Is light wave also transverse in media?

In summary: If you look at Maxwell's equations in Sine and Cosine form, you'll see that the electric and magnetic fields are vector quantities. However, the longitudinal electric field is scalar. I guess this is why people sometimes say that light is a transverse wave in media, but not in anisotropic media, such as a crystal.
  • #1
It is no doubt that light is a transverse wave in vaccum. But is it also holds true for the case when light is in a medium?
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  • #2
Not in an anisotropic medium, such as a crystal. That is, when the dielectric constant ε depends on direction. Then you find that the two electric vectors D and E are not even parallel. D is transverse, but E is not.
  • #3
Also in a plasma there is a longitudinal mode, related to plasma oscillations (plasmons).
  • #4
To answer the OP more directly, if the medium is linear, uniform and isotropic, then all of the electrodynamic equations look the same, except that the permeability/permittivity of free space constants get replaced with the permeability/permittivity constants of the material. As a result, transverse plane waves propagate in such a medium in the same way as in vacuum. This is the most common case in everyday life (such as light traveling in water or glass). If the medium is not linear, uniform, or isotropic, then you get extra things happening.
  • #5
But if we express the Maxwell equation with potential in Coulmb gauge,
\begin{gathered} {\nabla ^2}\varphi = - \rho /{\varepsilon _0}\quad ,\quad {{\boldsymbol{E}}_{\text{L}}} = - \nabla \varphi \\
\square {{\boldsymbol{A}}_{\text{T}}} = {\mu _0}{{\boldsymbol{J}}_{\text{T}}}\quad ,\quad {{\boldsymbol{E}}_{\text{T}}} = - \frac{{\partial {{\boldsymbol{A}}_{\text{T}}}}}{{\partial t}}\quad ,\quad {\boldsymbol{B}} = \nabla \times {{\boldsymbol{A}}_{\text{T}}} \\ \end{gathered}
we can see that the scalar potential which corresponds to the longitudinal electric field does not satisfy the wave equation. So is it appropriate to treat the longitudinal electric field as one component of the light wave?
  • #6
blenx, all those equations you just wrote are the free-space (vacuum) versions of Maxwell's equations. I thought from your OP you were curious about waves in matter. The Coulomb gauge is typically only useful in free space, or in linear, uniform, isotropic materials which act like free space as long as you use the right permittivity/permeability of the material in the equations. Those equations show that traveling electromagnetic waves in free space are transverse, although there is a non-traveling near-field longitudinal component.
  • #7
chrisbaird said:
To answer the OP more directly, if the medium is linear, uniform and isotropic, then all of the electrodynamic equations look the same, except that the permeability/permittivity of free space constants get replaced with the permeability/permittivity constants of the material.
You should at least add not optically active to you list of conditions or absence of spatial dispersion in more generality.
  • #8
chrisbaird said:
blenx, all those equations you just wrote are the free-space (vacuum) versions of Maxwell's equations. I thought from your OP you were curious about waves in matter. The Coulomb gauge is typically only useful in free space, or in linear, uniform, isotropic materials which act like free space as long as you use the right permittivity/permeability of the material in the equations. Those equations show that traveling electromagnetic waves in free space are transverse, although there is a non-traveling near-field longitudinal component.

The equations I wrote are general, as long as the charge/current density is understood as the bound charge/current density in media. Of course one can use the polarization and magnetization to replace them, but that dose not change the number of unkonwn quantities. From the equations in Coulmb gauge, one can immediately know that the origin of the longitudinal electric field in media is the existence of the bound charges. What confuses me is whether such longitudinal component should be regarded as the wave's component.

FAQ: Is light wave also transverse in media?

1. Is light wave always transverse in media?

Yes, light waves are always transverse in media. This means that the oscillations of the electric and magnetic fields of light are perpendicular to the direction of wave propagation.

2. What is the difference between transverse and longitudinal waves?

Transverse waves have oscillations perpendicular to the direction of wave propagation, while longitudinal waves have oscillations parallel to the direction of wave propagation.

3. Can light waves be both transverse and longitudinal?

No, light waves can only be transverse. This is because light is an electromagnetic wave, which by definition is transverse.

4. How does the medium affect the transverse nature of light waves?

The medium can affect the speed of light, but it does not change the fact that light waves are transverse. The electric and magnetic fields of light may interact with the particles of the medium, causing changes in the speed of light, but the oscillations remain perpendicular to the direction of wave propagation.

5. Are all types of electromagnetic waves transverse?

Yes, all types of electromagnetic waves, including light, radio waves, microwaves, and X-rays, are transverse. This is a fundamental property of electromagnetic radiation.

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