't really know how radioactive spent fuel is per kg.
If one is referring to spent fuel, then that depends on the batch size, power density, capacity factor and time of operation.

There is not typical light water reactor, although there are relatively common types, such as BWR/4's with 764 assemblies and 4-loop PWRs with core of 193 assemblies of 17x17. However, not all plants operate with the same fuel cycle management, e.g., cycle length, batch size, capacity factor, etc. Cycle lengths in the US are either 18 months or 24 months, although at least one plant uses a unique schedule in between. Batch sizes vary from 30% to nearly 50%. Some plants have uprated a little or a lot from the initial commissioned power rating.

Each plant has to do an estimate of radioactive products just in case. Some may use a so-called standard for the particular class of plant.

I'll see if I can find some representative numbers.
  • #5
cragwolf said:
I want to know how much radioactivity in Becquerels is produced by a typical light water reactor in one year of operation.

I don't know how one would go about estimating this number. ... I don't really know how radioactive spent fuel is per kg.

It's fairly easy to get a rough estimate from publicly available data.

For example, says "After one year, typical spent nuclear fuel generates about 10 kW of decay heat per tonne, decreasing to about 1 kW/t after ten years."

So, let's consider ten year old spent fuel. One 1 kW/t is 1 W/kg = 1 J/(s*kg). Since all this heat is produced solely by radioactive decay, it means that radiation inside spent fuel pellets is 1 Gray/s. (In other words, it's still insanely radioactive).

Since after 10 years most short-lived isotopes have decayed, most of this radioactivity is caused by 30-year half-life isotopes Cs-137 and Sr-90 (see Sr-90 is pure beta emitter, so if fuel is intact, it goes not give off much gammas. Gammas are mostly from Cs-137.

Very roughly, we can assume that about half of the radiation is produced by gamma-active Cs-137. Decay energy of Cs-137 is 1.176 MeV. 1 MeV is 1.602*10^-13 J. Thus decay energy of one decay is 1.884*10^-13 J. In order to generate 0.5 J/s (0.5 W), how many decays of Cs-137 do we need? About 2.5*10^12.

That's the answer you seek: the gamma activity of intact spent fuel after 10 years cool down is about 2.5 Terabecquerels per kg.
  • #6
In" I found the following graph:

It shows the radioactivity of fission products per kg of initially present heavy metal (IHM) in spent PWR fuel at 33 MWd/kg burnup. It seems that after roughly a day we have 1015 Bq/kg in the fission products of the spent fuel. But I don't know what 33 MWd/kg burnup means (MWd = megawatt days?), nor do I know how much IHM a "typical" reactor would use in a year.
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  • #7
nikkkom said:
That's the answer you seek: the gamma activity of intact spent fuel after 10 years cool down is about 2.5 Terabecquerels per kg.

That estimate is not too far off the graph I found. At 10 years, the graph shows 10 Terabecquerels per kg.
  • #8
That is a deceptively simple question. The complete answer takes more that counting discharged fuel bundles and multiplying it by the activity per kg.

There are multiple ways that radioactivity is generated in a nuclear plant. The posters above have focused on the fission product source term. Most of that is discharged as spent fuel based on the replacement batch size during refueling. This also includes transuranics (such as plutonium) that are generated in the core during operation, but are not fission products.

An additional production of radioactivity is due to activation products of coolant (such as tritium, Na-24, etc. ), and neutron activation of structures and components.
One of the largest production of activation products is activation of coolanbt oxygen into N-16 which is a very strong beta/gamma decay source. However it is such a short lived product that it is gone when the plant reaches shutdown. But if you are strictly interested in how much rwadioactivity is produced you should consider it.

In addition there may be production of solid radwaste including used cleaning supplies, anti-contamination clothing, ion exchange resins and so on. There may also be minor liquid and or gaseous releases to the environment. These sources are there and separate from the spent fuel bundles in the fuel pool or dry storage.
  • #9
Check out.

This website has two Java programs that may interest you.
Right side of page about 1/3 of the way down.
They present information, that relates to your question, interactively in graphical form.

1. Spent Nuclear Fuel
2. Decay Chains.

1. Shows various aspects of spent fuel (radioactivity, decay heat, etc) as they change over
2. Shows the decay products of fission over time.
  • #10
Lamarsh gives an equation:

A(t) = 1.4e6 P (t-0.2 - (t+T)-0.2) ) Ci

P is power produced in MegaWatts (I'm assuming he means average power)
T is time in days in the core
t is time in days since removal

To calculate per kilogram, take Mega-Watt days per ton, and divide by about 1000 days active (3 years), then divide by 1000 kg/ton. the result will be P, and T will be 1000.

1 Ci = 3.7e10 Bq

FAQ: How radioactive is nuclear reactor waste?

1. How is the level of radioactivity in nuclear reactor waste measured?

The level of radioactivity in nuclear reactor waste is measured using a unit called the Curie (Ci). This unit measures the rate of radioactive decay in a substance. Another commonly used unit is the Becquerel (Bq), which is used to measure the number of radioactive decays per second in a substance.

2. What elements make up nuclear reactor waste?

Nuclear reactor waste is primarily made up of fission products, which are the elements that are produced when uranium atoms split during the nuclear reaction. These elements include radioactive isotopes of elements such as cesium, strontium, and plutonium.

3. How long does nuclear reactor waste remain radioactive?

The level of radioactivity in nuclear reactor waste can vary depending on the specific elements present. Some elements have a half-life of only a few minutes, while others may have a half-life of thousands of years. Generally, it takes hundreds of thousands of years for nuclear reactor waste to completely lose its radioactivity.

4. How is nuclear reactor waste stored?

Nuclear reactor waste is typically stored in large steel and concrete containers that are designed to withstand high levels of radiation. These containers are often stored in specialized facilities, such as underground repositories or above-ground storage facilities. The waste is also sometimes mixed with glass or cement to immobilize it and reduce the risk of leakage.

5. What are the potential risks and dangers associated with nuclear reactor waste?

The main risk associated with nuclear reactor waste is the potential for radiation exposure. This can occur through direct contact with the waste or through the release of radioactive particles into the environment. Exposure to high levels of radiation can cause damage to cells and tissues, leading to health problems such as cancer. Therefore, proper storage and disposal of nuclear reactor waste is crucial to protect both humans and the environment from potential harm.

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